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Scumball reporting....

   Discussion: Scumball reporting....
nate... · 21 years ago
In a recent interview, Newsweek asked Dean the following question:

"Do you see Jesus Christ as the son of God and believe in him as the route to salvation and eternal life?"

Now, if that isn't scumball reporting, I don't know what is. What they hell are they, a news magazine or part of the fucking church?

Were I him, I would have refused to answer. Religion has absolutely NO place in politics.

George E. Nowik Back · 21 years ago

actually, it's the other way around.� politics has no place in religion. :D� or maybe both.� either way, what the hell kind of question is that to ask a presidential candidate unless you're attempting to either stack the odds or defame based on the answer.

what was his answer, just out of curiosity?

�-= george =-

nate... Back · 21 years ago

His answer was very reserved... and I respect it.

"I certainly see him as the son of God. I think whether I'm saved or not is not gonna be up to me."

lawrence Back · 21 years ago
"I certainly see him as the son of God. I think whether I'm saved or not is not gonna be up to me."

the only real issue I have with his response is the "certainly" part - like it's somehow obvious that someone would think that and that anyone who doesn't is misguided. i.e. "I certainly see him..." is the long-winded equivalent of "Well, DUH!"
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years ago
Well, if he's a Christian, then one would maybe kind of expect that he would...
ellen Back · 21 years ago
No, if he'd said "Of course he's the son...," that would have been the "Well, DUH."

He was merely expressing his OWN opinion in that statement, however, by using words like "I see."
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
At least his answer wasn't "of course, you numskull.. atheists shouldn't even be considered citizens or patriots".
Starfox Back · 21 years ago
No no no, it's not the atheists that are the problem, it's all those Jews!.

Oh, and Muslims.

Buddhists, Taoists, Shintoist, and Hinduists too.

Yep, can't have those crazy Christians either, hell, they can't all agree anyways, what are there, like 90 different sects? Bah!

Maori and American Indians are nutjobs too.

Now, who am I forgetting...
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years ago
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago


Hee. Sorry. Tired. :)

Mamalissa! Back · 21 years ago
lawrence Back · 21 years ago
what a horrible question. that's almost as bad as "Do you still beat your wife?"
zil Back · 21 years ago

well duh, course I do!

Mark Back · 21 years ago

"Only when the bitch don't listen... err, I mean no!"

Starfox Back · 21 years ago
"Do you see Jesus Christ as the son of God and believe in him as the route to salvation and eternal life?"

My answer would have been..."Well, no, I don't see Jesus Christ you silly nut, he's long since dead and ascended into heaven. If I saw Jesus Christ, it would be the End Days were here and I'd been too busy shitting in my pants to really tell you about seeing him.

And no, the route to salvation and eternal life follows the old Route 66. It goes through St. Louis, down through Missouri, Oklahoma City looks OH SO Pretty!"
nate... Back · 21 years ago
If anyone answered that way, I would vote for them for president.... without hesitation.

Kenn Back · 21 years ago
The scary thing is that religious rhetoric - (as if there's no such thing as a religious rhetorical question) - seems to be part of�the American media's perception of what is important, and Dubya is good for their business.
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
Exactly. I always find it funny that when you get a church, an atheist, a homosexual, or the news media involved, then Joe Sixpack decides to start acting all high and mighty despite the fact that he normally lives his life in a very un-Christian way.

Every night on the 6:00 news in rural Ohio I chuckle when I see one of the local yokels going on about how we should praise almighty God that Jeep got their new contract signed, and I look at the screen and think "isn't that the guy who got drunk and peed on his own shoe in the bathroom at the bar last night?"

Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago

Dude...drinking and peeing on your shoe is un-Christian? What if you got a jellyfish sting on your foot? WWJD? I think he would pee! :)

Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
Dude, I don't think Jesus wore shoes. :)

Plus, couldn't he just wave his magic wand and make it better? Or smite a bunch of Israelites or something?
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago

Insensitive clod! Now sandals aren't good enough to be shoes in your eyes? What discrimination. "Tsk tsk, you just have straps, clearly inferior, you can't be a shoe, use the other fountain!" Hrmph. I'm shocked and appalled.

Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
I guess you're right. At least he had good taste in footwear.

But if he wore sandals, then he couldn't pee on his shoe in the first place. It would hit the top of his foot.
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years ago

I hate you, Moriarty!

Bruce Rose Back · 21 years ago
You've got that backwards... it runs through OKC, Missouri, and St. Louis on its way to salvation and eternal life... otherwise known as Chicago.
Starfox Back · 21 years ago
Of course it does...maybe if you play the Depeche Mode tune backwards. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years ago
So did anyone see this forum and think it had to do with sports reporting on the Max Headroom show?
goovie is married! Back · 21 years ago
i'm betting neal did, but he's too Important at work these days to play on fhdc. :)
zil · 21 years ago
I thought you were like, "Scumball, reporting for duty sir!"
Sarah THE chicken · 21 years ago

Starfox Back · 21 years ago
Uh, what rights of Dean's were violated by the question asked?
goovie is married! Back · 21 years ago
i don't see how his rights were violated. i disagree with newsweek's asking that question, because i don't think dean's religious beliefs have anything to do with whether or not he'd make a good president, i think religious beliefs are a person's own business and shouldn't have to be shared, and it just seems to me that a reporter who asked that kind of question would probably just be doing it in hopes of causing some kind of scandal or uproar.

but i also think using the word retard is unacceptable.


nate... Back · 21 years ago
All I see under sarah's header is blankness.
No post.

Anyone else having that problem? It's the same in both Firebird and IE.
Arbie Back · 21 years ago
*raises hand* ...and I was puzzled by the thread because of it. Glad its not just me
zil Back · 21 years ago

it was there before...

did she maybe delete it and the header had to stay because it started the thread?

she might have felt jumped on by us.

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