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'blind leading the blind to salvation'

   Discussion: 'blind leading the blind to salvation'
Pacho · 20 years, 5 months ago
thank you for pointing out that josh (and wormy) were on songfight. i freaking love songfight.

i totally agree that wormy has an exceptional voice. very very pretty.

josh's track was, of course, amazing. i wouldn't have changed anything if i could. and the whole blind leading the blind to salvation... heh... totally.

anyways, thanks for the josh songfight plug, ms president ;)
zil Back · 20 years, 5 months ago
isn't it awesome? and it makes singer/songwriters like wormy and josh put stuff up more often so i don't get withdrawl. I do crave the musaks.

and, but ofcourse!! I have to do my duty as the president. not that its hard, since I loves his stuffs.

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