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   Discussion: Newbie
Jordan · 22 years, 4 months ago
Just wanted to say hi without intruding on anyone else conversation!
Have to say this site is pretty nifty.
Currently living in the chilly state of Maine (anyone else from here?)
So, hopefully someone will read this, and so on and so forth
Eri Back · 22 years, 4 months ago
*sings rather loudly "he befriended a fruhead in Maine!"*
bored, bored, bored.... · 22 years, 4 months ago
Hey Jordan! Welcome...and feel free to intrude. Just jump right in there. Go ahead. It's fun. I dare ya....*grin*
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years, 4 months ago
yeah, hell, i intrude all the time! i haven't been killed yet... uh oh.... no...... no, paul... what are you......... put down that chainsaw! Paul, no! Don't do it! YouAAAAAAAAAAAHGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!
Misch Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
It wasn't Paul! It was Malcom!

Malcom solves his problems with a chainsaw. And he never has the same problem twice.
· 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi Jordan! Frulie here..with some quick tips for you, and all "newbie" fruheads.

1. there are several fruheads that are called Mike, and also many that answer to Paul. This can be hell for the newbie figuring out what to call them all, but take a hint from the wall, and what other people call them (but make sure it's on a day when they like that Mike or Paul!) heh, hope you caught that! (there are many Karens too...but that really only seems to scare me..) :D

2. try not to make too many profiles for's just sad in the long run when you can't remember any of the passwords!

3. If people ignore you on the wall, do what I do, and flash your boobs (.) (.) really man, works every time!

4. never say anything on the wall you're not willing to see turn up on a T-shirt!

5. Most people who hang out here are WAY AWESOME, but there will be some who may hurt your feelings, break your heart, or make you eat cheese from a can. You have been warned!

So, WELCOME! I was once a newbie too, and the good people here took me in and taught me with love, respect, and a big whip. **rowr**
anyway, good to have you on board! "Frum" me anytime (fruhead message) to chat or for help with all the Mikes and Pauls! :D
Karen is tired Back · 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi, Welcome!! I am one of the Karen's that Frulie mentioned (Frulie you rock!!). Karen 'Partially Rob's' and my fiance Rob'Partiallyclips' Balder ( his webcomic). Sorry had to throw that in there, Rob has got me so trained. LOL! We have been on for a couple of years and yeah take Frulie's advice she is dead on. If you ever have any questions you can ask either Rob or myself anytime. I am pretty familiar with Maine what part are ya from?
Does Rod know you flash your boobs on FHDC? You should be ashamed. j/k lol Hey I would do who am I kidding!

Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
heh! Shhhhhh!
what Rod doesn't know...
nate... Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
Yah know... with a husband named "Rod".... how have you not made a porno?

Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
you should're my best customer!
now.. how many volumes would you like this week?



Mamalissa! Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
4. never say anything on the wall you're not willing to see turn up on a T-shirt!

That is, perhaps, the very best advice I've ever heard given on the subject of wall postings. Shelly is still walking around with a shirt that quotes me as saying "so I floated the Singing Bra around the office..."
Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
I have a shirt that says Fr�lie, and one from Eri that says Snuggle Diva!

heh..but melissa is right!
damn that singing bra!
Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
oh! and a BATNOSE hat!
gordon rocks!
OTISCOkate · 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi there...I'm kate from Syracuse NY....Just found MF again after being unaware for a long time....I'm 27 havent listened since i was in college. I'm a EMT,Explorer Post leader and a Nursing student. Is mf EVER touring again?


Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
check this out..

it's an on-going debate...
I think most of us are still holding to the fact that this is a "very long touring break" and we thrive off the new fru-head songs.. older recordings...and each other!
(also the point about expolring and supporting other indie offerings now, is a great idea too!)
welcome Kate!
I can see the bunny Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
The members of the band have said that Fruvous has not broken up and that they will tour again (I've heard it from all four). They still get together to make music so it's just a matter of the timing being right I suppose. :)
A.J. Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Yes indeed. Or not. :)
I can see the bunny Back · 22 years, 3 months ago
Rumourmonger ;-)
Mamalissa! · 22 years, 3 months ago
I've noticed that there's always a steady trickle of new folks signing up for profiles here at FHDC - I like checking them out every once in a while. Anyone else do that too?
zil · 22 years, 2 months ago
so if I had been paying ANY attention to random drivel lately (other than to post my own somewhat scaterbrained posts) I would have noticed the newbie from maine... asking about other people from maine. WELL IT IS I!!! zil. a rather well known who is from the great state of maine! I know it seems like, cold, rainy, grey dank contry up here, but really we just say that so we can have maines beauty all to ourselves! I mean we are rather over run with bumkins from the back woods, but they are beautiful in their own way too. so rock ON with your bad self newbie! see you around frudom!! and if you live near portland (where I happen to be going to college just now) maybe I've seen you and didn't know it. rock.

peace love and ring dings,

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