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Meddy Kissmyass

   Discussion: Meddy Kissmyass
renita · 19 years ago
i think my favorite christmas tree ever was one that laura and i made.

we picked up those foam disks from the craft store in three different sizes and a piece of wood dowling.

then we constructed a very erm, well, abstract tree from it, painting the foam green and red and the dowling silver.

the trick with fake trees is, i think, to make it obvious that it's fake, not fake trying to be real.

of course, when i was in germany i got a wee little potted evergreen, like you and paul had. that is also fun :D
zil · 19 years ago
sorry to hear about the luna sickiness. was it a UTI? I hope she's better...

we had a little fake tree this year... I was just not in the christmas mood... sadly.

but I did evergreen baughs around the doorways and great big bows with fancy ribbon.

I'm glad your christmas was dramaless.
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago

Yeah, UTI. Which means pillses. But no more peeing blood so that's good.

I get less in the Christmas mood every year. I think it correlates to money. I'm happier when I have money to buy people gifts.

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