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grey fox bluegrass festival/NO YUENGLING

   Discussion: grey fox bluegrass festival/NO YUENGLING
Paul · 20 years, 8 months ago

�While I was driving through Hillsdale I saw several signs for the Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival. The biggest sign was right at the intersection of Routes 22 and 23 in Hillsdale.

Is Grey Fox a separate festival or some sort of reincarnation of WinterHawk? Maybe the two could or have merged? Anyway its this weekend just before Falcon RIdge. I have never heard of it. Is anyone going?

Even more shocking news...Are you sitting down?? I�was in the Hillsdale IGA and they had no YUENGLING!!

I am still recovering from the shock...I will have to stop on the way and buy some somewhere once we cross into NY. They did have tons of Saranac Beer which is good, but not Yuengling Amber or Black and Tan!

Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 20 years, 8 months ago
Grey Fox is sort of a step sister to Winterhawk. A married couple ran Winterhawk then they got divorced. One of them got custody of the name "Winterhawk" and the other custody of all the contracts adn contacts. So Grey Fox is closer to what Winterhawk used to be and is successful. Winterhawk kept the name but couldn't make a financial go of it.
Misch Back · 20 years, 8 months ago
Not exactly...

Grey Fox is older than Falcon Ridge. It got its start back in 1976, although the festival has had different names throught the years. More info can be found here.
John J. Ryan Back · 20 years, 8 months ago

Grey Fox is one of the reasons Winterhawk is essentially dead.� It's totally seperate of FRFF.

Paul Back · 20 years, 8 months ago
Thanks to you both for the info-too bad they couldn't work together to keep winterhawk going, hopefully the rift won't affect FR

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