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Poll: What sort of media is your primary news-source?

Print (Newspaper, Magazine) 15 (22%)
Television 8 (12%)
Radio 7 (10%)
Internet 25 (37%)
The Daily Show 10 (15%)
Other? 3 (4%)
   Discussion: What sort of media is your primary news-source?
I can see the bunny · 22 years, 3 months ago
I'd have to say that most of my info still comes from the newspaper - mainly the Globe and Mail. Supplemented by their website and some other internet based media as well.
iPauley · 22 years, 3 months ago
... but as busy as I am during the day, my primary source tends to be the Internet, either directly or by reading headlines on my Palm.

-- Pauley
Talcott · 22 years, 3 months ago
I think I'm split between the internet and NPR, so I'm going to cast a radio vote here.

NPR junkies represent!
I swear I know more odd trivia from listening to public radio...(now if the Toledo station could just air "Wait, wait, don't tell me" and non-classical music, we'd be set)
Michael (foof) Maki Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Oh, MAN do I miss Minnesota Public Radio. Chicago Public Radio is all right, and God knows I adore This American Life, but I hate how they change to an all-jazz format from 8 P.M. until 4 a.m. I loved listening to the CBC and BBC on MPR late at night.
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
NPR Junkies Unite!!!

"Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" is archived online - so is another great news-comedy-type roundup called "Rewind!"

Eri · 22 years, 3 months ago
when I'm at work, at the radio station, i can always hear the broadcast.. including morning, afternoon, and BBC news.
Mollie · 22 years, 3 months ago
Jon Stewart rocks my world!!!
nate... Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
now that's scary.
The daily show is funny and all.... but primary news source?
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
I get most of my non-primary news from the Internet, but all the heavy stuff bores me and bums me out. That's what TDS is for. ;-)
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
TDS Junkies Unite!

Ok...I voted for radio. Don't tell Jon.
Mollie Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Honestly, I get my news from the internet and NPR, but I guess my allegiance to Jon is stronger...I voted for him. He's just so damn funny!
goovie is married! · 22 years, 3 months ago
wanna know what my primary news source is?
the onion.
no lie.

ps: jaci, no fair. i was gonna use that icon myself. :)
lawrence Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
well, it is "America's Finest News Source." :)
Kevin - King of WiFi · 22 years, 3 months ago
If you're primary source for news is the internet... This just in. Do NOT light matches by holding the stick in your mouth, and dragging the fuel across the box with a snapping neck motion. You *will* singe your nose hairs. "It hurts like a bitch" say's 17 year old Kevin Considine, of Maryland
Rachel Beck · 22 years, 3 months ago
Up until last month, it was NPR with occasional trips to newsy websites. But since early September, I've been copyediting wire and local news stories for the _Daily Iowan_. I usually read each story three times during the night, so I'm much more up on my current events now.

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