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Top 50 Driving Albums

   Discussion: Top 50 Driving Albums
nate... · 21 years, 3 months ago
When I was posting in the "Top 50 Driving Songs" thread, I realized it was going to take forever, as about 60% or so of all the songs in my entire cd collection are great driving songs.

So, here's a new one.

Top 50 Driving Albums!
These are the albums you pop in and listen to the whole thing while driving (or close to).

I'll start with a few off the top of my head:

Pearl Jam - Vs.
Rollins Band - The End of Silence
Nirvana - Incesticide
Primus - Pork Soda
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magic
Fountains of Wayne - Welcome Interstate Managers
Violent Femmes - self titled
Elvis Costello - Spike
Russell Wolff - Roadkill Amerikana
TMBG - Severe Tire Damage
Tom Waits - Bone Machine or Big Time
Ani Difranco - Living in Clip

Well, that's a start.

Chris "Father" O'Malley Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
Front 242 - Tyranny For You

(german techno-industrial band :)
Will work for anime Back · 21 years, 3 months ago

B-52's - Cosmic Thing

REM - Out of Time

Beatles - Abbey Road

Paul Simon - Graceland / Negotiations and Love Songs

Simon and Garfunkle - Live in Central Park

Eddie Izzard - Dress to Kill (yes, it's spoken word, stand up comedy...but it's great to drive to when you're with a group!)

and my all time favouite driving album - RENT : original cast recording

yes...i have weird taste

beth-pseudocanuck! Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
amen to RENT.
amen to russell wolff - roadkill amerikana


k's choice - almost happy
nickel creek - this side
kris delmhorst - 5 stories
fiona apple - tidal
indigo girls - pretty much anything :) (just ask ellen. hehehehe)
five o'clock shadow - wonders of the world (or so there! if i'm feeling retro)
matthew sweet - girlfriend
sam shaber (shabAAAAAAAAAR) - 80 numbered streets
the thorns - the thorns
eddie from ohio - big noise

that said, i usually use my mp3 cd player in my car, so i'll have easily 15 albums all shuffling together if i choose. i have artists grouped generally by genre onto mp3 cds. current cds in rotation include:

folkies vol. I
folkies vol. II [both mostly singer-songwriter "folkies"]
indie pop
indie rock
fr�vous (entire discography...i think)
indigo girls (entire discography)
eddie from ohio (entire discography)
angelmusicmaven Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
Beth--- EEEE Thorns!!!� Anyway, I love the first 2 Vertical Horizon CDs, ultramellow and pre- sellout :) Also listen to Crowded House's WOODFACE a lot while driving... Fruvous live shows too :)
nate... Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
And of course, Phish - Picture of Nectar
zil Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
dude. totaly.
Zach Back · 21 years, 3 months ago
I've found Farmhouse to be a very handy road trip companion. Mostly due to my love of jamming out to First Tube.
dave "buh" · 21 years, 3 months ago
I don't listen to albums as a whole much in the car since getting an mp3 player in-dash, but I second Cosmic Thing & REM Out of Time (Totally underrated album AND it has Kate Pierson guesting)

And here's some of my picks in no particular order (but which might reveal my penchant for 80s mope rock music)

The Two Ring Circus (Erasure)
Music for the Masses (Depeche Mode)
Substance (Joy Division)
Substance (New Order, first disc)
Comfort Eagle (Cake)
Especially for You (The Smithereens)
Whip Smart (Liz Phair)
Too Young to Die (Saint Etienne)
Lifes Rich Pageant (another by REM)
The A List (Wire)
The Cars (The Cars)
Welcome Home - or Everything's Different Now (Til Tuesday)
Body And Soul (Joe Jackson)
People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm (Tribe Called Quest. I'n not a big rap fan but this is a great CD)
Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus (Mingus. Ob. jazz entry)
Rachel Beck · 21 years, 3 months ago
I have many mix tapes devoted to driving music (which for me has much overlap with dancing music).

My favorite entire albums for driving:

Madonna, Ray of Light
anything by Prince
XTC, Skylarking
Ani, the Revelling half of Reckoning/Revelling
the Richard Thompson box set
Abbey Road
the first Rufus Wainwright album
Ryan Adams, Heartbreaker

If I had it, the Charlie's Angels II soundtrack would be on the list.

Yes, I like to drive to cheese and sadsack music.
J · 21 years, 1 month ago
I just put my mp3 player on random for driving its better that way then I never need to change cds or think about what Im going to listen to next...I let the machine do my thinking

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