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Hey KitH fans!
· 19 years ago
See if you can figure out why I think you should like this band, aside from the fact that they rock:
.morning theft.
Well, I mean, lots of people like them...the whole glam rock playacting thing, I guess...but man, you should really get that lisp checked out...
my favorite coffeehouse had a sign up a few months ago that said something along the lines of, "30 helens agree that you should try our new white teas," and it just made my day.
i was also at a party recently, one of those parties where there are two very specific cliques, and the great bonding moment occured when one of the girls from the other clique and i discovered that we both owned bruce mcculloch's solo cd. kids in the hall: bringing shy nerds and loud marketing professionals together!
I have that cd :)� I also have his follow-up, Drunk Baby Project, which is also very funny.� Got to interview him too, he's really nice!
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