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Performance schedule?
god, they drag out the wait longer every year.
*is on tenterhooks*
I just got an email from the Kennedys, the performer's don't know their schedule yet. A week and a half ago they told me they'd know in a few days. Maybe Anne is waiting to hear if Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will accept her offer to headline on Saturday.
No Ani is being replaced by the Silver Platters. The Brady Bunch Kids.
omg i am so there.
*keeps on, keeps on, keeps on, keeps on dancin' all thru the night*
You just have a thing for Greg "Storm" Brady.
He is? Who did he replace Mickey Dolenz?
The question is, is he a turtle? Flo and Eddie and Storm! Sounds good to me.
actually, he's chip douglas, the turtle who produced many of the monkees' songs. :P
I'm having a sixties flashback. Chip Douglas was also the name of of the kids on My Three Sons.
it's my three sooooooooons!
it's my three sooooooooooooons! it's my three soooooooooooooooooooons on nick at nite! and then there's buuuuuuuuuuuub! he'll make some fooooooooooooooooood! they've got a doooooooooooooooog on my three sons on nick at nite! my three sons versus full house. discuss.
My Three Sons didn't have Jian's Twin or the Olsen twins.
What about Bachelor Father and Family Affair? A single man taking care of kids with the help of another man was considered major comedy fodder in the 50s and 60s. Not only that I doubt anyone wrote Uncle Bill/Mr. French or Mr. Douglas/Bub-Uncle Charlie slash.
oh, ew, the idea of danny/joey/jesse slash is absolutely terrifying. i need to go scrub my brain with a loofah.
holyshit, i thought i was the only one that remembered all of Nick's little songs on their commercials. do you remember..."looony tunes, you'll find them all on nick! lots of stuff! enough to make you sick. psychoooos..or when your mind gooooes..or when you've had enough..of doing grownup stuff..so when you're loony, absolutely loony, (something something something) dont wait for a full moon-y...."
apparently they still haven't posted the schedule because there's one more change. the bradys won't be able to appear, as peter has suddenly rocketed right into extremely awkward puberty. instead, we'll be treated to the song stylings of folk legend arlo prine, fresh from his residency at jake's biker bar, as seen on the classic abc sitcom step by step.
At least it isn't the Simpsons. They just didn't have it once the original Lisa was replaced. I don't care what they say, I noticed the change.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 19 years, 9 months ago
They finally have the schedule made so it should be posted soon.
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 19 years, 9 months ago
There's one event that is new to Falcon Ridge. It's called the Folk Quiz, and it takes place Saturday at 5:10 - 6:25 on the workshop stage. There's a panel of musicians on stage who compete with the entire audience.
they've been advertising this but haven't given any detail about what it actually is. sounds fun!
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