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Yet another newbie

   Discussion: Yet another newbie
Bruce Douville · 21 years, 7 months ago
I am not, by nature, a "groupie". I find the whole idea of being obsessed with a band or musician for any prolonged period of time to be distateful and fanatical. That being said, I've become very fond of Fruvous music over the past two weeks. I blame Mike Ford for this. Or perhaps I blame my career as a high school history teacher. Or perhaps I blame the CBC, which is probably where I first heard them a decade ago. (And I admit that I am an obsessive CBC fanatic, but of course that's entirely acceptable, you know.) Mike Ford has visited our school several times doing his "Canada In Song" presentation. The last couple times, I have been joining him for a couple of numbers. (I'm a pianist.) By the way, I teach at Thornlea, where Moxy Fruvous went to high school. Well, a couple of weeks ago, Mike gave me a copy of "C". I enjoyed it, and decided that it was time to remedy my "Fruvous deficiency". So, I went out and bought "Bargainville" and "Thornhill". Needless to say, I'm hooked (at least for the time being) and I've been having Fruvous songs running through my head for the past two weeks. I'm also a longtime fan of Bruce Cockburn. (I guess I distinguish between "intelligent longtime fan" and "obsessed groupie.") I became fond of his music because I'm a Christian who believes in social change and social justice (and Cockburn's music certainly touches on issues of faith and justice). Anybody else here a Cockburn fan too? Other than that, my musical tastes are eclectic to the point of absurdity: everything from church music of all kinds to Canuck rock (ie, Rush) to Harry Connick to Ella Fitzgerald to Bach to...well, you get the idea. Oh yeah, I'm also an environmentalist and a non-car owner, I eat a vegan diet, and I'm a rather inactive member of the NDP (though I once voted Green in 1995, and as an impressionable young man in London, Ontario, I confess that I was once persuaded to vote for Dianne Cunningham in a by-election, but at least she's a rather moderate Tory.)
nate... Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
I am not, by nature, a "groupie". I find the whole idea of being obsessed with a band or musician for any prolonged period of time to be distateful and fanatical.

I agree completely.
The rabid obsessed fans who idolize bands... I've never understood it. It disgusts me.

But anywho.. welcome! :)

Arbie Back · 21 years, 7 months ago

Welcome Bruce. You will find here a particularly ecletic group of ages, interests, and occupations. Some have done things reminisent of Deadheads but even those people like to think of themselves as intelligent longtime fans rather than groupies.

You are correct, you may have heard Fruvous on CBC. Peter Gzowski took a liking to the lads and had them on regularly for a while doing a current event "song of the week" type thing. This was just after King of Spain made them briefly famous in Canada.

As for Bruce Cockburn, I have always liked his music, although I can't say I've actively gone out of my way to obtain it nor have I ever seen Bruce live. I have admired his dedication and conviction on social issues.

You are certianly not alone around here in enviromentalism or veganism or, I suspect, in having voted questionably :-)

Enjoy yourself around here.

I can see the bunny Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
I *love* Bruce Cockburn. :) Got to see his annual anonymous Christmas show at the Horseshoe just this past December and he's headlining Mariposa this year!
nate... Back · 21 years, 7 months ago
yeah, so he says NOW... but if he fails to show up for mariposa, I'll lose all respect for him.

siobhan's a londoner · 21 years, 7 months ago
yeah Im a newbie too I posted a few weeks ago and I agree there is a difference between a groupie and a long term fan with intelligence.  One of my friends is a Bright Eyes groupie and attempted to kiss the lead singer (yuk a groupie in the worst sense) I couldn't wait around for him so I went home through a very dangerous area on my own as I had an early class the next day.  This is why I do not like groupies.  Nowt wrong with being a fan though.  (for those of you not from the north of England nowt means nothing)

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