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Some Murray Updates n' Stuff

   Discussion: Some Murray Updates n' Stuff
CraicBaby · 20 years, 10 months ago

I guess everybody knows Murray's been touring with Great Big Sea. There's been lots of speculation as to whether or not he's an official member. Recent press releases name him as a member,�and the band signed its latest newsletter "Great Big Sea" instead of� "Alan, Bob and S�an" like they did for the last one. Anyway, member or not, he's been a great addition to the band, and people seem to get�a kick out of his almost-subsonic bass vocals on the song, "General Taylor." Mur's�had a sense of humour about the whole "new guy" thing as well. When signing autographs one night, he wrote "I am not Darrell" above his signature ;) You can hear Murray on GBS's upcoming album, "Something Beautiful". He also plays bass on Barry Canning's latest album, "Last Man Standing," which� was produced by Alan Doyle. :) And, if anyone's curious, here's 3 promo photos of Murray with GBS(I had to link them because they're friggin' huge):

Black White Promo in New Orelans

Colour Promo in "Nawlins"

Sittin' on the Steps

And here's some concert pics that some friends took...

Murray and Alan

Murray having an, um, intimate moment with Kris, the drummer

Nice fingers

Murray on the drum riser with Sean

Murray gets a Great Big Hug...

Murray gets a Great Big Hug...

Murray gets a Great Big Hug...

Murray gets a Great Big Hug...

...and a Great Big Kiss

A Great Big Sandwich

Murray seems to fit well with the b'ys :) I know some people seem a little bitter about Murray being with GBS, but I hope people will go and support his latest venture :) To quote the last lines of GBS's latest newsletter:

"It is going to be an amazing year. Sean�s got a new haircut, Kris bought a new soccer ball, Alan is polishing his Les Paul, Bob has been practicing his bagpipes, and Murray... well, Murray bought a new shirt. Fasten your seat belts."


BTW, hi, I'm Linz and I'm new here ;)


Alan: "Yes, we are Canadian."

Sean: "Which doesn't mean we're gay."

Alan: "Or that we smoke marijuana."

Sean: "Murray's gay...and he smokes marijuana."

Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Woo! I was wondering if he was going to be on the album or not. Has anyone up north heard the single? Any chance the album sounds more like Turn than Sea of No Cares? *he asks hopefully*

*looking at the promo shots*
Is it just me or does he look evil in the first and third ones, and like a muppet in the middle? ;-)

A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
He's playing with GBS, and possibly becoming one of them. I it any wonder that he's looking evil?
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Hey now, what do you expect Murray to do while Fru is on hiatus? Sit on his arse and twiddle his thumbs? Now, I know GBS isn't for everybody, but Fru isn't for everybody, either. Can't you just respect his decision to tour with another band for a while?I promise that we over in GBS land are taking very good care of him, even if he is making all the ladies(me included) swoon a little more than they used to ;)
I can see the bunny Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
*I* would personally like Murray back in TO doing his jazz trio thing as part of The Lesters with Jeff Ulster and Tory Cassis. I miss those friday night gigs - though my bank balance doesn't. ;)

(edited for lack of a coherant thought *g*)
A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
but Fru isn't for everybody, either.

What do you mean? That is rediculous! Of course it is for everyone. One of the amazing things about fruvous is that they have a little something for everyone! ;)
hkath Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I, for one, don't expect Murray to do or not do anything. It's his life. Although I certainly didn't expect someone who in the past has appeared as road-weary as Murray to pick up and tour, so that was a surprise. It's my understanding, however, that the paycheck is damn good, so good for him.

Accusations of disrespect don't sit well with me, especially not for something as frivolous as Great Big Sea. Which is why I feel compelled to reply. No other reason, just... I think your post is off. I'm glad you're swooning to Murray's ugly shirts. I'm sure it's fun. I think your post is off. It's somewhere off to one side, nettiquette wise, of where it should be. Can't pinpoint it, so I'll leave it at that.
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Talk about disrespect...

I don't appreciate you calling Great Big Sea "frivolous." They're about as frivolous as Moxy Fr�vous.� Besides, you can't compare GBS to Fru because they play a completely different style of music, and they come from a completely different culture.

BTW Murray doesn't wear the ugly shirts anymore, which is actually disappointing...

Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I think anyone is free to express their opinion.

Just like the old school fruheads who dropped out of the scene because they didnt' like the turn fruvous took with "Thornhill" in '99.

I don't like the fact that GBS added a drum kit. I liked it better when they came out on stage with a few instruments and you thought 'Geez that's it?!'

In addition to the fact I (and I'm sure tons of other people) used to see them for free or for $10, then the tickets shot up to $25 without Ticketbastard service charges.
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

It's not the band's fault that ticket prices go up. Maybe this'll explain it. It's an exceprt from a 2002 article in the Toronto Globe and Mail, written by BNL's Steven Page:

"So when the artists return on their own tours[after playing in radio station-sponsored festivals], with their own production and set and sound and lights, half of the potential audience doesn't bother coming. Why should it? It just saw the same band two months ago for 15 bucks. Now you want it to come back for 40?

The half that do show up are largely unaware that of the $40 they've shelled out, the artist sees far less than half. At last summer's Barenaked Ladies concert in Irvine Meadows, Calif., the cheapest ticket was $10.75 (U.S.) � but that was strictly a base price. To that sum must be immediately added the "non-sharing revenue" � surcharges that the fan pays, but that the artist never sees.
At the Irvine concert, that included a $3.25 facility fee (rent, often for venues that Clear Channel already owns), a $3.25 parking fee (per person, so it would make no difference if you walked, took the bus, or stuffed 20 people in your minivan), an $8.75 Ticketmaster convenience fee (even more convenient is the fact that the promoter and the venue share in this, too) and a $3.50 Ticketmaster handling fee. That amounts to $18.75 in surcharges on a $10.75 ticket. Then, they get between 30 and 40 per cent of the band's merchandise sales, and 100 per cent of the food and drink - and of those little glow-in-the-dark gel things. Ooh, I hate those things.

And I've actually had promoters tell me to my face that it's the artists who are getting greedy. "

So,� really, the band only sees about a fraction of the money from ticket revenues. It's the same for any band, really. They have no control over stuff like that. It's Ticketbastard and the rest of the music business that's to blame. If you buy directly from the venue, though, you can usually bypass those servce charges.

Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Not when the venue hands over the tickets to ticketbastard or has a ticketbastard computer in their boxoffice. You cannot bypass the service charges.

Even then still has hefty service charges.

I realize how much the performers get from a ticket. I still wouldn't pay $125 or $145 per ticket to see someone like Bette Midler or Fleetwood mac when a few years ago I saw them for $40-50.
A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I wouldn't pay $145 to see the Lord God Jusus Christ (or whomever you will) in the flesh, let alone some singer. Jeez.
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
*laughs* AJ You made me laugh out loud! :D

Even if he sang "Fly" you wouldn't go? ;D

"Blessed are the cheesemakers!"
Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
But what if he had an accordian?
Tell me you wouldn't pay $145 to see Jesus in a polka band :-D
Phoenix Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Me neither - hrm - unless he covers Richard Shindell's The Ballad of Mary Magdelen.�

*runs away where no one can find him*

Bruce Rose Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I bet he couldn't do the "Jesus loves me" part without snickering.
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I feel compelled to jump in here, CraicBaby. Please don't sell us short and expect us to be bitter. Watching him play in another band is really bittersweet, if anything.

I think, despite the lack of smiley faces, AJ (cicero), was making a funny. As you've gotten to know the folks at the OKP boards (I'm a lurker and 2-time poster), the FHDC folk know one another. There's a fair level of joking around about Murray "cheating" on us. But we're really happy he's doing something he enjoys.

And I think by using the word "frivolous," Kath (hkath) meant something more along the lines of "I think your post was kind of harsh, since it wasn't a personal attack on you or your opinions, but a lighthearted jab from a fan." And I agree that MF is as frivolous as GBS. That's what entertainment is - a frivolity. And as far as I'm concerned, frivolity is what keeps me sane. Of course, what passes for sane around here is another story.
A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Way to ruin what was shaping up to be a perfectly dandy little flame war, Melissa. :)
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
oops. sowwy. ;-}
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Okay, I'm sorry. I'm new here, so I don't get all the "in" jokes�and shit. I just wanted to let people know about some of the stuff Murray was up to, since I was browsing the board and noticed there was a lack of Foster in these parts. I don't want to start any flame wars or anything, because, as a few folks could probably tell you, I�somehow have a knack for accidentally�starting flame wars *sheepish grin* I once got a board, wait that was on purpose....but anyway, I don't want to start anything here. I'm tired of getting sucked into these things. I mean, if you knew the OKP...well, let me put it this way: it's like clockwork. Just about every month, something happens, people start bickering and it turns into an all-out flame war. I don't want that here, especially since I've only been posting here for a day. So, um, I think I had a point and I think it was that I'm sorry for getting pissed. Yeah, that's it. ;)

Oh, that reminds me. Ya know, sometimes the little winking guy�helps people know that you're being light-hearted ;)



Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
There might be a lack of murray posted but not content.

A lot of us have turned to going to see GBS for the Stage Murray factor that we were lacking with Fruvous on Hiatus. (sure we'll call it that)

If you check the archives of posts, you may find some early ones that contain murray and GBS along with pictures.
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
No problem!

I'll see your Slainte!, and raise you a Slainte Mhath!

hkath Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Please don't sell us short and expect us to be bitter

Aha. There you go. That is exactly what was bothering me. Thanks for letting me know, Melissa :)
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I wasn't aware that we were bitter that Murray is in GBS now. Should I be bitter?

So why did I go to the show last summer and take 2 rolls of pictures? ;)

Which reminds me, I have to get them developed. ;)
stealthlori Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

ooooo!� can I be bitter with you?� It's more fun in pairs.

*tries really hard to be bitter*�

Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
*gives lori a sour patch kid and takes one for herself*

*winces* I think I'm bitter now!
Kris 'engaged' Bedient Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
wouldn't that just make you really *puckered* now?
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Pucker!?! You brought 'er, you pucker!!!
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

I don't even know her!
Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Hiatus!?! But you don't even know us!
Misch Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Go bite a lemon.

Oh wait, that would be tart.

*fanning the flames on the flamewar*

I'm going to hell for that, aren't I?
stealthlori Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I think we need to bite some grapefruit seeds. Now THEY are bitter.

If you go to hell, you won't be needing those flames to stay warm. So pass some to me. please.
Misch Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
D'oh... I didn't even say it right... "Bite a lemon... oh wait, that would make you a tart."

CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

The new single, 'When I Am King," sounds almost like a BNL song. I think it's because the album is produced by Michael Philip Wojewoda, who produced BNL's "Gordon" and "Born on a Pirate Ship" albums. IMO it sounds more like "Turn" because it doesn't have the silly SoNC drum loops(which the band admits sounded stupid). It only has 2 trad songs on it, �and Alan said in an interview that they're releasing another album later this year composed of all trad songs. Then again, Alan's not exactly a fountain of accurate information ;) This is the man who gives�a different date�every time�someone asks�when his birthday is ;) Anyway, for those who aren't too fond of the trad stuff(shame on you! ;)), "Something Beautiful" is the album for you.

Slainte! :)


"Wake up without a care;
Your head's not heavy,
Your conscience clear.
Sins are all forgiven here,
Yours and mine..."
--"When I Am King," GBS

Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Hmmm... see, sounding like BNL and with those two albums is a real toss-up ;-) Which half of the more-early BNL does the song sound like?

The trad songs I like some of, am not as fond of others, but my favorites are the newer ones with more obvious trad influences (of which Turn had a lot, thus making it my favorite of theirs).

Any word on the chances that Murray might've written a song for the album? *he asks hopefully ;-)

update I just heard the clip on their page. I like the song. I do hope there are some quieter ones on there too, but it's a good style for them. Pretty much what I just said I hoped it would be ;-)
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I know there are�at least 2 "quiet" songs on the album -- "Something Beautiful," the title track, and S�an's poignant "Love"(the original title, 'It's All Right" was better). GBS is a "loud" band, though. They play Celtic music, and Celtic music is loud(I play bodhran like S�an,�and it's impossible NOT to play it without whacking the hell out of the skin :)). But, this album is probably the most "mainstream" out of anything they've done before, so it'll be interesting to see how it stacks up.

I can see the bunny Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
GBS is loud? Geez, over all these years I'd never noticed that. Next thing you know, you'll be telling me they're from the east coast too.... ;-)
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, did you know they're from Newfoundland? ;) And their lead singer is that longhaired guy, Alan-something ;)
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Yup loud at the last show I was at.

The sound person didn't need to turn it up quite so much so it bounced off the buildings they were playing next to.

Then Maybe I"m just used to hearing them in a venue like The Tralf (also where fruvous played).
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
What venue was it? I know there were a couple places where people complained it was too loud, even for GBS standards.
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Darcy McGee's in Buffalo.
It was a summertime/outdoors show in 2003.

Their Lafayette Square show wasn't even that loud in 2001.
hkath Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
There's a place called Darcy McGee's.... IN BUFFALO??!?



This defies explanation. Y'all, we must ask Mike Ford. He will know. Maybe he can add a verse to his song about Darcy McGee.
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
257 Franklin St., Buffalo
Right around the corner from Spot Coffee.
It's really called Darcy McGee's Irish Pub.
hkath Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
It still defies explanation! What did Darcy McGee ever do in Buffalo?

This is reason enough to request the Darcy McGee song (swoon).
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Drink? ;)
bored, bored, bored.... Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Oh dear, my ignorance is showing again.� Who is/was Darcy McGee?
A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Thomas Darcy McGee, Irish born poet, and Canadian father of confederation.

iPauley Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

...and namesake of at least one pub, in Buffalo, NY�(link goes to google search).

I have never been there, though, neither have I�any delusion that it might be the only one. :-P

-- Pauley

stealthlori Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

heee!� that's funny.� especially since I was just in D'Arcy McGee's in Ottawa on Saturday.

And I heard GBS in the washroom there, too.�

ok.� enough of a meaningless post.�

bored, bored, bored.... Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Note to self: Brush up on the 'ol Canadian History.
Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Oh, I know they're loud, and live I prefer the loud stuff, but I just also want some more of their more melodic studio stuff on the albums, 'tis all ;-)
Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Yo Talcott, I asked my Newfie about the whole Turn or Sea of No Cares thing, and he said, "Neither, it sounds like Barenaked Ladies."


...Apparently, they have the same producer now. Eeenteresting.
Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Once again, I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, since I love about half of BNL's stuff, and am bored by/don't so much like the other half.
I'll just have to wait and hear it I guess ;-)
Agent Scully Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I don't like "Sea of No Cares." :(
lawrence Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I'd guess that since there are only three people in the picture on the album cover, Murray is NOT considered an official part of the band.
danced with Lazlo Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I know some people seem a little bitter about Murray being with GBS, but I hope people will go and support his latest venture

Um... what are you talking about? Who's bitter?
nate... Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I was kinda wondering the same thing.

CraicBaby · 20 years, 10 months ago
Okay, I was not aware that HTML didn't work here. Li'l help? :)
CraicBaby · 20 years, 10 months ago
Okay, I fixed it! Thanks!
radiogatorgirl Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
When did you wander over here?�� But thanks for bringing the pics!� Strangely, I actually hadn't seen some of those!
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Vicki! I just wandered over here yesterday. And sorry there's a lack of Bob in the pics. I guess that means Murray knows the rule about not touching Bob while he's performing ;) I think Alan's the only one who's dared to even step within three feet of Bob during "Scolding Wife." I think that's because Bob wouldn't dare hit Alan ;)
radiogatorgirl Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
For some reason, this just makes me picture the b'ys getting into fistfights frequently on stage.� As for lack of Bob pics, there are plenty on my drive for me to admire, and it's not like Murray is exactly hard on the eyes, at any rate.������
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Bob would probably be the only one throwing punches.The others would probably just laugh at him ;) I don't think he's ever gotten pissed onstage before, unless you count the time he wailed on his blue fiddle. No ones what the hell that was all about. Apparently, he just started beating�on it with the bow and� pieces of it were flying off and stuff. When he was done, he llooked around all confused, like he couldn't believe what he just did. And then there was one time, he got into a shouting match with Sean during soundcheck and kicked a trashcan across the stage. I wonder what that argument was about? *sigh* I wonder how Mur deals with 3 crazy Newfoundlander and an equally crazy Nova Scotian? Since Darrell was the�peacemaker in the band, I wonder whose job�it is now?��

And I still wanna know what "scandalous" thing they did to Murray on his birthday ;)

Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Well, when I first saw GBS play live, my first thought was "gee, they look/act like Fr�vous" even down to the order they stood on stage. That and I got a very Jianish vibe from Alan ;-)
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Alan is Jian if he were butch and Irish ;)
Talcott Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
*gasp* You don't think Jian's butch? ;-)
Donna M Hunt Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Um... you think Alan's butch?

CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Well, he's certainly more butch than Jian ;)�I mean, a man who's always being kissed on stage by S�an McCann can only be so manly ;) But then there's Alan's lovely leather pants(how *does* he get those on?). It takes a manly man to wear pants like that. And he's got those huge, hairy arms. Then again, he did try on one of Melanie Doane's shirts:

So, I guess it's a tough call ;)�

A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
OMG! THAT is Melanie Doane????? When did she get so hot? She seems to have changed her image a bit. Last time I saw her she was pretty understated. You payed more attention to the fiddling than to her, but I just fell immediately in lust.
Nik Chaikin Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
THAT is creepy.
radiogatorgirl Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Alan may be more butch, but you know Jian would probably look much better in the tanktop.��
stealthlori Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
I think Alan tries to be butch. Like Jian tries to be butch.

But then Jian undermines himself by trying to be not-butch.

bored, bored, bored.... · 20 years, 10 months ago
Hey Linz! And welcome to the Dark Side ;-) (note winky face). Sorry about that flame war thing - confused me, actually. I guess we're a little touchy over here in hiatus-land.
A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Flame war good! Flame war highly entertaining! :)
hkath Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Yes, more flame war. It's cold and I need the warmth of hatred.
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for being the only person to give me a friendly welcome, Lisa(Vicki doesn't count, 'cause I already know her ;)). I think I'll stick around :) Someone told me Murray was wearing some spiffy red pants at the ECMAs, so now I need to get myself a copy of the show ;)� I'm disappointed that he doesn't wear the ugly shirts anymore. But I guess there can only be one "Ugly Shirt Guy" in a band, and Sean already has that job ;)

Oh, and something else I forgot to share.

That's my kitty. His name? Murray, of course�;)

A.J. Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Oooh cute! You should make him your icon here. Several of us are represented by our cats.
betsy =) Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
my car was named murray. that is until some asshole left his jeep parked on the interstate and i crashed into a concrete barricade at 55mph to avoid other swerving cars. (is rf bitter. needs to post that further up on the board.)
Shawna login infrequent · 20 years, 10 months ago
Just kidding :)

If my Ottawa history serves me correctly, Patrick Whelan was (possibly wrongly) accused of killing McGee and was hanged for the crime (last public hanging in Canada or something??). He was hanged at the old jailhouse on Nicholas that some of you weary travellers may know, seeing as how it's now a hostel. I hear if you spend the night in deathrow, it's free.
Whelan's family is still fighting for what they believe is their ancestor's innocence.

As for Mr. Foster, I saw him playing with GBS on the ECMAs last night. Just another one for the sightings ;)

On a similar note, I think Dave was at David Francey's Hugh's Room concert last week...
Snarki_Fru · 20 years, 10 months ago

so, i didn't notice if it was mentioned yet or not... but I heard on WBER last week that GBS is coming to Rochester, and after looking at WBER's Concert Dates�I see that they are playing in Buffalo on 4/2 and Rochester on 4/3.� Yay, Murray's comin' for a visit ;) that would be the first FruLad to "officially" set foot in Rah-chacha since Dave played at RIT summer before last.�

ugh. ate too much for lunch. food coma setting in.

Rachel Marie aka RAI Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, a concert which I CAN'T GO TO.

::pouts:: Stupid Choir.
iPauley Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Does that mean I might get to catch up with Angie again without having to go to Toronto? ;)

-- Pauley

Sab · 20 years, 10 months ago
Alan: "We call him sexypants"

I saw GBS in T.O last night, *SO* good!!! Murray sang a verse of 'Scolding Wife' to, which was oh-so-cool. Sean and Bob seem to be sporting strange new hairdos, let's hope Murray doesn't get any bright ideas=p.
Due to the fact that all the copies of 'Something Beautiful' sold out last night I had to pick it up at HMV today and was very surprised to find the "Sittin' on the steps" pic including Murray in the CD tray...not sure I'm so thrilled about that "sexypants"=p. Meh, he's still only included in the "with Great Big Sea" section in the liner notes so maybe the Nefies haven't completely kidnapped him *hehe*.
CraicBaby Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
At the Vancouver show, S�an became fixated on the word "bosom"(it was "penis" during the last tour) and he repeated it over and over again. It led to a couple of bosom-grabbing incidents onsatge, and one of them was Alan grabbing Murray's "bosom." ;)
Yvonne Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

Oh you bet he was saying that all last night too, hee hee.

Thankfully there were no wardrobe malfunctions at the concert.� ;)

Mamalissa! Back · 20 years, 10 months ago
or unfortunately...
iPauley Back · 20 years, 10 months ago

ohhhhhhh! ;-D

-- Pauley

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