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Poll: Why did FHDC disappear for a few days?

In the spirit of Fruvous it went on hiatus 6 (29%)
It needed some time alone 3 (14%)
It ran off to tiajuana with some floozy 3 (14%)
It went on a religious retreat 0 (0%)
It was kidnapped by aliens 2 (10%)
Josh forgot to pay the rent 5 (24%)
It was always there but fools couldn't see it 2 (10%)
I'll have to explain it to you inferior beings 0 (0%)
   Discussion: What happened to FHDC?
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 17 years, 10 months ago
What do you think happened to FHDC?
Starfox Back · 17 years, 10 months ago
You sat on it, didn't you?  Very sly, trying to pass it off as some other explanation.
Misch Back · 17 years, 10 months ago
I thought it was someone sitting on a frog.

Man, I shouldn't have had that chili for lunch...
Mamalissa! · 17 years, 10 months ago
Hey! Who are you calling a floozy!?!

By the way, FHDC ... I think you might still have one of my thongs...

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