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oh, one horse pill, one large pill and a half-pill

   Discussion: oh, one horse pill, one large pill and a half-pill
zil · 21 years, 1 month ago
lithium didn't work for me. turned me into a veggitable.
Pacho Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
that'd make sense. you don't have a manic phase, you're not bipolar. or... uhm, i'm not positive. i assume that bipolar/unipolar is totally a seperate creature from schizophrenia. anyways, assume that you're not manic. lithium brings down the high points, so if you're not already raised up then it would bring you way down. it'd be doubly bad if you were unipolar depressive, so you'd already be low and then they give you lithium to bring you down even further.

*shudders* you'd be comatose if you weren't previously manic. this stuff makes me numb in the head and i'm supposedly manic (and i'm quite a bit larger than you and it's a weight-dependent drug) so i'd be scared to think of what it'd do to you.

:O (this is me being scared)
Mordan Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
I thought that was you giving head ( or atleast that's what you told me last night)
Pacho Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
have i mentioned lately that you're a dick?

and BTW, the line is "that's not what you said last night". as in, "boy, these pickles taste bad..." "that's not what you said last night!"

Do you use the watch feature? after posting a reply, make sure you click on "watch" so that you get notified of any replies. makes life a lot easier imho
zil Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
yeah the doc said he'd think I was bipolar except I didn't have the manic moments. just low and LOWER. but I do get panicy so they tried lithium as a way to manage that. it just made me the most depressed cabage head ever.
zil Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
*laugh* no thats the face he makes when I'm GIVING him head. word.
Pacho Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
sounds very similar to what my doctor said. i don't have tha manic moments so he wouldn't have normally thought i was bipolar. but my sister is and my dad was, and bipolar runs in familes. i'm like a bipolar 3 or a bipolar 4? i can't remember which. i'm the bipolar where i get anxious instead of manic.

the other factor that tipped him off is that i get hyper on paxil/celexa which is way unusual. as he put it, if you take an antidepressant (i.e. something that raises your mood up) and it makes you hyper (i.e. you don't hit that normal upper cap that people have on their moods) then you're pretty likely to be bipolar.

i dunno, i'm still totally surprised that i could be bipolar without a manic phase. i've always conceived that bipolar meant extreme depression and extreme mania. i mean, i've got the depression, just not the mania.

i dunno, celexa brings me up because my low is too low (depression) and lithium is supposed to bring me down because my high is too high (anxiety instead of mania). eventually i'll be a nice uniform gray. :p

anyways, if lithium brings you down then you probably aren't the weird bipolar that i am. so you're a depressed schizophrenic, at least. that still doesn't explain the anxiety though. hrm. anyways, too many words :)
swallow · 21 years, 1 month ago
What happened to the conversation about dick?? I want some dick.

One Time at Band Camp...

You know whats funny, is when people are fixing stuff with silicon or whatever and they have a hole to fix, they go around and ask "Who's got cock? Where's the Cock? I need some Cock" Now doesn't that just put a big ole smile on your face...

Hey!!! You shouldn't be smiling you should be using that mouth for something else....

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