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Visiting Baltimore... suggestions?

   Discussion: Visiting Baltimore... suggestions?
JMD · 19 years, 5 months ago
So I'll be visiting Baltimore for a week in early May for business/academic purposes so I'm looking for suggestions for things to see and do in the evenings. I've never visited the area before, so any info would be helpful. I'll be there over a weekend so I'm hoping to get to Washington on the Saturday that I'll be there. What's the easiest way to get there - are there trains or something that run somewhat frequently during the day on the weekend? I could rent a car but probably won't unless its clearly the easiest way to do the stuff I want to do.

As for stuff in Baltimore I'm probably going to be busy during the weekday during normal work hours, 9-5 or so, but things to do in the evenings and for the Sunday would be good. The Orioles will be playing at home all that week so I'll probably go to a game one evening.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. :)
It's a girl! Back · 19 years, 5 months ago

� There's a commuter train that goes from Penn Station to Union Station.� I'm not sure if it's just a work thing though or if it goes through on weekends too.�� I'd recommend taking the metro to DC--but you'd probably need a car to get to the station.

�� As for things to do in the evening,� this might sound pretty dorky but Baltimore has a seriously awesome aquarium.�� And you can get in for really cheap on Fridays after 5.

� On Sunday I would highly recommend the American Visionary Arts Museum (���

�� If you're more interested in�seeing�live music:������ I'm not sure if there's anything that would appeal to you.� Their Annapolis venue seems more geared to the folkie stuff-- the Baltimore venue is more rock oriented.

���Hope this helps!

sheryls Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
Lead us not into Penn Station!
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
Did you know that is the title of an Album by The Professor and Mary Ann? A really good album I might add.
sheryls Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
it's a line from a Fountains of Waynes song :P
goovie is married! Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
it's also a pretty common joke. so. yeah. :)
sheryls Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
is it? i'm from ohio. "clever" is a�rare commodity. :P
Brian Dinsky Back · 19 years, 5 months ago

Having been there a few times myself, I would LOVE to just say "don't go".� There are some nice museums there, in the main part of the city.� Fell's Point is pretty sweet, as is (I forget the name of the area), where John Waters hails from.� I wish I could remember the name, but all I can remember is that EVERYONE CALLS YOU HUN(HON?).

Avoid North Ave like a MUFUQA.� Seriously.� Granted it's probably not as dangerous as it looks, but it looks friggin' dangerous enough.

My best friend just moved back from living in Baltimore for maybe 6 months, and he couldn't have been happier to get the hell out of there.� I've only been there for about a total of a week, and it wasn't so bad.� There just isn't thatr much to do there, as far as I'm concerned...� Then again, I'm pretty damn boring.

It's a girl! Back · 19 years, 5 months ago

�I wish I could remember the name, but all I can remember is that EVERYONE CALLS YOU HUN(HON?).

That's Hampden hon!�� (as in "honey" not as in "attila")��� And yes it is pretty cool.� It's the home of the best diner ever,� Paper Moon. �

�� Hampden, Fells Point, and Mt. Vernon are all fun and funky neighborhoods to explore.�

��� And the Inner Harbor may be cheesy and commercial, but it's pretty fun too.� Go ride the water taxi, eat some crabs with lots of Old Bay, and revel in the touristy fun.

stealthlori Back · 19 years, 5 months ago
Paper Moon is wonderful, but Cafe Hon is highly amusing too.


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