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What do you prefer?

   Discussion: What do you prefer?
Annika · 22 years ago
I was having coffee with friends the other night/morning, and a song came on that struck up the question, "What do you prefer, Na Na's, Da da's, Bow bow's, or La la's?" Or is there another one that you prefer to hear in music?
Eri Back · 22 years ago
"da va da va da"s. :)

(says the vocal jazz singer)

the occasional "skwee-bop" or "bowwww...." (it's gotta trail off at the end!)
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years ago
I think I'm a na na person. Sometimes la la. Da das do noting for me.

I've often wanted to make a little snippet sound file stringing all the "na na"s and "la la"s I knew together. I was compiling a song list for a long time. But I got distracted and it never happened and now I've lost my song lists. :)
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
I prefer to hear words, myself. I leave the utterances to boy bands and beatniks.
no one Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
The "Swingle Singers" might have resented that remark. But then, Bach might have given you the thumbs up for it and referred it to the swingle singers.
Back · 22 years ago
The blues singer says
oO yeah yeah yeah Oo
and a "da va" here and there!
danced with Lazlo · 22 years ago
Of the ones you mentioned, I'm definitely a na na person... however, were I to choose on my own, I tend to go with dai dai or lai lai.
lawrence Back · 22 years ago
rai di dai.
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
i hate you guys. :)
angelmusicmaven Back · 22 years ago
I like shik-a na na, shik-a na nas personally! And shalalalala, an old favorite. Don't forget heidy-heidy hos!!!
Snarki_Fru Back · 22 years ago
i dunno, i'm not opposed to the occasional fiddle dee dee di dee...
however, give me some bowm-chicka bow bowmp any day
iPauley Back · 22 years ago
o/` heidi-heidi-heidi-heidi-heidi-heidi-hi....
skoodley-boo, skoodley-boo, skoodley-boodley-boodley-boo...
(skoodley-boo, skoodley-boo, skoodley-boodley-boodley-boo...)

(sorry, I don't think I can translate the last line into words without a day or so to work on it... which makes an otherwise interesting post look kinda lame... ok, I'm done :-P)

-- Pauley
beth-pseudocanuck! Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
brain fart. what the heck is that from?
no one Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
Damn you, you earwormed me. Whats worse, I can't find the song. I know its on one of my reel to reel tapes, somewhere. Came out somewhere in the early sixties.
Eri Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
I bet I could get it for you, Pauley. ;)
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
ya dai dai
lai dai dai
and a chiri-biri-bim
Jºnªthªn Back · 22 years ago
I'm a chim-chim-cheree man myself...
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
good little Jewgirls that we are :)
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Eric Cartman: Kyle, all those times I called you a stupid Jew, I didn't mean it. You're not a Jew.

Kyle Broflovski: Yes I am, Cartman! I AM a Jew!

Eric Cartman: No, no, don't be so hard on yourself.

emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
hehehehe... south park movie ;)
nate... · 22 years ago
frankly, most of us preferred the piranhas.
emilie is CRANKY · 22 years ago
heh. it depends. usually it's doo-doo-doo's or ba-da's or something similar, but if i'm singing opera and i can't remember the words, i make up italian phonetic sounds or something. y'know. nonsense that *sounds* italian :D
nate... Back · 22 years ago
that's kinda what the french do too.. they call it "french".
they think it's, like, an actual language or something.

Annika Back · 22 years ago
Those silly Frenchies. :^P
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
See Nate, I think its actually more sinister than that. See, they *know* that it's not a language, but they can't let on because they have to maintain the illusion that they are smarter than the anglophones. It's a conspiracy!
As for the Canadians, I suspect that they are not in on the French conspiracy and actually believe that it is a language, but they don't understand it... yet they can't let on because they have to maintain the image that they are smarter than Americans, so they speak "French" to each other when Americans are around, and when we're not in earshot they explain what they meant to each other in English because they have no idea what they've just said.
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
oi. don't diss the french, yo ;)
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Ahh.. that explains a lot.
I didn't know the conspiracy went so deep!
Annika Back · 22 years ago
Ahh the french.... what can't you say about the french? My family was french way way back, but as an American, I'm sure they spoke English, just as everyone else in the world does. :D I love being an American just so I can make fun of us, we really are close minded bastards sometimes. *Sigh* I wish I was Canadian. I should write a song about wishing I was Canadian... except then someone from the FBI will probably show up and think I'm a Canadian terrorist... Yes, never mind. OHH! Dave Foley on News Radio. "I didn't tell anyone I was from Canada because.. I thought they'd think I was a Canadian spy...."
bored, bored, bored.... Back · 22 years ago
OMG! Gella's caught on to us, fellow Canadians. This is serious. Alert the Prime Minister. You may have to wake him up, but alert him anyway. Or alert his wife. She's the only one who knows what's going on anyway. We'll have to stop speaking "French" to each other and pick a new second language. Any ideas?
hkath Back · 22 years ago
I'm partial to Esperanto.

Also, Gella's theory explains why I can no longer communicate with my family except through grunting and vulgar gesturing! Thank you, Gella! :D
Bel kjfdxcvuyjh8 Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
We can make up our own language, it really doesn't matter just so long as we can look smarter than Americans:)
Annika Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
That shouldn't be too hard... speaking as an american.
Annika · 21 years, 11 months ago
What do you think of "Dun dum da dum da, da, da?"
Annika Back · 21 years, 11 months ago
Or Bum bada, bahdy bahdy, boom?
Will work for anime · 21 years, 10 months ago

"Na Na Na..." for Hey Jude

"la la la..." for backing vocals

most other "da da" "do do" la la"s  that are actually part of the main vocals of a song i think of as just a lame excuse not to write lyics or a good intrumental in point...that one song of Jian's with the "la la la" after the chorus (can't think of the title at the moment). I do emphasize MOST becasue i'm sure there are some great exceptions...but my brain just farted....

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