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So long, Sunnydale

   Discussion: So long, Sunnydale
Adam Hartfield · 21 years, 8 months ago

So...yeah. No more Sunnydale.

Who else was sitting on the edge of his/her seat last night? I can't remember the last time I watched an episode as it aired. It was so good!

Melinda J. Beasi Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
I'm still kind of in shock from it all. It hit me really hard last night that this was the last one. I don't know why it hadn't really hit me before, but it hadn't I guess. I'm not dealing all that well.

I loved the Welcome to Sunnydale sign falling into the pit. :)
Adam Hartfield Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
Well, I guess you and I were the only ones watching it, Melinda. :D
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
i'll admit that i cried. and i don't want it to be over. i want mooooooore.
altho i *do* wish that kennedy had died.
Talcott Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

Yes, but then I think more than just Sunnydale would have been destroyed ;-)

I wish I didn't know Spike was comming back, because knowing that, his death was kinda anti-climatic.

"It's a party in my eye socket, and everyone's invited!"

Plus, there was the Homestar refrence! :-D


goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
i'm interested to see how they bring him back, since they decided to make james marsters a series regular on angel *after* they filmed "chosen." and more importantly, i'm just posting because i like my new icon. :P
Adam Hartfield Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
Mmmmmmmmmmm Willow.
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
is it still showing up as willow? i thought i'd changed it to georgia engel.
Snow In Summer Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
mmmmm... spike.  i'm sure it won't be that hard to bring him back... no one stays dead in the Buffyverse for too long. ;-)  and does this mean that Angel is officially renewed?
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
Plus, there was the Homestar refrence! :-D

Oh that Trogdor shoutout was killer!

I agree- I wish I hadn't known already that Spike is coming back, though I'm still very curious to see how it will be done.

Oh, and more on the sign thing... Someone on LJ mentioned that Spike always knocks down the Sunnydale sign on his way in or out of town... I can't believe I didn't think of that on my own. :)
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
yup, it happened in "school hard" and "lover's walk." that poor sign. it's like the little lawn statue in home alone that keeps getting knocked over by the pizza guy.
um. i didn't just say that.
Misch Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
They had a "The Smoking Gun" shout-out on Law & Order. There was also one to the fictional website "up-your-butt dot com"
Arbie Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

It was a pretty good episode, particularly if you don't think too much about certain plot how the whole series was very careful to keep Buffy and her mission a secret and then they left a town sized crater. But still, it was good.

I read in a couple of different articles that Spike is going to be on Angel next season, should be interesting to see how they manage to explain that. Oh heh heh I see we are all posting that about the same time. Oh well

Talcott Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

Well, I think that by the seventh season, it was pretty much common knowledge. Plus, I think Giles' line about how this "goes against everything" had to do with that. (and the crater was all spike anyways. I don't think any of the scoobies expected that.

I'm wondering how the 1000 Slayers idea is going to cross-over to Angel. I mean, the way the voice-over looked, there are now a lot of slayers in the world, and I think that's going to draw some attention. (Maybe Fred was a potential ;-)

I'm wondering if the Angel crew getting control of Wolfram & Hart is going to play into Spike's return. They brought Darla back afterall...


HEY! (Ok, I haven't seen season 2 and 3 of Angel, so this is just based on what I've heard of them).
When Darla came back, she was human, no?
The Vampire with a soul is supposed to get humanity as his reward...

I wonder if that's what they're going to do...


John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

At the Buffy party I went to on Tuesday night, that immediately came up.  Spike, the vampire with a soul, gives his life to save the world.  Thus, he comes back on Angel human.

I was screaming at the TV in jubilation when all the potentials, from all over the world, became slayers.  Only Joss has the power to change the rules of his universe.  And now Buffy can live in peace knowing that she doesn't have to carry the world on her shoulders.

And now, with so many slayers out there, think there could be a backlash against slayers in the world, like almost a discrimination thing?  That could be a story ripped right from X-Men.

Talcott Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

I think that depends on a few things.

A) Just how many Slayers are there now? Most of the potentials were killed already, so I'd guess maybe 100 in the world, max. Seeing as vampires are kept under wraps, the slayers could be too.

B) What do they know? It's fair to assume that those new slayers (not counting the Sunnydale bunch) are watcherless (otherwise they'd've been found or gone to Sunnydale). In the movie (and it seems that the show kept this) Buffy was completly unaware until Merick found her. Then again, I could see it argued that the spell imparted the slayer history/soul into all of the girls.

C) What does the scoobie gang do now? Do Giles, Willow, and/or Xander go off in search of girls to train? If not, we could have a lot of Faiths on our hands. Profesor X-anders school for gifted slayers? ;-)

My guess is that Buffy and Dawn go off and live life somewhere (I don't know where though. LA would be too close to Angel, and I don't think she has roots elsewhere. Giles returns to England, possibly with Xander and/or Andrew, and reforms a newer, better, more useful/open Watchers' Council (because, the research and guidence will always be important even without the control aspect). I mostly mention Xander here, because he was pretty obviously being pushed into Watcher mode this season.

Willow...I'm not sure. I don't think she'll lead a normal life (I'm taking Kenedy at face value when she calls her a goddess). I could see Willow doing any number of things.

And then, someone's got to go to Cleveland :-D


Snow In Summer Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

I'm wondering if the Angel crew getting control of Wolfram & Hart is going to play into Spike's return. They brought Darla back afterall...

they brought Darla back again?  did i miss something?  i thought after she staked herself that was the end of her (at least her corporeal form).  Spike.  brought back by Angel?  doubt it, as they're not exactly the president of each others' fan clubs... the phrase "Captain Peroxide" comes to mind.  stranger things have happened even in the Buffyverse.

HEY! (Ok, I haven't seen season 2 and 3 of Angel, so this is just based on what I've heard of them).
When Darla came back, she was human, no?

see above.  i could be wrong about this, but Darla was still a vamp last time she was "physically" on the show.  she dusted herself to give birth to Connor.  when she was on this season, she was an apparition/spirit/ghosty trying to get Connor to save the blonde & prevent Cordy from releasing Jasmine upon the always unsuspecting Los Angelinos.

then again... i tend to suck at possible character angles & plot twists.  so i could just be talking out an orafice other than my mouth.

John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
Did anyone notice that the actress who played Jasmine had a short role in The Matrix: Reloaded?
Paul D. Beasi Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
W&H brought Darla "back" (she was originally on Buffy during the first season and in flashbacks) in the last episode of Season 1. They brought her back as a human still dying of Syphilis that she was originally dying of before she was turned by The Master.

She was later turned back into a vampire by Druscilla and remained that way until she staked herself last season.

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