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Paste Magazine Column

   Discussion: Paste Magazine Column
beth-pseudocanuck! · 21 years, 5 months ago

1. Check out Paste Magazine.

2. While they're not hiring, they *are* soliciting writing. From their website: "Is Paste looking for writers and photographers? Sure � we�ve got a good stable of folks, but you can send your submissions by email to [email]."

I came up with what *I* think could be a really neat column--something to the effect of "Life of a Folkie," or "Life in the Scene." (Title suggestions obviously very welcome.) Basically, I'm envisioning some sort of journal-esque story featuring humorous/memorable/notable moments of my life (and my friends' lives) in the folk scene.* Concerts, festivals, road trips, in-studios from my radio show, etc. Think Bill Bryson meets Falcon Ridge.

What do you guys think? Any moments of inspiration you can think of off the top of your head? (Bonus points for moments I was actually present for!!) Title suggestions?

Thanks! As always, y'all are the best!!

*if any of you ever got 17 magazine, remember the column written by the token guy, about his amusingly pathetic love life? that kind of thing. only about my life in the scene, not my amusingly pathetic love life. :-p

zil Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
I think thats an awesome Idea dude friend. I just don't have any suggestions this morning cause my coffee isn't strong enough... my brain is still sleeping... and as usual I'm not really a words kinf of person. I'm more visual... so my suggestions prolly wouldn't be to great, not that I have any... wooo holy run on rambly sentence batman... sorry... you seemed so desprate to have someone reply. :-)
John J. Ryan Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

Wow, moments that you were present for...

The day at Falcon Ridge when you met Gella for the first time in years, and it was like meeting a long lost friend.

And that experience changing your life in terms of meeting all of us.  Going up to the Budgiedome to sing EFO songs and later getting into all sorts of crazy adventures with us.

The EFO New England weekend where not only did we follow them from NoHo to Providence, but we helped Ellen move out of her Vermont apartment, drive through the worst Columbus Day traffic ever, and, on both night, hung out with EFO as late as possible.

Oh, don't forget the mountains of Old Dominion.

And then there was the show at the Paramount where you watched the rest of us race to the front of the stage and dance like crazy to Eddie's Concubine.

Just some ideas in terms of my memories coinciding with yours.

Andrea Krause Back · 21 years, 5 months ago
You weren't present, but a really memorable thing for me was waiting in line for the Fruvous/Dan Bern New Year's shows at the Bottom Line. We ended up in line right behind ^kat^, JillMom, and one of kat's friends. Started chatting them up and eventually realized that not only were they from the same city I spent my childhood in before moving to CT (Dayton, OH), but even the same obscure suburb (Centerville). It was an instant kinship and the beginning of a great friendship. They feel like family to me.

Eventually we even realized ^kat^ and I were born in the same hospital. :) And when we paid a visit and stayed with them, she drove me by my old house so I could see what had become of it.

Just...leave it to the fruvous/folk world to have me end up in line next to people connected to me like that, in NYC.
Kat Kunz Back · 21 years, 5 months ago

heeeee.  i'll never forget that, either.  like it was meant to be.  :D 

*hugs*  misss youuuuu...

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