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The Govinator

   Discussion: The Govinator
Starfox · 21 years, 5 months ago
So, for those of you who follow U.S. politics or are from California, what do you think about Arnold Schwazenegger's running for governor? My only two comments are: 1) What qualifications does he have for running a state government (okay, not like anyone can do worse than Davis), and 2) How can he consider himself Republican/conservative given his views and his marriage to one of the Kennedy klan.
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
I don't know his views so I can't speak to that piece, but....I didn't realize political views were now part of marriage vows.
angelmusicmaven Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
Well, what about Larry Flynt and Gary Coleman running too??� California's really something else! I love it!
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

I have to wonder if the Democrats paid Gary Coleman to run.� Make his announcement at the same time as Arnold not just to steal Ah-nald's thunder (impossible), but to make the public think that this whole recall race is even more of a circus than it is, making people think twice before recalling the current govenor.

Not to mention the fact that when people will see the ballot and see Arnold on there and think, "Oh GAWD, I'm not voting for that has-been pipsqueak!"� Remember, politicians assume that people are generally stupid.

Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
We just need to get the pig from green acres to run and we can have the Arnold triumvirate.
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
Too late, the pig's in the race.
Mamalissa! Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

well how about Arnold from Happy Days?� Or, if not him, then the diner itself.� I mean, if a pig can run...

speaking of a running pig, they had to suspend the pigeon control program in NYC's Bryant Park, because one of the hawks they use attacked a chihuahua.

(talk about a smoothe segue!)

Starfox Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
I meant that since Maria is a member of one of the most powerful Democratic familes/dynasties, I'm sure Arnold would not be running if the Kennedy klan did not approve of it.

Plus, he's pro-gun control, pro-choice, pro-gay rights. Not views normally associated with the Republican party. I'm not judging his views (although I wouldn't vote for him based on those views), just pointing out they are not "Republican".
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
OKay, I was just bristling at the "how can he�consider himself republican....marriage to one of the Kennedy clan"...seeming to imply that ideologies could not differ within a marriage. :)
Starfox Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
Yah, that was badly written. I was trying to convey that the Kennedy family is a powerful political force, and being associated with them definitely a factor in one's political aspirations. If they don't want you running, you won't. :)

I think it's entirely possible to have different ideologies in a marraige. I know a Christian (alibet a Unitarian) who is married to an athiest. :)
Jºnªthªn Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
Can the other 200 candidates demand equal time on the tonight show?
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
No, but all those other candidates could make people decide to not recall Davis on account that it would just take too long to go down the entire list of other 200-300 candidates and vote for just ONE.
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
Oh, Saturday Night Live and the talk shows are going to have a field day with this, Kobe Bryant, and the generally Bush bashing.� The monolouges might take up half the program.� Oh wait, they already do.....
jaye Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
people still watch that stuff?

goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
hee! i love jaci. :)
jaye Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

*is loved*

i suppose i should post something with content.


wil wheaton for gov'ner!
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
We are playing boggle now? I'm in.
Mamalissa! Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

a commentator on NPR this morning said that at this point it was closer to 400 candidates.

She also said that if a million people paid the $3500 registration fee, they'd cut the California debt in half... and wondered why nobody'd thought of that sooner.

Talcott Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
You left out the best part of that piece though.

His movie roles though, don't tend to be the things people want as their elected officials. Namely, robots who kill people.

Oh, and I heard the pun that I can't believe I didn't think of first today:

"Total Recall"

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