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Poll: What kind of body mods do you have? |
What kind of body mods do you have?
three tattoos and 2 holes in each ear plus multiple scarification sites.
I, unfortunately, have a number of scars that I'm not a huge fan of.
I don't really mind them too much, since ... well, I would never change my past. I mean, what I've gone through in the past is what made me the happy and content person I am today. That said, though, I've kinda wondered about the idea of removal of scars. Anyone ever had that procedure done?
I like my scars, make for good stories and conversation starters, especialy the brain surgery one.
I have one where my ostomy was that looks like a second belly button. I used to be self conscious about it but now I'm used to it.
I'm crisscrossed with other scars but none of the others are very noticible
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 20 years, 3 months ago
As I told the person who made up this poll, 75% of all pierced body parts fall off within 2 months.
Don't bother checking my facts, I made it up so I know it is true.
What did you vote?
I just clicked on the "nose ring" option. If I'd said "multiple piercings" then that's kind of misleading because I just have singles in the ears and one little nose piercing.
"I sneaked up on Pete Best" is also grammatically correct.
And there's a reason 'snuck' sounds weird. It only came about recently (within the last 200 years, that is) and apparently originated in some regional dialects in the U.S. and slowly became more common throughout the country. 'Sneaked' is the original form and is still preferred by most people in formal writing, but depending on what you're writing for, the editors may not care.
HUNG for "hanged" ??? I'm sorry, but that's nearly inexcuseable. I don't consider that a mere pet peeve, that's more like (IMHO) typing in, "I pray to god the father" without the capitalization.
My reasoning: It's about respect for humankind. Sure it's funny in a way because it brings to mind phrases such as "how's it hanging" or "is HE ever well hung!" ... ... you know what? maybe I should stop talking. It almost sounds like I'm a big language snob. I'm just a little language snob. :D
"the stockings were hung from the chimney with care..."
in the context of that statment the word hung can be read as the past participle of the verb, OR as a decription of stocking/chimney relationship. as for "well hung" well, that designation goes back to the 1600's 1. a. Suspended, attached so as to hang down, etc.; see the vb. Often with qualification, as well, ill. oh this is even better... 2. a. Furnished or decorated with hanging things. have either of you ever said you have a "hang over"? SHAME! OR have you ever said you are "hung over" EVEN WORSE. here we go. under the entry for "hang" v. 2. Past Tense. good gracious, it stems from 1500s, and it's too "modern" for you? what? are you anti-greatvowelshift as well? sorry, i'm an even bigger language snob ;) thank you historical linguistics 319.
perhaps, but in that case, "hanged" is an archaic anomaly, an old "hang-on" of english-past.
which is fine as lon gas it persists, but seen in that light, it makes sense that eventually usage would shift until "hanged" joined the rest of the "hang" forms and became "hung".
not at all. it would make perfect sense for the words to separate completely, too, as they pretty much already have. neither is necessarily more appropriate than the other, but 'hanged' sticking around and specifically meaning 'killed by hanging' is much more likely than it becoming 'hung'.
actually, neither is more likely than the other. languages do both of those things, fairly indescriminantly.
it's a case of analogy, and analogy drives a lot of language changes. i'm not saying that it was bound to happen, but there's plenty of linguistic evidence that says that stuff like it happens fairly often. it's happened before in english. and it's happened in other languages. does it always happen? no. but as it is a change which is progressing, i will say only that there are grounds for the change, it does make sense. if it didn't change, and each meaning retained a separate form, well, that would make sense too. languages do that too, hence "children" and "oxen" where in most cases the plural "-en" ending changed to "s"
No way! I'm not using any of that hypermodern Shakespeare stuff. Chaucer was OK but a bit too radical for me. It is Old Enlglish all the way. If it is good enough for Beowulf then it is good enough for me.
· 20 years, 3 months ago
well I used to have 2 eyebrow peircings in my right eye brow and 4 holes in both of my ears and one in the cartilage nubin right at the opening of your ear canal... I was saving up for my tongue piercing when all of my piercings got simultaniously infected due to an auto-immune thing two hours later I had horrible abcesses and had to have an ER dr cut them out of me. rock on. not. bastard. *sigh* I always wanted to be a pierced tatooed freak. now I have to settle for plan old freakdom.
HAHAHA... Yeah, way to reference something from like, my elementary school years. Dawn Schafer rules, although, at the time, I preferred Mary Anne. Looking back, I think Claudia should have been my favorite. She was awesome.
I've got two in my left ear (regular and cartilage), one in the right, and a belly button that I like, never show off to anyone. It's still hot though. BTW, belly button should have totally been an option.
exactly why i've never gotten a tattoo, either. i've seen what they look like down the road, and i have no clue what i could possibly want, like, stamped on my body for the rest of my life. permanence is a scary idea.
Christine Lavin used to do people's nails with glitter polish before shows. As a lark I let her do mine once. Other men would have one finger, I did all of mine. I went to school, went to my other job, saw friends and family, and not one person noticed.
danced with Lazlo
· 20 years, 3 months ago
How many girls here have no piercings whatsoever?
*raises hand*
· 20 years, 3 months ago
I have two earrings in my left earlobe and two in the cartilege, and four in the right lobe and an industrial. Plus a tattoo on my back, and I'll hopefully be getting another tattoo on my shoulder soon soon soon. I'd love to get it RIGHT NOW but figure that healing tattoo + rabies vaccination = maybe not so good.
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