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   Discussion: Sinking
Pacho · 21 years, 1 month ago

not that any of this is my business but i feel compelled to write periodically,

I want to do what I always do, and just get over it. It doesn't take me long to get over people, I'm on my second day away from them, I should be well over them. Why am I not?

that sounds so close to what i said in therapy the other day that i almost... uhm... shat a brick. had a panic attack. whatever, that's so how i feel about life issues. but y'know, it's totally alright to not be over someone like two days later. really. i mean, *really*.

don't be so hard on yourself, life is plenty hard enough without internal stress. you had a change of scene, this is good. it'll probably take your body time to adjust to a new schedule, a new life (sotospeak). it takes time for the mind to adjust. it takes time for the soul to heal (if I can say that without sounding cheesy)

i'm sorry for your pain. i really am. i'm sorry if i come across wrong in here, interpret everything as sensitive caring sympathy. and pretend that i tossed a joke or two in there so you smiled at least once. remember, i'm a funny guy ;)

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