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Help Me Compile Work-Safe Zappa Mix

   Discussion: Help Me Compile Work-Safe Zappa Mix
Brian Dinsky · 20 years ago

Hey!� All you people who might be so inclined to think that I'm far too young to know Zappa, LISTEN GOOD.�

I work at a Radio Shack (one of the awesome ones), and I happen to sit and do almost nothing almost all day, due to the very small size of the town I work in.� ANYWAYS, I need better music to listen to at work.� We have Sirius radio playing all the time, which is a lot better than regular radio, as we consistently have a classic rock station tuned in.� That's not enough for me, unfortunately, as I'll always hate any sort of radio at least a little bit.

So, the point I'm trying to make is that I would like to compile a WORK-SAFE Frank Zappa compilation (1-4 cds if needed).� Only one major problem: a good amount of his best (read: popularish) songs are either directly related to sex, or just perverse in nature to some degree or another.� So...�I ask you folks, those who�might be familiar with a fair amount of Zappa's material, for suggestions as to what I should put on this worksafe project.� As much as I'd love to put Dyna Moe-Humm on a cd, I don't think anyone would find it appropriate.� I want to listen to Zappa at work, people!

So, youth-challenged people, biker folk, people with generally good taste in music, I be axin' for your help on this.� I have access to any and all Frank Zappa albums, so track availability is not an issue.�

Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.

Oh, I realize that Strictly Commercial is available as a greatest hits of sorts.� Fancy that.� Shrinking 60 or so albums down to fit on a single 80 minute disc.� Hell, it's a good album, but you can't replace the radio edit's of Joe's Garage, Montana, and DETYS with the studio versions, as they won't fit on the entire cd, so that is somewhat unacceptable/useless to me.� Yarrr.

Samantha · 20 years ago
I wish I could help you,luv.. I had the same problem trying to make one of Donovan [and I'm too young to know who he is anyway..right?]... but it just wasn't happening.. most of his stuff has allusions to drug use.. or just plain hallucinations.. which doesn't go over well... which could also be my problem with Tim Buckley:)...

anywho.. good luck!!
Bender Back · 20 years ago
just play billy the mountain and flail.

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