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   Discussion: Crybabies
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 8 months ago
OK, having a bad day, so this question came to me out of curiosity. How many of y'all have cried at work? If so, do you do it at your desk or in the bathroom or what?
goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
Of course I've cried at work (with the stuff that happened at my last job, how could I *not* cry?). I had an office then, so I could usually do it behind my closed door. Sometimes, when it got to be too much and I couldn't even stand to be in the office, I would take a walk to the shopping center down the block and cry in their restroom. I hope I never have a job that's so painful and evil again.
Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
Yeah I figured you'd be one of the crybabies with me, after hearing about your old job. :) I usually cry at my desk because nobody notices, where they're more likely to notice if I go to the high-traffic bathroom. :)

This week is kicking my ass.
nate... Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
I'd never seen an employee cry until I worked here and started doing Voice/Video support.

Modem agents wouldn't.

But, I've written someone up for attendance before and had them start crying... the first couple times I was just like, "Uhh... what's wrong? Are you okay??" Totally threw me off. It's like, A) it's just a job... and B) *YOU* were the one who took too much sick time, it's not like you didn't see this coming.

Sheesh... don't make me feel bad about it.

So yeah, I've started keeping tissues around just in case. :)
Agent Scully Back · 21 years, 8 months ago

Yup, I have.

A girl actually yelled at me for my mom calling my work to talk to one of my co-workers/friends and she didn't want to give her name at the switchboard. (it was personal and she felt that she didn't want it to blad all over the place) I guess she got abrupt with her. I had no clue that the conversation took place between the switchboard (small office where everyone pitches in) and the coworker/friend.

When I came back into work, the girl yelled at me in front of everyone and said "YOUR MOTHER IS A REAL B!TCH WHEN SHE WAS ON THE PHONE!"  I guess she thinks she has it in at the job that she can do that to another coworker. Well thank you very much for your professionalism.

One of the other coworkers around the corner heard it and said "What the hell was Jen yelling about?" and I told her.

I went back to my desk and try to hold back the tears - more of being humiliated in front of everyone than the name calling. I was debating on staying or walking out.

I stayed - I don't know why. *shrugs* 

Annika Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
I worked in customer service for a while, and more than a few times got a phone call about something I couldn't control, or fix, and the person would start yelling, and I'm a wimp about yelling, I hate yelling more than anything. I'd always give the headset to whomever was there, or ask the customer to wait, and get someone else to help, than I'd sit out back and smoke and cry. Crying at work seems a lot less embarrasing than crying at school did, doesn't it?
Mollie Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
I sure have. Many times, at many jobs.
Annika Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
oooh! When I got  a job at the Nordic Inn Convention Center, I cried while I was being trained one night. This lady, who was training me, kept being evil when I'd make a mistake. She'd say things like "I don't even know why they would have hired someone as stupid as you." a lot of really mean things like that.  The more she said the more I started to f-up, and she started to yell at me, which is when I lost it, I started to cry, and I said "f-you, this job is not worth being treated this way" and walked out.  The next day Joanie, who had hired me, called and asked what had happened, so I told her, and she had me work with someone else. So it was cool. :^)
Rhi: so confused Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
I've done it at my desk a couple times, since I have my own office.  But most of the time I go cry in the bathroom (which is just like, one toliet and you can lock the door to the room).  My boss is really moody and demanding, so these little crying jags happen more often than I'd like.
zil Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
um yeah I've cried at work... but I couldn't leave and go to the bathroom like I wanted too, so I stood there crying and sobbing as I got people popcorn and candy, they seemed to buy more actually. and the rest of the customers were bullying the guy who made me cry, he called me a "stupid fucking cow" .... ahh the memories.
soul groove feline · 21 years, 8 months ago

well, i don't yet have a job...but crying at school is one of my favourite pastimes. Especially recently, since i've began failing so many math and science tests. Never in front of people, though...i almost got expelled in grade 7 for crying in class.They thought it meant i was emotionally unstable. idiots.

It's actually allowed me to find some nice private places in the school. My first choice is the back stairwell that leads to the upper science wing...there's rarely anyone there. Second choice is the balcony of the chapel...but it's a more high-traffic zone than the stairwell. Third choice is the filing room in Jaimie and Mills' office...i very rarely go there coz i hate bothering them, but they said i can go there whenever i want, so i just go there as a last resort. i try to avoid the bathroom because it's in the girls' locker room, therefore really public.

wow, i'm a wimp.

emilie is CRANKY Back · 21 years, 8 months ago
when i was in year 8 i was in cookery class and i accidentally put too much cornflour in my stir-fry, and it practically jellified. i'd worked so hard at home on getting it right, and then i'd come in and messed it all up. i got a bit upset, though it wasn't a wailing fit and there were hardly any tears. of course, by lunchtime everyone was talking and laughing about how emilie had been 'crying her eyes out' in cookery. even my so-called friends were killing themselves laughing at me. i don't think i ever cried at school again. i built up a no-tears barrier inside myself, and now if i ever want to cry (which is rare, because i don't cry easily anymore as a result) i wait until i'm home, in my bedroom, with the door barricaded.
Mamalissa! · 21 years, 8 months ago

I've only teared up at this new job a couple of times.  I don't think I've ever worked somewhere and not cried at some point (if not often).

Will work for anime · 21 years, 8 months ago

there's only been one time i've lost it at work. As bad and mean (and scared) as patients may be when your trying to take x-rays of their teeth....they are even worse when they're callled back late and can't understand that you've had 3 "problem" patients in a row and the other assistant is more concerned with selling real estate to employees then getting her Real job done...

that's not to say that i've haven't cried quite a few time at home....mainly about dealing with other staff members....very rarly do i get a patient that puts me over the edge...i just take their pictures quickly (it's is hard for one to complain and be mean when there's film shoved in your mouth...*wicked grin*) and send them on their way so the doctor can deal with them....hee hee hee

renita · 21 years, 8 months ago
...but it's never had to do with work.

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