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Poll: Go ahead, brag. What'd you get on the SATs?

1600! I rule all over the place. 0 (0%)
1400-1500s: Only somewhat of a genius. 16 (20%)
1200-1300s: Not quite Ivy League 31 (38%)
1000-1100s: Still have bragging rights 8 (10%)
900s or below: Only 'cause I fell asleep. 2 (2%)
I didn't take the SATs. 23 (28%)
Higher than Pete Best, at least! 2 (2%)
   Discussion: Go ahead, brag. What'd you get on the SATs?
Starfox · 20 years ago
Combined 1510 on the SAT. Just wish my ACT (what my college accepted) was better. I got a 30 on that.
dirty life & times · 20 years ago
i have bragging rights because i got an 800 on the english. i just suck at math.

now, i remembered i got a 550 in math, then i had to pull out my calculator to see what 800+550 was in order to vote in the poll :)
Michael (foof) Maki · 20 years ago
We apparently take the ACT here, although I can't remember what my score on that was, either.
Bender · 20 years ago
I got a 730 on the verbal... and a 470 on the math.

This was with accomodations for my cognitive issues, but that didn't change the fact that I have major difficulty with math.

stupid dyscalculia.

gordon helped me with my math portion, though
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
that wasn't a good ad for my tutoring skills.
Bender Back · 20 years ago
I was worse before, and I suck at math in general, and it was a big, big improvement.
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 20 years ago
I got a 700 on the math and a 570 on the verbal. Which is funny 'cause I HATE math.

But I can't read those long, obnoxious stories in the verbal section. WOO ADD.

And yay for my poll getting up for the first time! :oD
danced with Lazlo · 20 years ago
1390. I don't remember what it broke down to. I cried and cried when I got my score. I knew 4 people who got 1600 that year. My family was dissapointed. I was dissapointed. I still am.

*kills self*
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years ago
Perspective is an interesting thing. I got a 1330 and was thrilled.
nate... · 20 years ago
It was either 1380 or 1430....

I can't remember which, though.... I was wicked out of it that morning.

jen · 20 years ago
can i take the SAT's just for shits and giggles?
Bel the ever forgetful Back · 20 years ago
me too.
Andrea Krause · 20 years ago
It really is funny how pride and shame and all of that stuff works. I mean...I've always been proud of my score. Among all of you who are smarter than I am, I'm suddenly feeling ashamed of it. Makes me wonder how many people with average scores are reading this and feeling really shitty.

It's so hard not to compare yourself unfavorably to others.
ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 20 years ago
I was pretty proud of my score, as I felt that I did the best that I could. Sure, I was a bit bummed when I compared my score with other peers who scored higher, but then again, I stopped taking the whole competitiveness thing so seriously in high school after it got me really depressed and stressed a year earlier.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years ago
My problem is in that I don't like myself very much and the very little self esteem I have is tied up in my intelligence. If I can be perceived as smart, I hate myself a little less. So I'm very vulnerable to serious stress when I'm seeing myself as the dumbest one in the room. :)� Exagerration, but my point is when you're forced to admit your best strength is weaker than those around's a body blow. It's not really competitiveness in the traditional sense.
George E. Nowik Back · 20 years ago

the SAT isn't exactly a good measure of intelligence.� it's a baseline for certain skills.� nothing more, nothing less.

if it -does- make you feel any better, your score blew me out of the water. (:

�-= george =-

Andrea Krause Back · 20 years ago

It's not a good measure, no. But being the useless depressive lazy-ass I am I never got any grades or any other distinction that would do it for me. :) Heee.

I barely graduated high school and didn't go to college. I tend to cling to the SATs to prove I'm lazy, not stupid. :)

Bender Back · 20 years ago
actually, the SATs are a crock.

all they do is test your ability to take the SAT.
nate... Back · 20 years ago
They're pretty much useless.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years ago
Well, then I guess I have nothing to prove I'm not stupid! :p
nate... Back · 20 years ago
But you also have nothing indicating you ARE stupid.
So there.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years ago

See the aforementioned almost flunking out of high school and not going to college like I was expected to. :)�

I know. It's all dub emotional baggage. Whatev. I'll shut up about it.

nate... Back · 20 years ago
Missed that. :)

S'what I get for reading quickily between tickets.

George E. Nowik Back · 20 years ago

a high school diploma proves only that you are willing to spend senseless time showing that you know how to look up an answer.

period. (:

�-= george =-

Michael (foof) Maki Back · 20 years ago
Heh. You've just described 90% of the crap I do all day every day, George.

" do silverback gorillas get their silver backs?"

Mamalissa! Back · 20 years ago
Oh... that's easy. They get them when they're being chased by Pepe le Pew, and have to squeeze under a newly painted silver fence in order to get away from him.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
I am deeply disappointed in you. Pepe would not chase them till after they squeezed under the fence. They are chased by a dog under the fence and only then does Pepe start chasing them.
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years ago

*thwaps self*
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
That's Ok, it is only a venal sin not a mortal one. Watch 3 WB cartoons and you'll be absolved.
Eri Back · 20 years ago
I like to think that I'm not particularly stupid, and I never finished high school. I have a loose equivalent, and nothing more.
danced with Lazlo Back · 20 years ago
Dude, *anyone* can flunk out of high school.
sheryls Back · 20 years ago

it's true, you know?

all of the honors and whatnot, they mean, pretty much, that you're more involved.

i always took honors english�classes because i liked the company - my friends were the school nerds and thats where they were :P but 12 Honors (the AP class) i totally got a D first quarter, because i completely slacked off on my summer reading. :D I also took honors calc because they only offered calc honors. it was a serious GPA boost when i could pull of a B, because honors Bs were like, 3.5 or 4.0 or something like that.

but for the most part through high school and college, a B was my A, because i rarely got As. and then i got a ton of Cs. because i'm a procrastinator and a slacker. but i'm not stupid.

Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years ago
Not people who have never been in high school. :-)
goovie is married! Back · 20 years ago
my final scores sucked. i had a huge fight with my parents about it the night i received them. my mom was convinced i would never ever get into any decent school. *snork* i guess she was right about that one. good thing she had two genius sons after me. :P
It's a girl! Back · 20 years ago

�The first time I took them, I panicked and only got like 930 total score.� And all I could think of was hearing my sister back when she was in high school and mocking people who were worrying about breaking 1000.� And felt like such a retarded loser.

I don't test very well.

I took SAT prep and tried again though.� Ended up with 1100.� I was mostly disappointed that my verbal score was only 660-- I felt like I could have done better.

And I ended up with a GED and so had to go to community college and then transfer to a "real" school,� so my scores were irrelevant.

danced with Lazlo Back · 20 years ago
gah. Fuck, you know, I keep forgetting that I'm an idiot.

This whole thing with me and the SAT... its a whole family pressure self-esteem thing too. My entire life was about standardized testing. It's what everything I ever did was based on. It was my entire identity. And it was a competition with my sister thing... and she got 1520. And she had a comeptition with my father thing... he got something like 1530 when he was in high school. That's what I was measuring up to... plus all my 1600 friends (freaks) and the geniuses I went to nerd camp with... and my fucking 10th grade score, which set me up for unreasonable expectations of myself. Not that I actually expected to do ridiculously well, but that I felt that if I didn't, something terrible would happen... like the fires of hell would consume me on the spot.

It's not a healthy attitude I have. Don't be like me.
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 20 years ago
Well, I think my highest combined score was 1250. I took the test twice. The first time I took it I got a 690 in Math and a 540 in verbal and nearly cried cause I thought I scored below 1200, until I realized I forgot to carry the one. :) I became very happy after that revelation.

Standardized tests always annoyed the heck out of me.
sheryls · 20 years ago
I got 610 on each section, a 1220 score. :P i got a 27 on the ACTs. *shrug* i thought they were fine, i didnt freak out and try to take it another 50 times. i wasnt qualified for any scholarships with my GPA anyway, and getting into an ohio state school isnt really that hard when you live in state.

although i wish i could have retaken the AP calc exam, as i got a 3 and BGSU will only take a 4 to get out of college calc. *pout*.
Josh Woodward · 20 years ago
We do ACTs around here. Not that I'd tell you what I got on either. :P
sheryls Back · 20 years ago
here too, but my mom made me take both.
Erato · 20 years ago
1100. um.. 480 math and 620 verbal. Taking that test once was enough thank you very much. Silly tests that don't really measure intelligence
Mamalissa! · 20 years ago
I got a 1380, which according to this poll is not quite Ivy League. I guess the Ivy League school I went to didn't get that memo. And it wasn't even Cornell! ;P

(Oh, and I got a perfect score on the logic section of the GRE. Logically, after that, I didn't go to Grad School...)
ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 20 years ago
Hey I went to Cornell! Oh..wait...nevermind.

I also took the GRE and scored very high on the logic section too, but ended up applying to schools that didn't need them.
rufus t firefly · 20 years ago
660 verbal, 710 math... and that was 20 years ago! Why do we remember this crap?!

iPauley · 20 years ago
...I see where I stack up... Among my peers in high school, my 1280 (650 verbal, 630 math, I think -- they were that close, I've forgotten which was which) was pretty high. Now I'm starting to see where I really fit in, with all these scores so much higher than that.... :-P

-- Pauley
A girl named Becca · 20 years ago
730 verbal, 710 math.

My real bragging rights come from the SAT IIs, though. 800 on French (yeah, that was after living in France for 6 months, I cheated), 800 on Writing Skills, and 800 on Math 2 (the harder one - funny thing is, I only answered 30 out of 40 questions because I ran out of time, and I'm almost positive I got 2 of those wrong).
ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 20 years ago
ahh...SAT IIs, back in my day they were called Acheivement Tests. I think I ended up taking 4-5 of those.
Bender · 20 years ago
and adding essay portions.

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