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   Discussion: Thanks
katie · 19 years ago
It doesn't sound selfish at all, in fact, I think you're under-outraged! They've screwed you around practically since you started working there!

If you don't get a decent raise, I think you should TELL them what you said here...especially since you're obviously incredibly valuable.
Annika Back · 19 years ago
I was just about to post something almost word for word.
I'd let them know that you're considering looking for employment elsewhere for those reasons.�� It costs way less to give a raise to someone who is reliable then it does to train one or more people who may or may not stick around.�
renita Back · 19 years ago
renita Back · 19 years ago
also, you don't just feel taken advantage of--you are taken advantage of.

you should be out-raged. i also agree wiith annika, if this doesn't go through, i would definatly let them know that you are starting to look elsewhere for employment.
Andrea Krause Back · 19 years ago
The thing is...they do know. My manager was even happy to hear I was applying other places because she could go back to the higher ups and tell them I'm a flight risk, etc. It's hard to work for a huge corporation because red tape and bureaucracy get in the way of so much. My manager is all for me finding something and forcing their hand. Because that seems to be the only way to circumvent the red tape.

It's all so disheartening.
zil · 19 years ago
you look awesome! and the pinstripe was very *roar* :-D

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