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Poll: Do you like the frequency of polls here?

Yes, the every-other-day polls are about right. 31 (55%)
No, I'd rather see them last longer. 8 (14%)
No, I'd rather see them move to daily. 7 (13%)
No, I'd rather see two or more polls per day. 1 (2%)
Who cares? 9 (16%)
   Discussion: Do you like the frequency of polls here?
zil · 22 years ago
polls are great! I like the idea's they churn in peoples heads. great conversation starters is what they are! and I love the idea of like including everyone in the descussion! rock on! cheese rules! thundercats HOO!
Andrea Krause · 22 years ago
I almost said every day because I like seeing new polls so much...but then I changed my mind and said I like it how it is...I fear that if it went to every day the discussions wouldn't be as good because people tend to stop discussing on the ones that have disappeared. (Especially if they don't have the "Recent Posts" on one of their pages. :) )

Yay polls are fun! :)
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
one thing i've noticed is that the number of votes on the second day is miniscule, but the number of posts also tends to go down by quite a bit. i know the second day of a poll is less interesting for me personally. plus, people have been submitting more polls lately (yay, keep it up!). since i'm scheduling these mostly by hand (i don't have the next poll lined up, for instance), i could always keep the ones that generate a lot of discussion around for an extra day. would you want *most* polls around for just a day, and the better ones hang around for an extra day?
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years ago
Yeah that actually sounds more like what I want. I like the new polls...they excite me...but we've had some good discussions that keep going. So yeah your solution sounds interesting. :)
Jan Klump Back · 22 years ago
Yes! Great solution!
Paul D. Beasi Back · 22 years ago
I like that solution as well.
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
i like the idea too! though if i missed a poll because i didn't manage to get online that day (y'know, coursework deadline or whatever) i'd be gutted that i'd missed a poll because i don't think many people would bother going to the archives *just* to check out what i'd posted, even if i bribed them to. ;)

(wait, maybe i'm wrong here. maybe i *am* really popular on FHDC! maybe people *would* go see my posts! maybe i could turn everyone into my evil minions and make them do menial tasks for me... hehehehe!!)
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 22 years ago
I usually don't care about the polls, what I like is he discussion. or the discuss in Gordondon speak.
Bruce Rose · 22 years ago
I love the polls, but my access isn't as frequent as I'd like. As a result, I tend to miss a lot of them (and from checking the "Other Polls" I'm missing some good ones). I'd like to see the polls stick around until specific users vote. I can see where that would get annoying for the "I don't care" people, but maybe we can add an "Abstain" option to remove it from their front page.

And they could show when the most recent vote was cast (like the forums)... and they'd light up in different colors... and it on a fingernail! And if it was really that important, I'd figure it out myself. They're great, Josh (and the contributors)! Keep it up!
erica is so cold Back · 22 years ago
ohhh bruce i love that idea! i love how the forums have that feature... i don't have to search around to find which ones are active..ok it doesn't take that long...but i am lazy! :)

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