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frucon room-mates!

   Discussion: frucon room-mates!
soul groove feline · 21 years ago
i thought i'd start a new thread for this so it didn't get swallowed up in the frucon planning thread... is anybody interested in rooming during the Con with your favourite friendly neighborhood Wormy? I don't snore, i keep myself and my area clean, i'm housebroken... anyone up for the adventure? ;)
nate... Back · 21 years ago
I'll say what's on everyone's mind....

Is there still the free sex offer?


soul groove feline Back · 21 years ago
hey, absolutely! free sex, free food, and free sex involving food. what more could one want?
*joolee* Back · 21 years ago
a pony.
ChrisChin is Getting Old Back · 21 years ago
and a boat.
Sara Woodward Back · 21 years ago
we could all together, go out on the ocean. me upon my pony on my boat. :)
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
As long as the pony, the sex, and the food are kept separate, we should be fine.
goovie is married! Back · 21 years ago
aw, man. you never let us have any fun.

i mean.

soul groove feline Back · 21 years ago
a pile of kinky horsemunching posts and still no room-mate for me :(

oh well, the kinky horsemunching is worth it.
zil Back · 21 years ago

isn't the kinky horse munching always worth it?

I'd say you could room with me, but I don't know where I'm�staying or with whom so it would be an empty offer. I suspect there is a hobbitsy one who has some plans about hwere I'll be staying, but I can't say for certain because nothing has been cemented. ;-)

Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
Cemented? I thought we were talking about horses, should they be glued instead?
Talcott Back · 21 years ago
Why yes, the hobbitsy one does have some ideas ;-)
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years ago
aww, you broke the diagonal conversation. party pooper.
I can see the bunny Back · 21 years ago
We might have room for ya Stacey. I've no clue what Shelly is doing yet but we always have the fold-out in our room too...we'll coordinate. :)
Mamalissa! Back · 21 years ago
that's just your slanted opinion.
nitsita Back · 21 years ago
See Jaci, I'm in the same boat you are....
nitsita Back · 21 years ago

definetly :)

(and am I the only one to have just envisioned an icon with jacksparrow and his compass on the pearl (at the end of the movie)�with that written on it?)

Jºnªthªn Back · 21 years ago
Thanks, Lyle.
roB! "Rob" Johnson Back · 21 years ago
But I just want to sing...
</Monty Python & the Holy Grail>

On a more serious note, I'll most likely be looking for a roommate or roommates. Oh, and I do snore. =|
hkath · 21 years ago
Room blocks at the Comfort Suites City Centre (Dundas and Jarvis, same as last year and the year before) are booked and will be reserved up until 2 weeks prior to arrival (February 5th, I guess).

Rates are $99.00/night for a double, with ten dollars for every additional person the hotel knows about.

I reserved 5 rooms on Thursday, 10 on Friday and Saturday and 5 for Sunday. Please call the hotel and not the 1-800 number, so that they actually have an idea what you're talking about when you say you're with the Frucon 7 group.

The Comfort Suites City Centre number is 416-362-7700.

If you call and they tell you the room block is full (hey... I guess it could happen), please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!
iPauley · 21 years ago
...or is this a branch? how about a fork? ok, I quit.

Anyway, here's my point (sorry) -- I, too, could use some roomate-age, and I've got this sneaking suspicion that I was not quite what Stacey was looking for in terms of roommates. So I'd just like to latch on to the side of this thread and seek roommates as well.

And if you'd rather I didn't glom onto the thread for my own use, then, well... tough. ;)

-- Pauley (realizing at the last minute my post could always just be deleted by an admin... :-P)
A.J. Back · 21 years ago
But Pauley, you didn't say whether you were offering sex or not (or horses for that matter).

(And any of you who are thinking about making a sex-with-horses/Catherine the Great joke can just forget it! eeew. )
iPauley Back · 21 years ago
you didn't say whether you were offering sex or not

Depends on who's asking to room with me. ;)

and as for the other..... *shudder* I'm not going there. :-P

-- Pauley
iPauley Back · 21 years ago
no response... guess a "well, maybe sorta" wasn't enticing enough. :-P

-- Pauley
John J. Ryan · 21 years ago
I'm available if someone needs a roomie, and I'm not picky.
soul groove feline · 21 years ago
man, now there's *too many* people with whom i would like to room...
i didn't foresee this problem when i created this thread. d'oh. *tries to decide*
iPauley Back · 21 years ago
Yeah, I never said I wouldn't room with you, I just said I didn't think that's what you had in mind. ;)

-- Pauley (getting himself into further trouble, and should really just stop talking now...)

(, Pauley didn't have nearly enough champagne tonight for this to be caused by it, this is just me...)

(...should probably not admit that... :-P)

(...ok, really, I'm spent.)
roB! "Rob" Johnson · 21 years ago
Y'know, it occurred to me the other day that I might get a better response concerning potential roommates if more than 3 or 4 of you actually knew me.

Oh well... I'll figure something out.
nate... Back · 21 years ago
actually, you might get a better response because they DON'T know you.

roB! "Rob" Johnson Back · 21 years ago

True, true. Then again, I did come out and admit that I do snore when I posted in the first place.

Oh well.
nate... Back · 21 years ago
naw, rob's a good guy!

Everyone should sleep with him!
err... wait... that came out wrong.


iPauley Back · 21 years ago
um, wow. :-P

-- Pauley
Misch Back · 21 years ago
o/~ Angela this thread is.... wrooooooooong o/~
Misch · 20 years, 11 months ago
okay, I'm going to Frucon! Is there any chance that anybody has crash space that they can offer me, or would someone want to go in on a room? Are there any rooms left at the hotel in the Frucon block?
Phoenix Back · 20 years, 11 months ago

I've got a room (from Thu-Sun = 4 nights) no roommates yet and according to Wormy I'm always on crack.

I'm actually quite nice but you'd have to put up with my weird sense of humour;) Just frum me if you're interested...


soul groove feline Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
yup, he's the guy wot is always on crack along with nate borofsky and antje duvekot. he also rocks like amadeus and talks like a punk rocker neurokid. y'all should most definitely room with him. word.
Phoenix Back · 20 years, 11 months ago
Wormy you're the bestest! *hugses* 16 days to survive go. *bounce*

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