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   Discussion: Dreams
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 7 months ago
I thought it might be interesting if there were a thread that people could tell the dreams that had the night before on.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 7 months ago
I'll start.

I somehow found myself on a wagontrain out west. We weren't actually in wagons though. We were in a perfectly modern house and preparing to set out again. I had just joined the train on this rest stop. Quite a few people had died and I was joining to replace the doctor. There was a big discussion on how to divide the common assets when we reached our destination. Someone suggested that the rich people get more. I asked if they put more money in at the beginning and was told "No but they'd miss not having money more than the poor people." I castigated them for saying that when so many people had died already on the way. That pretty much ended the debate and we headed out to the wagons.
emilie is CRANKY · 21 years, 7 months ago
i had this really weird dream last night where i went with elijah wood to a fanfic writing class in london, but we weren't really learning much so we ended up trying to organise the coloured pencils the organisers had supplied us with. yup. :D
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Coloured pencils. Yep, sometimes a pencil is mearly a pencil :-)
Jºnªthªn · 21 years, 7 months ago
First I was hanging out with my friend Denise. I told her she was going to have a hard time breast feeding her new baby in the tight leather jacket she was wearing (she's due next week, but wasn't pregnant in the dream). We were basically just hanging out like we did in college.

Then I dreamt that I snuck into a 3D movie with an old high-school girlfriend (although is was set more or less now, although I was still in grad school), but I had to pay $1 for two sets of "glasses" which where basically a big card with the glasses as a peel off decal which you were supposed to stick to your face. She was asking about how to use them with her glasses, although she was wearing contacts, while I was trying to peel off a poorly cut 8" ornate (like a mardi gras mask) decal without ripping it or sticking it together. Then she was asking me to go out with her once a week since she was lonely, and I started discussing my school schedule. Then she told me her old boyfriend lived in her basement...

Then I was being interviewed by the FBI since a colleague had turned me in suspecting I was the UNABOMBER (his explanation why was that I seemed unhappy at work). They wanted my fingerprints. I told them they already had them, since I had been fingerprinted for a gov't job a few years ago. The end result was that I was cleared, but that gov't funding for my project was being cut (I don't work on a gov't project).

So dream analysts - what does it all mean?
emilie is CRANKY Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

i have no idea, but there's a dream analyser here that you can use :)

Annika · 21 years, 7 months ago
I dreamed last night that I was having coffee with some friends.� Yup, I have very interesting dreams.
jen · 21 years, 7 months ago

I was hoping someone could relate to the experiences i have while sleeping...

i'm on Paxil, and one of the side effects of that is that its supposes to give you very vivid dreams... that doesen't even begin to describe what i go through every night. i have such intense dreams, usually so weird and intricate that i cant even begin to explain them to people, so i don't anymore.� they are surreal, complex, and usually very familiar - that is, i experience the same feelings, location, people, theme every night.� Sometimes i am lucid dreaming, where i can control the dream and where it seems so real that its a step between dreaming and consciousness.� Sometimes they are so frighteningly real that i experience the same feelings and emotions physically, like when i dream about throwing up, i wake up feelings really sick, or being raped... i have woken up screaming from rape dreams and feeling like i have been in reality. All the time i wake up from intense dreams dazed, foggy, and feeling so "heavy" that i cant get out of bed.� Occasionally these feelings are so powerful that i really cant function and have to call in sick for work.� I dream a lot because i sleep a lot, i always feel tired and worn out when i wake up and just go back to bed.� In fact, i havent been able to function much lately.�

It really scares me.� But i can't go off the Paxil because if i did i'd be curled up in the fetal position bawling my eyes out every second of the day for no reason.� I was hoping anyone out there with similar expereinces could tell me that i am not a complete freak and that they've expereinced any of this too.


Snow In Summer Back · 21 years, 7 months ago


it's not just you.� when i was on paxil, i had the same problems.� i've always been a vivid dreamer, but i found the meds just made it too much.� i had to quit after being on it for a couple months.� i couldn't�handle it anymore.� of course, i was kinda like Ewan McGregor in Trainspotting (the part where his parents locked him in his room to detox).��maybe your�doctor can lower your dosage to keep the dreams under control, but also keep everything else where it's supposed to be as well.� that is one thing w/ these types of meds... there's always going to be dosage adjustments & it takes time to adjust to them.� �

Mollie Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Yes, SSRI's have given me strange sleep and dreams. If you haven't told the person prescribing this medication about your dreams, then do. I don't know if there is anything they could do or not, but it's worth asking.
My biggest beef with the SSRI's that I have taken was the anorgasmia. Kind of undid the antidepressant effect of the medication.
Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
I took Paxil for a while, and I remember having the scariest most vivid dreams,�and�like you�it was like a continuing dream every�night, or the same dream with slightly�variences. �I ended up going off of it, not because of the dreams alone, more because on Paxil I was content staring at the wall all day long, and when people would talk to me, I had a hard time responding, I'd talk slow, and mumbley.� So I my Doctor switched me to Wellbutrin (sp?) which was alright, except I had horrible mood swings on it, where I'd be all happy for� moment than I'd start crying, then I'd just want to sleep, or just be by myself, and if someone bumped into me, or touched me, my whole body would tense... Okay, yeh I guess it wasn't alright.� So now I'm just on a very high dosage of Prozac, which I'm actually not on at moment because I'm poor and don't have insurance. Can't tell can you?����Prozac�has been the only drug that has�kept me on a fairly sane�emotional level.� Anyhow, you're not alone in that at all.
jen Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

thanks guys, its nice to see im not alone.

I just woke up from a particularly insane dream just now and called in sick. i should be at work right now.... i hate these dreams and the waking dazed reality and there doesnt seem to be anything i can do about it.� Ive told my doctor and when i attempted to switch drugs awhile back, i had to take a whole week off work (a different job) because it screwed me up so much all i did and feel scared and sad and cry.� My doctor put me on that new drug immediatly after i stopped paxil, he told me that would be okay even though i doubted him.� Now i know what a moron he is because you cant jump prescriptions like that without it fucking you up. Im back on Paxil and my mood is relativly stabilized except i still cant function periodically.

im so scared about how i cant fuction on or off pills. i dont know what im going to do


Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
*hugs* I know how you feel, I wish I knew of something that could help. I'm going to go out for drinks with my dad tonight, I'll ask him, if that's alright with you. He's a nurse, so he might know of something.
zil Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

dude. I transitioned from paxil to effexor... while I was scaling down the paxil I was starting the effexor. it SEVEARLY messed with my head. I had some of the kookiest dreams yet (being a book, a key hole, a green braided rug, living in the belly of a snake...)...

switching drugs is tricksy buisness.


P.S. trazadone is the bomb. :-)

goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
is zoloft supposed to do this, too...that's what i'm on, and i've always had vivid dreams, but i think they've only gotten more vivid and more insane in the last year or so.
siobhan's a londoner · 21 years, 7 months ago
I was in my kitchen preparing to go on the Morroco hitch hike with my flatmayes when� at the window comes a knock from all my neighbours.� They point out that all my flatmates have moved out now and I am actually on my own..this is quite frustrating and also true so after my gorgeous flatmates *foof* into the ether they climb in through my kitchen window and start looking in the cupboars for food then Steve kisses me and I wake up with a hangover remembering that the night before he told me he wasn't interested.� Had a much better dream once where Homer Simpson was my dad and the University library was the chamber of secrets and we did battle with a hologram and my old neighbour walked through looking lost with a can of Orangeboom beer in his hand.
emilie is CRANKY Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
i had a dream once where homer simpson was my dad!! *raotfwl* :D
siobhan's a londoner Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
i think we's be too alike.�� wow when we all talk together we still act like fifteen year olds
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 7 months ago
I dreamed that FHDC was going to up its rates to $5.95 a month and it was being discussed on a forum. It was already a pay site in my dream, I think it was $3.95 a month before the hike.

Don't get any ideas Josh.
zil · 21 years, 7 months ago
one day I dreamed that I was free. no worries no debt no hurting no war no killing no badness. I was so light I floated on the warm breeze. self awareness seeped into my mind and I realized I was actually flying. with red wings I soared above the earth, my feet brushing the tips of the tree tops, a delacate dance in the sky. free, and I stretched my arms out wide... my arms... orange/tan fur? whiskers? tail? I swooped down to a lake and looked into the reflective pool. I'm a cat... with red wings. seconds ago it seemed odd, now it seems normal, I curl up in the sun and sleep. purrrrr...
Annika · 21 years, 7 months ago
When I was 9, until I was 12 or 13 I had this reoccuring dream that I was killing my older sister with a toaster.� One night I'd have bashed her head in with it, another night I'd be strangling her with it. It would always go from me being all like "Oh my god, she's dead" to a group of people that we knew walking to her gravesite, all of them being very angry with me, and making really horrible comments to me as we were walking. I wanted to explain to them that I had to because she wouldn't stop hurting me (She used to let all her anger out on me during that time, not a good time in my life). Anyhow I'd wake up all scared and feeling alone. I felt like I couldn't tell anyone about that dream because of it being so horrible. So yeh, I never�did kill�her, and I don't have those dreams anymore, so that's good! :)
Annika · 21 years, 7 months ago
I had a dream that I was with a group of people in like a flop house setting. I was going to have cheerios for my dinner, but Norg ate them, but it was okay, because later he helped me tape a box that I tripped over and torn. It was nice that he helped because the box was crying. *shrug* I take sleeping pills?
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 6 months ago
Last night I dreamt that I was at the Bottom Line all the way in the back. The BL is known for its excellent sight lines but in my dream I could not see the left half of the stage where the piano was. I didn't know who was playing till he was announced. It was Billy Joel. I couldn't see him of course but I was very happy when he started singing a cover of DVN's Face Like Billy Joel's.
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 6 months ago

One of the best Billy Joel concert bootlegs is a show he did at the Botton Line back in 1976.� It was broadcasted on WNEW, and it was RIGHT before The Stranger came out, so basically before he got SUPER huge.

That's why this banter happened at the Fruvous show on July 25th, 2000 at the Bottom Line with Dave Matheson at the piano, ready to do his Dylan song:

Dave: "So who here likes Elton John?"

Audience: "Yea!"

Dave: "Just kidding."

Me:�"Billy Joel then!"

Dave: "Yea, sing us a song you're the piano man...."

Geoff · 21 years, 6 months ago
I had a dream that I went to the movies with a girl I have a mildly obsessive crush on (Colleen), and when we got there, she told me she started dating someone I knew from high school (Sean), who just happened to appear at that moment. Now, I disliked Sean quite a bit back then, ostensibly because he was a dick, but probably mainly because I had a little thing for his girlfriend, who was a good friend of mine (Sophia). Now, when Colleen told me about this, I was a bit confused, because Sean and Sophia ended up getting married, so I wondered what happened to her. She then proceeded to appear and tell us all that she was dating someone else I went to high school with, Pat. So the end result of this was that I was pretty pissed off, and I left. I forget where I went. It was pretty depressing.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 5 months ago
This dream almost has Fruvous content.

Last night in my dream I was in a town that made people turnin their chia pets when the came into town. Sort of like the westerns where they make you turn in your gun. I was in a huge vault filled with chia pets.
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
goovie is married! · 21 years, 5 months ago
the other night, i had one about living in a big house with gordon, gella, ellen g., and lisa l., and gella had just bought a car and she was really excited about it, but every time anyone asked her about it, she locked herself in the bathroom. :(
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
In your dreamworld you only live with people who's first or last name start with G except for L.L. Was she there because all of my friends' names beging with an L?.
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 2 months ago
I had a strange and complex dream last night. It had the cast of the Nanny in it and the actor that played Seinfeld's father. We were all solving a murder mystery. There were lots of side plots too. The thing I wanted to write about was one line of mine. As you might know i have lots of trouble learning people's names. In the dream some people walked in room and I had to introduce one group to the other and I couldn't remember anyone's name. I said, "you know this is really hard since all of you don't really exist and I just made up your names." In the dream I knew I was dreaming.
Janos · 21 years, 2 months ago

Well last night, let me see if I can remember it all...

There was some sort of festival going on just outside my own neighborhood, and so I was going, only it was some sort of elite festival that the people from my neighborhood weren't allowed into. I had to fight some people to get in.... only it aws just like a videogame at that point so I wasn't really fighting haha.

So, I went to the festival, and then there was this notice that said whoever was from my neighborhood had to leave before 7:00 or they would be arrested or something. So at one point I accidentally stayed too long, and had to fight some more. Then when I beat those guys too there was a beach in the road, and there were rocks and things with sand. For some reason I knew that they were set up as a trap, so I outsmarted the trap by helping the whale that was in the water... he needed rocks or something...... RIght he was a whale made of rocks except he looked just like a blue whale.�So then I got to ride on him :D It was nice. Then he rode me back to the festival and I was no longer discriminated, and some more people got on the whale too and it turned yellow and everything was happy.

Haha that's the most sense I could make out of it :)

Annika Back · 21 years, 2 months ago
I had a dream that Chrys called and asked me to come back.� I, in so many words, told her no.� Then after making it clear that there wasn't a chance in hell, and seriously offending her, Briana told me I couldn't live at the apartment anymore.� I was all stunned.� I packed up my suitcases and was walking down the street, and I saw my dad.� I tried to run to him, and I was yelling for him to wait.� He turned around and looked at me, then gave me the infamous german face, and got into a car and left.� I don't remember anymore of that dream, but dude... Even in my dreams my dad is an insensitive ass.
goovie is married! · 21 years, 2 months ago
i have a disturbing number of dreams about making bernie muller-thym cry.
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 21 years, 1 month ago
Last night I dreamed that I was watching films on an outdoor screen, sitting on the curb with Willow Rosenberg and her father. Willow was sitting between us so I didn't actually see him. I don't think you ever saw him on Buffy so I don't know what he looks like.

Willow is a good cuddler.
danced with Lazlo Back · 21 years, 1 month ago
That was Carey.

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