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Clean Machine

   Discussion: Clean Machine
zil · 20 years, 7 months ago
good on you, love!

I've been struggling to get my room over the garage clean. between teaching my little brother, work, and cleaning in the main house I don't seem to have time or motivation to clean my area.

I'm proud of you guys. I know how hard it is to do stuff like this when doing the depression thing too. *hugs*
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

Thanks babe. :)

I see my normal, neat freak friends and I just can't fathom how they can do it. And I wonder how much is my depression and how much is just my lazy nature. As I'm sure katie can attest, I grew up like this. My dad was just like I am. I was never taught to keep things clean, and I was perfectly happy living in a pig sty most of my life. But I'm not happy with it anymore. And it's hard to change the way I function.�But I hope!

katie · 20 years, 7 months ago
I'm still a big slobbo, and I grew up with Anal Retentive Lady. It has taken me and my sister the past couple of years to try to convince her that she is, in fact, abnormally clean. It seems to be finally getting through.

'Round this place it's a little unfair, in my favor, because Boy is a lot (A LOT!) tidier than I am, but I do the kitchen cleaning (we have cleaning day every saturday because otherwise our house is like an explosion of filth what with us two, many pets, and all our crap), and it evens out because I do all the cooking (thank fark, because he is NOT a chef) and I do almost all the buying and fetching of things required for living. And I've gotten much better at things like at least periodically carting the empty coffee cups into the kitchen before ALL of them have developed mold to the extent of generating little icky personalities.

The house is still really messy, since neither of us is great at doing anything with papers and books other than leaving them on any available horizontal surface, but at least it's not dirty. Mess is okay, I least it is for me.
Andrea Krause Back · 20 years, 7 months ago

Heee I don't know why but I always imagine you to be all super-clean. :)

I do barely any cooking...that's the boy's bailiwick. But I usually am the kitchen cleaner. That's kind of in exchange for never having to be the litter cleaner. :) Hate the litter!

The office will be hard to clean because there's so much crap that it looks cluttered no matter what. Ah well. What's most important is that the main spaces are nice so we can have folks over.

katie Back · 20 years, 7 months ago
You...imagined...ME? To be clean? On what planet?? I'm *slightly* better now than I used to be, mostly because I have actually lived in actual squalor...SERIOUS squalor, involving many cats, rats (pet), and a quadriplegic, and lemme tellya, nobody can generate squalor like someone who is not capable of eliminating waste without assistance, and having been there and not liked it I usually manage to get in under the squalor wire with some Fantastik and a mop, but I promise you I'm quite the slob.

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