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Poll: Regarding Mustard and Mayo...

I love mustard, but mayo is the root of all evil. 18 (23%)
Mayo's cool, but mustard? Ew ew ew ew ew... 10 (13%)
Both are awesome! I don't know what's wrong with you people! 27 (34%)
Kill the evil condiments! Kill! Kill! Kill! 7 (9%)
I'm a Ketchup person, you insensitive clod! 18 (23%)
   Discussion: Regarding Mustard and Mayo...
Snow In Summer · 22 years ago
what about miracle whip?
jaye Back · 22 years ago
-that- is the root of all evil.
Mollie Back · 22 years ago
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
totally. blech.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Funny thing is... as a kid I liked miracle whip, bologna and cheese sandwiches....

But.... then I grew up and learned of the demi-god that is mayo.
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
I'm a Miracle Whip person.

Always was...always will be. :)
iPauley Back · 22 years ago
here here :)

-- Pauley
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Et tu, pauley?

iPauley Back · 22 years ago

-- Pauley
Back · 22 years ago
look at the jar people!
it says "type dressing"

I live by the mayo, and I'll die by the mayo!
mmmmmmmmhigh blood pressure...
betsy =) Back · 22 years ago
but but... it's the tangy zip of miracle whip. and if you look closely it has little red flecks in it. mmmmmmlittleredflecks. *hearts miracle whip* does anyone else here eat mayonaisse or miracle whip sandwiches? i did all the time when i was little. that could explain a lot....
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Yeah, when I was in college I used to when the dining hall was closed.... just bread and mayo. :)

Great food for poor students.
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
actually, make a bread, hellman's and potato chip sandwich.

you wont regret it.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Yeah.. that's good too. :)
Michael (foof) Maki Back · 22 years ago
Heh. Y'all sound like Alsatia in Toys eating white bread and mayo sandwiches...

The General tells her that there are no vitamins in that, so she opens the sandwich, and shows him the vitamin pills in it. :-)
Talcott Back · 22 years ago
great movie...

I have nothing useful to say here, but great movie ;)
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 22 years ago
Do I get points for guessing that Gella made up the poll?

I love the seen in Annie Hall where Annie puts mayo on the pastrami sandwich. It showed the cultural chasm between them. I never knew if people in the outlands got the joke.
*joolee* · 22 years ago
I once had a dream I was eating a mouthful of mayonaise...but actually it was a disgusting.

but, i actually have recently taken a liking to mustard. It's all about the moderation. I like both in small amounts on appropriate food items.
J · 22 years ago
but the yellow is good to long as its the good yellow not the cheep yellow that resembels tempra paint.

if it comes in a squeeze bottle its wrong...unless its red.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Actually, you can get some very respectable mustards in squeeze bottles these days... gray poupon.... gulden's.... Plochiman's... etc.
Lux Fruthor · 22 years ago
How can either one be that? Mustard is derived from a seed, you insignificant subhumans! And Mayo is a clinic, one that produces lots of people who have no hair, like me, so how can that be Evil? It's just good taste. You criticize me for making fun of chemo? And why exactly didn't Spiderman's hair fall out again?

Dry burger? Don't bother calling the Superfriends, the Justice League, or the Avengers even.. the Condiment Gang has it covered.

Lux Fruthor, Evil Genius and World Dominator
Eri Back · 22 years ago
*shakes head* you're insane, darling.
J Back · 22 years ago
Radiation isn't chemo thats why his bloody hair didn't fall out!!!
Lux Fruthor Back · 22 years ago
Right, but radiation, like chemotherapy, causes hair loss. Check out pictures of victims of Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, or the atomic blasts in Japan or Bikini Atoll, etc.

Think outside the lead box.
Eri Back · 22 years ago
I don't believe that -all- radiation exposure causes hair loss, but I could be wrong.
Lux Fruthor Back · 22 years ago
It's not an absolute, but the rule of thumb is the more you are exposed to it the more likely your hair is to fall out. It's one of the telltale symptoms of radiation sickness, like nausea. I think it's that the gamma rays or whatever kill hair follicles. But I could be wrong about that. It might be way more subtle.

Like anything having to do with anatomy, each person's DNA and personal history affects the exact degree to which they subscribe to the rules of thumb. Cockroaches are apparently fairly resistant to radiation, but they have ... something like 60% of the same DNA as we do, IIRC. So the guy in the story by Kafka might not lose any hair at all. Not to say I think you should be squished, Julie.

J Back · 22 years ago
I had radiation in the summer and did not lose a single hair.
jen Back · 22 years ago
lol, from condiments to radiation... only at FHDC.

jen meyers
renita Back · 22 years ago
radiation for medical purposes is NOT the same thing as the radiation POISONING of which Lux speaks.

J Back · 22 years ago
maybe its a comic book and thats it!
The Dark God Tchernobog · 22 years ago
I like both, but not usually on the same thing.

In Brazil the most popular choice of condoments on a hot dog are ketchup and mayo together.
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
yum. in my opinion, mayo makes anything better! except corned beef or pastrami. then it's mustard only - and swiss. mm.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
I'm not sure I agree... I like a leeetle bit of mayo on corned beef sandwiches... but primarily a good spicey mustard.
Talcott Back · 22 years ago
no...mayo makes nothing better...*shudder*

nate... Back · 22 years ago
It makes any savory food better.

(I was going to say any food, but then I thought of ice cream, and popsicles... ewww)
Andrea Krause · 22 years ago
Both mayo and mustard are thoroughly disgusting. I only like ketchup. And I'd never put that on a normal sandwich, only a burger or something.

I like my sandwiches "dry". tomato, cheese, meat, sometimes lettuce. The veggies provide as much moisture as I need.
nate... · 22 years ago
I looove mayo... but only hellmann's... none of that kraft or cains or other crap.
I generally have mayo on every sandwich... at least a little... takes away any dryness and really holds the flavors together.

Also love mustard.. and on things like corned beef/pastrami/ham, I like a LOT of mustard... and none of that crap yellow stuff... I like REAL mustard... the grainy spicy stuff. mmmm....

Incidentally, I really like homemade mayo, too..... otherwise known as Aioli in some restaurants.... it's good schtuff, and you can add whatever flavors you like. Fresh roasted garlic... some chipotle chilis.... mmmm.
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
ditto. Hellmann's all the way. Unless I'm west of the Mississippi, where it's called Best. Same brand, though.

Gulden's Mustard is da bomb. Grainy spicy stuff.

And how come no one's really mentioned *both* mustard *and* mayo mixed together. I swear, mostly mayo with a bit of mustard and paprika, and you've really got yerself a condiment!
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
hear hear on everything she said!! :) and that mustard & mayo & paprika makes the PERFECT hard sourdough pretzel dip!!!!!!!!! :D

hellman's all the way! kraft is teh suckz0r.
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
ok, now I'm really hungry.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Ooo, and if you want some kickass mustard.. this shiznit is the bombdiggity:

Otter Creek Hickory Smoked Beer mustard.

It's my new fav.
Talcott Back · 22 years ago
Ok, now that sounds good...
Mollie · 22 years ago
Where's the option for "I'm a Las Ketchup person?"
nate... Back · 22 years ago
"Las Ketchup"?
Mollie Back · 22 years ago
It's a Latina band, who has a cheesy pop song called "The Ketchup Song."
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
bah. las ketchup are so over. it's all about the cheeky girls now. :)
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
*heart attack* i can't believe you've actually heard of these people :D i thought it was just a european thing :D
Mamalissa! · 22 years ago
And exactly what are the 57 varieties?
nate... Back · 22 years ago
You can find out, in detail, here

Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
Man, always go to Cecil first. How could I forget?
Jºnªthªn · 22 years ago
A new low in poll content...
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
Wow, you're right. This sure would be hard to beat.

Don't worry, though.. I'm sure we'll be able to get much lower! Submit your poll ideas! Worst poll wins! ;-)
lawrence Back · 22 years ago
Not happy with the poll questions or options? Then let's see you do better, really! Suggest a poll!
Jºnªthªn Back · 22 years ago
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Whoa hostility.

And, I respectfully submit that this poll is better.
Mamalissa! · 22 years ago
Fantastic mayo scenes.

Actually, a really good flick. I don't know if it's out yet, but put it on your "to rent" list.
jaye Back · 22 years ago
*laugh* i was going to post that, too ;) i've only seen half of it, but it was pretty amusing.
Annika · 22 years ago
Just to be a jerk.... Why was there no, I like eggless mayo choice?
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Because without eggs, it ISN'T mayo.. it's mayo substitute.

Main Entry: may�on�naise
Pronunciation: 'mA-&-"nAz, "mA-&-'
Function: noun
Etymology: French
Date: 1841
: a dressing made of egg yolks, vegetable oils, and vinegar or lemon juice

And, further.... ewww.... Nayonnaise is nasty... we used to have to put that out at Goddard...
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
yes. nayonnaise IS nasty. i was eating it in my super-soy phase.

soul groove feline · 22 years ago
I once had a friend in 3rd grade who told me mayonnaise was made from the fluid inside the boils on chicken feet.

Even without that lovely piece of fiction, I still can not stand the stuff. The nastiest is the kind that they serve at my school's really thick and comes in a pump bottle, and you always watch people squirt these long coils of it onto every possible food...and then they mix it with ketchup and dip french fries into makes me gag just to witness it. *shudder*

Mustard is okay, if used correctly. And far far away from mayonnaise. the only thing more nasty than ketchup mixed with mayo is mustard mixed with mayo.

I could complain about the Viscous White Substance Of Evil all night, so I'll just end this now and stop being snarky. :)
iPauley · 22 years ago
Either or, but not both together. Mayo on some sandwiches, ketchup and mayo on a burger, mustard (usually the brown spicy) on hotdogs and roast beef sammiches.

-- Pauley
goovie is married! · 22 years ago
i'm not much of a condiments person, unless i get to control the amount of the stuff myself, but i really like honey mustard stuff, and the great american bagel company makes *really* yummy sandwiches with cucumber mayo.
renita · 22 years ago
I'm all about Mayo--I too enjoy Hellmans or Best, as it is here too.

as for mustard--My new fave is a Polish brand that mixes horseradish into the mustard. Oh.My.God. It's good on just about anything. :D I even got two jars of it for Christmas :)

However, I also like Ketchup, a fair number of bbq sauces, horseradish, and jsut about any other condiment. mmm. sauces.

sheryls Back · 22 years ago
isnt that like Stadium Mustard? doesnt that mix horseradish?

i will give Kraft one thing. they have a new line of mayos that include spices, such as wasabi, chipolte, and sundried tomato. (those are 3 different, not all in one bottle).

although if you want a good spicey mayo, take hellmans and mix it with a ton of togarashi (a japanese red pepper spice). it's the stuff they put in the sushi. yum. i put it on my cali rolls when i make them at home.

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