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Not really about "Moxy Fruvous"

   Discussion: Not really about "Moxy Fruvous"
Chad Maloney · 21 years ago
So I was thinking through april fools days past and recalled the april fools day where I posted I was resigning a.m.m-f with a fond tear in my eye. That made me think of you [1] and came here. I was comptemplating resigning from fhdc, but then I really don't have any intention of coming back regularly to make it actually an april fools.

Then I started reading back posts from a.m.m-f and being entertained by the heights of Butterworthian genius that subsist in the ether. Then I got the urge to read super secret[2] documents of the adventures of Little Lord Corduroy and be embarrassed of the past. Then I realized it wasn't Monday and I better the hell get back to work.

Your's truly,

[1] Heck if I know what you means. Just imagine I pointed directly at you personally and smiled warmly or something.
[2] You know how hard it is to google for something called the bone? I apologize if I've just outed we elite f*cks of olden days.

Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
Holy crap, Chad Maloney. :)
angelmusicmaven Back · 21 years ago
I thought it was "Chad Mahoney" ;)
sheryls Back · 21 years ago

omfg. CHAD.


Jason Reiser Back · 21 years ago

Well the names have all changed since you hung around...

Welcome back... even if you're just taking us for fools (as always).

- Jason

Misch Back · 21 years ago
The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
Donna M Hunt Back · 21 years ago
re: [2]

Chad, someone has The Bone. Maybe... ooh. I almost "named names." But someone has it.
hkath Back · 21 years ago
Richard used to have it on a web page. But he's disappeared off the face of the earth. However, didn't Chad say he found it on Google? We should be able to search old usenet posts for it. Hmmm....

*scratches evil!goatee*
hkath Back · 21 years ago
I wouldn't worry about being outed. I outed myself as an elitist f*ck a long time ago :)

But seriously... now that I've taken a look through google... where the hell is the bone? And why didn't we think of preserving it? The only part I can find is your Part 9, Chad, which Amanda lovingly reposted to AMMF for some reason in 1999 or so. (omg. We're old.)

ETA oh wait! It's actually parts 8 and 9! 8 is yours, 9 is Amanda's. I wonder how that ended up on AMMF.
Donna M Hunt Back · 21 years ago
fuck you, you elitist fuck. ;)
Andi Martin · 20 years, 6 months ago
Chad Maloney!� I can't believe it's you!� I have been trying to find you for years!� Remember me...The sassy redhead from Kentucky you used to travel with to all the shows???� I hope so!� I miss you and I hope you are well.� Get in touch with me dammit. :-)� Much Love, Andi

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