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   Discussion: DATING
no name · 21 years, 7 months ago
Anyone know if the fru-lads are single/dating?� I would like to think by now they are all happy in love.
Zach Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
I'm dating Sarah. She's not very vocal on FHDC, but she's a member. I'm off to visit her tomorrow in PA.
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
well, yeah, that's all very well and good, but you're not a fruLAD.
also, i think it's always been the policy here that we don't speculate or gossip about the band's personal lives.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
How about when you insisted that I become Dave's life partner?
Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Well.. everyone wants to be Dave's life partner.. or one night stand.. either works for me.��
nate... Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Sarah was a member of the band??
Mamalissa! Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Don't. Mention. Sarah.
Zach Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
oh dear. I misread. I thought it said fruhead
Misch Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
I think the best policy to follow for this question is to follow Great Big Sea's lead:

I know when the guys� birthdays are, but how OLD are they? I�m dying to find out their true ages!
As with many artists in the public eye, we prefer to keep our personal lives personal. This is why we do not reveal our ages, marital status, email addresses or other things. We hope everyone can respect this, and enjoy Great Big Sea for our music, not our personal lives. Thanks!

Or from the Fruvous FAQ itself:

But the bottom line here is that it is none of your business. If you feel it is your business, take it up with the band members themselves and see what they have to say. It is inappropriate for the newsgroup to discuss such things.
Annika Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Good lord. It was just a question!� How about one single "No, I don't know, but it's not something we discuss." After that you're just being a dick.
renita Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
I disagree,

I don't think anyone was a dick about it.

they expained the reason why we don't talk about it, which gives a WHOLE lot more information than just. we don't talk about that.

goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
word, renita. giving a polite answer, with an explanation so that everyone can understand? that's diplomatic and nice. and that's exactly what paul was doing.
[edited because i am a loser.]
A girl named Becca Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

Whoa.� Giving a polite answer is polite?� No way.

(Sorry, that was a bit impolite.� But no insult was meant.)� :)

goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
*snork* i'm sorry, i was being repetitively redundant and repeating myself by saying the same thing over and over again.
Misch Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
Perhaps the statement was misinterpreted. I could have been more clear that it was a direct quote from the Fruvous FAQ:

Or from the Fruvous FAQ itself:

"But the bottom line here is that it is none of your business. If you feel it is your business, take it up with the band members themselves and see what they have to say. It is inappropriate for the newsgroup to discuss such things."
renita Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

I thought it was pretty clear that you were quoting.

Starfox Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
But what would you do with the knowledge of their marital and/or relationship status? What is the motivation for asking the question? I've never understood asking personal questions about "famous" people that you wouldn't ask any other stranger on the street.

*shrug* Personal lives are just that, personal.
Arbie Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

heh heh. I actually thought Paul had posted the link to the faq and then followed with his own thought. But on second reading it is clear (a) that there was no link (unless you cut and pasted the line) and (b) he set the precident by not putting quotes around the GBS quote.

"What is the motivation for asking the question? I've never understood asking personal questions about "famous" people that you wouldn't ask any other stranger on the street."� I am�sure many learned�people have written many learned texts trying to answer those questions, none of the answers would make this the right place for a discussion of the guys personal lives.

But gentleness my friends, "it' s a good thing"

A.J. · 21 years, 7 months ago
While I do generally support the notion that a person's private life is his or her own, I do feel the people really need to lighten up on this stuff a bit. I mean come on! It isn't the end of the world to ask about someone's marital status. If you ask me, that differes a great deal from asking about their sexual preference, for example. Marriage is actually a matter of public record. It isn't private information. As for dating, it is technically private information, but for most people it is actually treated as semi-public. Anyone here answering the question could only do so if the information were semi-public.

So without further ado...

YES, Mike is MARRIED! His wife's name is Terri and she has a daughter from a previous marriage who is about 16 or so now.

The other lads have been known to date people from time to time, but I have no clue if any of them are dating anyone now.

Hope that answers your question! ;)

Also, another thought: The FAQ is REALLY old now, and I have to say I wouldn't really hold IT up as being the be all and end all of anything any more. FAQs have to be living documents. Ours is moribund and dead. at this point. While still usefull to be sure, it is not the 10 commandments by any means.
Arbie Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

Thanks AJ. That was a much better post than what I wrote. Deciding where to draw the line on personal/private can be a bit controversial so I thought "avoid completely". I wussed out on it.

As far as the faq goes I have no opinion, I haven't looked at it in a long time. I wouldn't think their would be all that much changing. I could be wrong.

A girl named Becca Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

Excellent points.

At least as far as Mike's marriage goes, I'd say he's mentioned it onstage enough times that it doesn't need to be classified information.

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