- The Beach Boys: Pet Sounds
- Nora Jones: Come Away with Me
- Pink Floyd: Dark side of the moon
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Albums you are ashamed not to own |
Albums you are ashamed not to own
Gordondon son of Ethelred
· 22 years ago
What are the albums that you know that you should own but don't. A few of mine are
for me, Sea of No Cares by Great Big Sea is one that I SHOULD own but don't. I am a procrastinator and I'm just waiting for a Very Good sale. I should probably also get another copy of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana since my younger brother keeps forgetting to return it. heh heh. i'm ashamed not to own: the other two DVN albums plus i have no albums whatsoever by REM or TMBG. *hides* there are lost of other albums i should own but can't think of any right now. :P *peeks his head out* I don't own "wood." There I said it. I am quite ashamed. I also don't have Joni Mithcell's "Blue" or own any Bob Dylan. There are others but that's all I can think of for now. *goes back to hide* The first album of La Rue Ketanou and for things you're all more likely to know I have no EFO cds.. well.. I've got two.. but they're burned And Nate, I'm very much ashamed not to own any Tom Waits.. But my sister is around whenever I want to borrow hers :D
Adam Hartfield
· 22 years ago
I'm ashamed I don't own Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer's other two albums besides _Tanglewood Tree_. I really should get those.
I whole-heartedly agree with you there. Also Erin McKeown, Love and China, O Brother Where Art Thou, A Mighty Wind soundtrack, Road Kill in Amerikana, and SO many others.
See I was actually going to post that. That I have two categories that fit this thread. Things I want but haven't gotten around to which shames me...and stuff I feel like a shamed outsider for not liking. Like Tom Waits. :)
Hell, if you don't own all 349 of Tom Waits' albums, you should be ashamed. :)
What I should own and what I want to own are two different things. ;)
I've got a massive list of things I want to own (curse of running a music store and cruising the database) but I really *should* own a copy of Pink Floyd's The Wall. Had it on cassette years ago but I've never gotten around to replacing it since it broke.
Well that's fine and noble and all...but what the hell does good music have to do with Tom Waits? (ducks) :)
I'm just kidding. I think he's a great writer and such. I just can't LISTEN to him. I like covers of his stuff. :)
I cannot hear that phrase without Cameron in my head saying "Ferris Bueller, you're my hero" :)
Doktor Pepski, kommie
· 22 years ago
Being an enormous Beatles fan, I don't own Let It Be or THe WHITE ALBUM. Yes you heard me, I don't own the white album. Shame on me! I have always wanted to get the very best of the Cure but just haven't had the chance. Finally, I do not own U2's The unforgettable fire. there i presume that is it this time around.
Rachel Beck
· 22 years ago
Yeah. What Gordon said. Also:
any Beatles, any Cure, any David Bowie, any Patti Smith, any Rolling Stones. and the only U2 album I own is Achtung Baby. I've only had a CD player for the last two years, so I got a slow start. I justify my lack of classic album owning in part because we've got a good public library that is my local Beatles/old blues music/opera/local folkie supplier. It makes me not want to move, and I nearly went batty when it was closed for renovations for two whole weeks.
Bel kjfdxcvuyjh8
· 21 years, 11 months ago
Should own but don't:
-All the Fruvous CDs. All I have is a tape with like 5 songs on it. -Linkin Park's Meteora + Reanimation. I'll find them on ebay soon. not ashamed to own: -Barenaked Ladies' Stunt + Maroon-theyre not sellouts people, these two albums rock. You must first create an account to post.
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