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Shawna login infrequent · 22 years, 1 month ago
Woo! Francey in Toronto! I'm there!
bored, bored, bored.... · 22 years, 1 month ago
I just want to say again to all you Toronto people......I hate you. That is all. *wink*
JMD · 22 years, 1 month ago
I just saw David Francey at the Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival. He was great! I'd recommend seeing him anyway, but having Mike there would be a nice bonus.
Rachel Barreca · 22 years, 1 month ago
Lordy, lordy, lordy. This is going to be a great show even if Mike doesn't show up. David Francey is one of the best songwriters I've ever had the pleasure to hear/see perform/know about. I'm listening to his most recent CD right now (Far End of Summer) and it is just as good as his debut (Torn Screen Door). Dave and Mike guest vocal on a beautiful song called "Banks of the Seaway" - a cappela, harmonies galore. phew! Just saw him at Summerfolk and he's more brilliant than the last time I saw him.

Go see him. Buy his CDs. :)
Joy- new picture! Back · 22 years ago
What are the chances of Mike not showing up?
Shawna login infrequent Back · 22 years ago
I would say that barring any emergency, he would be there. Mike and David are buddies :)

I can't wait! I think my exams start on Dec. 5th, but whatever.

I'm so excited to hear of you folks discovering him at various festivals. You now know what I've been trying to convice people for years! :) He really is a remarkable songwriter.

Maybe I'll see some of you at the show?
bored, bored, bored.... · 22 years ago
*wah* I still hate you all!! *grin* I'll be seeing David in November in a lovely theatre in North Vancouver, but no Fordy of course. *pout* "The Far End of Summer" is my favourite CD right now. I never get tired of it. David has a wonderful voice, a *great* sense of pitch and that lovely accent. ;-) And he's such a sweetie too. I can't wait for the show. And Stephen Fearing is 3 days later. Woohoo!

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