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BT Moxy Fruvous November 8th, 1997 Harro East Ballroom Rochester, NY

   Discussion: BT Moxy Fruvous November 8th, 1997 Harro East Ballroom Rochester, NY
dgodwin · 20 years ago
Moxy Fr�vous
November 8th, 1997
Harro East Ballroom
Rochester, NY

direct link:

Source: Sony ECM-727p -> Sony TCD-D7
Transfer: Fostex D5 -> DIO 2448 -> Cool Edit Pro 2.0 -> CDWav -> FLAC
Taper: GregM
Transfer: Daniel Godwin ([email protected])
Size: 587 MB (flac)
Live Show Review:

01. Intro
02. Gotta Get A Message To You
03. Poor Mary Lane
04. On Her Doorstep
05. banter
06. Michigan MIlitia
07. Johnny Saucep'n
08. banter
09. Lazy Boy
10. Boo Time
11. You Will Go to the Moon
12. banter
13. WLUV ->
14. Your New Boyfriend
15. Fell in Love
16. banter
17. No No Raja
18. Jockey Full of Bourbon
19. Video Bargainville
20. B.J. Don't Cry
21. KOS intro
22. King of Spain
23. Get in the Car
24. Psycho Killer
encore 1:
25. GE&H intro
26. Green Eggs & Ham
27. My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors
28. banter
29. Dancin' Queen Medley
encore 2:
30. banter
31. Fly
32. The Drinking Song
encore 2:
Notes: .2 sec dropout in Poor Mary Lane removed
diginoise or shirt rubbing against mic noise in lazyboy intro, Jockey Full of Bourbon, video bargainville, and possibly elsewhere that I didn't notice. Special thanks go to Greg for the loan of the original cassette and DAT masters. Please do not convert the show into mp3 and trade it. Questions, email me: [email protected]
Misch · 20 years ago
My first show! *squeeeeeee!*
Will work for anime · 20 years ago
I finally have a FULL GEandH live!!!! :-D oh happiness

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