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Cube Family

   Discussion: Cube Family
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 3 months ago

Heee. I was looking around my cubicle today and got warm fuzzies thinking of the fruheads and such I have around. I need to put up more. Taking all the pics and who's in them into account, these are the people who show up in my cubicle.

Michael - 3 times

Kat -�3 times

Sara Clark - 1 time

Bill�- 1 time

Renita� - 4 times

Mike W - 2 times

Norg -�6 times

Me - 12 times

Nitsa - 2 times

Jaci - 1 time

Karen - 2 times

Nate�- 1 time

Paul B - 2 times

MyPaul - 3 times

Becca - 1 time

Chaya - 1 time

Ellen - 1 time

Frulads - 1 time each

Heeeee. So who do you have around you in pictures? What fruheads show up most often?

goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
now i'm going to be all obsessy over whether or not people have pictures of me, and whether enough i have enough pictures of everyone and whether i'll make anyone upset by having/not having their pics up in my office. erm, rest assured that if you're not mentioned here and you think you should be, it's because i don't have pics of you or because the pics i do have are hanging up at home instead. oh! and if you're up at work, it doesn't mean you're not up at home, too. there's a whole wall in our living room that's just pictures of fruhead types. so. um. yeah. *deep breath* :)

paul misch-2
ellen r.-1
skippy, gregory, kenny, bernardo jose, and anthony stewart head-1 each

Eri Back · 21 years, 3 months ago

In my actual office at work, I have a picture of Murray that tops a song that Lisa Carpenter wrote for me.

In my bedroom at home, before I moved, there was a little collage beside the bed. Me with RacerMike, me with George, me with Andrea, me with Renita, me with Squee and me with Smatts. :)

Adam Hartfield · 21 years, 3 months ago

I have a picture of George Nowik and�Leah Huntington, and a picture of Mary Krause and Loren Becker, from way back when - 1999 probably.

And my Live Noise poster, my IYLHYBHN poster, and my Love and China poster. Do those count? I have lots of other stuff too but none of it's music related.

Talcott · 21 years, 3 months ago
Yeah...I don't really have my own work space. I suppose I could make a portable display poster to take to my various cubes, but I think that'd frighten people more than I normally do ;-)

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