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Poll: Taxes done?

Yep, and I'm getting a refund. 46 (57%)
Yep, and I owe money. 10 (12%)
They're almost done! Really! 2 (2%)
I haven't even started. 8 (10%)
I'm not an American, you clodhead. 15 (19%)
   Discussion: Taxes done?
nate... · 21 years, 9 months ago
What about the "Yup, I did them back in Feb and got my refund LONG ago.." option?


Or even the "other" option, for that matter?
Why does everyone wait till the last minute? The earlier you file, the faster it goes through and the faster you get your refund!!!
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
Because the later you file, the slower it goes through, and they slower they get their refund. ;-)

Though to be fair, I usually have my taxes done in February and send them in today. I'm just a big ol' slacker this year because they were terribly hard.
nate... Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
Well, that makes sense. But I have them withhold the max so I dont' have to deal with paying money at tax time. :) That's the way to do it!
Josh Woodward · 21 years, 9 months ago
I still have to do state, but I'm owing a ton for federal because of stock options. That's the way to go, though.. when you get a refund, it just means that you've been giving the government an interest-free loan.
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
Never mind, I did some research and just went from owing a ton to getting a ton in a refund. Screw the fact that I gave the government a free loan, I think the feds will deliver my refund in the form of one of those oversized cardboard checks this year. *grins*
Sarah · 21 years, 9 months ago
I already got my tax refund in late February. Also got to spend it already. Bills. I did get a nifty new DVD player though.
ChrisChin is Getting Old · 21 years, 9 months ago
I sent out my taxes in early March, and pre-spent part of my refund (damn those pesky credit cards) on an mp3 player, some memory for my computer (I'm such a geek!), and a quick trip to NoHo to see EFO.  Fortunately the refund came around the time my credit card bill was due, so it was all good. :)
lawrence · 21 years, 9 months ago
sent in my VA taxes long ago and got my refund. mailed my Federal yesterday because I owe.
Andrea Krause · 21 years, 9 months ago
I mailed my taxes in yesterday. A whole day early, go me! :) I'm getting a refund from federal and owe state. That always happens to me. But usually it pretty much evens out (one year it was like $2-something apart)...but this year my refund is hundreds more. Rock! :)

And yay I didn't have to do my own this year. My mom's a CPA. I'll especially need that next year because my taxes will be more complicated.
goovie is married! · 21 years, 9 months ago
i did my taxes over the weekend. they were especially fun this year because i had to file for illinois and maryland, and i ended up owing money to both. grr. argh.
hkath · 21 years, 9 months ago

What does being an American have to do with taxes, you insensitive clod!?

We have taxes. And I'm also of the "did 'em long ago in February so I could get my refund that much faster" faction.

Back · 21 years, 9 months ago


I've been getting jipped this whole time!



Shelly · 21 years, 9 months ago

sent mine in a few weeks ago and owed a -boocoo-.

a word to the wise; iffin y'all ever are on unemployment, be smart and HAVE them take them out.  i didn't think i'd be out  of work so long, so i didn't have them taken out.

which ended up with my owing $700 federal and $200 state when all was said and done.


that woulda paid for my cruise.


goovie is married! Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
what shell said. unemployment insurance was what ended up costing me so much.
jen · 21 years, 9 months ago

Hey what the heck's this?

I'm not an american, but i still pay taxes! And i did it last month and got a nice refund! but my lazy parents haven't, and im trying to get their ass in gear to do so. in canada we have till the end of the month. Yay for procrastination!


Mamalissa! Back · 21 years, 9 months ago

Is April 15th also tax day for you?  I think that's the main point of this poll - did you put it off to the last minute or not...

I did my own taxes for the first time this year (rather than my dad's CPA doing them), and it was not as frightening as it's always been made out to be.  I used the efile program, and got everything done at the computer.   The only non computer thing is to print out a signature page and send it in.  Very usable.

I also set up for a direct deposit of my refunds.  Nice short turn-around.

*joolee* · 21 years, 9 months ago
my brother did them for me! *backflip*
Annika · 21 years, 9 months ago
When are taxes due??
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
A year from today.
Annika Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
Crap. I think I made such a small amt this year I didn't actually *have* to file. *crosses fingers*
ellen Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
actually, you *always* have to file. even if you don't owe.

uh, right?
nate... Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
Not if you make below a certain amount.
lawrence Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
then how do they know you're being honest? I can picture it now...

"Hmmm, I made $110,000 last year. But if I don't file, they'll think I didn't make enough to file. Muhahahaha."

I thought everyone had to file, too, regardless of whether or not they pay, get refunds, or break even.
Josh Woodward Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
> "Hmmm, I made $110,000 last year. But if I don't file, they'll > think I didn't make enough to file. Muhahahaha."

One word of advice: watch your cornhole, buddy.
Misch Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
If you made more than $400 in any month, you have to file.
Michael (foof) Maki Back · 21 years, 9 months ago

Untrue.  That's self-employment tax.

Generally, if you make more than $4700 during the year (or more than $750 in "unearned income") you are required to file.  Even if you don't meet those requirements, though, it would likely behoove you to file because you'll get most of the taxes you've paid back.

As for the IRS not knowing that you really made $110k when you say you didn't, you realize that they get a copy of all your income statements, right?

beth-pseudocanuck! · 21 years, 9 months ago

same here on both accounts. i guess WA is just as cool as NH. :)

and i'm getting a few hundred from the feds. yippeee! :)

George E. Nowik · 21 years, 9 months ago

extentions = yay.


 -= george =-

ellen Back · 21 years, 9 months ago
hee. I agree.

Though I have to drive 'em down the the post office tonight...

Sara Woodward · 21 years, 9 months ago
I need to change my vote, from almost to yep and refund. i have until the end of the month to finish up local taxes. city taxes are new to me...
renita · 21 years, 9 months ago
so I was all ready to file. But I never got my tax slip for school from UBC.. so I have to go there and get a copy... but i'm too lazy ;D and I hate doing stuff like that. so yah. as soon as I get my butt in gear and do that... I'm set :)
A girl named Becca · 21 years, 9 months ago

Well, I had my dad help me with NY and federal, 'cuz he has a computer program for those...but I was on my own for VT.  Not a big deal, though, and I'm getting all my withholdings back, so I'm pretty psyched.  I'd be more psyched if "all my withholdings" were more than, like, $75 total...but I can't complain.  :)

(No, really, I can't.  I gave it up for Lent.  :))

Bel kjfdxcvuyjh8 · 21 years, 9 months ago
Where's the "Other" or "i'm too young to get a job where I would make enough money to do taxes" option?
Erica: movin' to Ohio!! · 21 years, 9 months ago
don't work, no taxes.
dgodwin · 21 years, 9 months ago
I ended up with a negative tax rate (I'm asking for more of a refund then I paid in).  I don't quite know how this happened..  I hope no one catches it  :)

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