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Poll: Are you in a Fruhead relationship?

Yes, I'm married to someone I met on FHDC. 0 (0%)
Yes, I'm married to someone I met as a Fruhead. 5 (7%)
Yes, I'm in a relationship with someone I met on FHDC. 6 (8%)
Yes, I'm in a relationship with someone I met as a Fruhead. 8 (11%)
I didn't meet my significant other as a Fruhead. 18 (25%)
I don't have a significant other, you insensitive clod. 34 (48%)
   Discussion: Are you in a Fruhead relationship?
Snow In Summer · 22 years ago
first post.. haha
you missed the "Pete Best is my significant other" option?
elfy, teacher of many · 22 years ago
So it's time to start thinking about valentine's day, is it?
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
Well I am spending Valentine's day with a Fruhead. Of course it is Lawrence, we are seeing TMBG. Not that there is anything wrong with Lawrence other than his sex.
Jºnªthªn Back · 22 years ago
I'm sure you'll make a beautiful couple in spite of it...
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
nooo, lawrence is promised to neal! i mean. um.
Kevin - King of WiFi Back · 22 years ago
i dunno, i thought lawrence's sex was pretty good... *growl*
Erica: movin' to Ohio!! · 22 years ago
so, why the scary new trend in polls? valentine's day, my foot!!! why is everyone so obsessed with everyone else's relationship status????? aaaaaaarrghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!( i don't want to be alone on st. v. day........but i will be, and i shouldn't hide from the truth or feign indifference. my apologies)

emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
yep. i'll probably end up spending valentine's day on the powerwall :D
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
I'll be spending my Valentine's Day the way a number of Fruheads will be spending it: Traveling to Frucon 6!!!
ellen Back · 22 years ago

Looks like I'll be spending Valentine's driving from house to house and singing my barbershop guts out ;)
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
Ahhh Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day - two days that are mass marketed to make a buck for the flowers and Candy industry.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Sweetest Day?
Never hoid of it.... you're making that up, I hope...?
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
it's real. it's the same thing as valentines day, in other words, a chance for single people to sulk and for attached people to be forced into giving money to the greeting card conglomerates.

if two people are truly in love, then every day should be (sweetest|valentines) day. :)
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
Josh you are absolutely right! That was my point to my post! :)

Why pick two days when you should do things for the person you love at any time?

And yes Sweetest Day is a True day. It's the 3rd Saturday in October. (this year it's 18th October)
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Wow... news to me.
But, agreed, with both of you.
Making days for you to show your love to the person you love is almost criminal.
If you don't show it anyway, you don't deserve to be in a relationship.
Sara Woodward Back · 22 years ago
and every day is sweetest|valentines day with you, sweetheart! ;-) (i know, i know, barf... but you've got to admit that he's right, as well as pretty sweet...)
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Wait... I'm confused... where did either of these polls mentioned valentines day in any way?
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
I think that was a generalization. Couples sometimes equal those holidays.

Someone mentioned the 14th of February before we started talking in length about it. :)
· 22 years ago
Where;s the "I turned my husband/wife/boy/girlfriend into a Fruhead" choice?
Although Rod started liking Fruvous about a week after me, so we were pretty smitten by then! heh!
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
it's assumed that if you didn't meet your significant other as a Fruhead, that they are one now. :)
Paul D. Beasi · 22 years ago
Though Melinda and I technically did meet for the first time at a fruvous show in NYC, it barely counts. However, our first REAL meeting still took place at an event that neither of us would have been attending were it not for the fruhead community, so I picked the second choice.
danced with Lazlo · 22 years ago
Which should I refer to? The too complicated to explain entanglement or my fruhead girlfriend, and if the latter, which one?
soul groove feline Back · 22 years ago
I'm kinda in the same boat here. my situation is far too confusing for even myself to understand. For the sake of clarity in this poll I referred to the in having a fruhead girlfriend (i think but I don't wanna be presumptuous) but it's not that simple. But I prolly am being presumptuous, therefore everybody has full permission to thwap me with moldy carrots.
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
Worms are too special for labels. :)
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
hey, do i still get to be one of your fruhead girlfriends?
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
you, (Goovie) and Jaci are my Official Fruhead Girlfriends (TM) so don't worry, you're still in my entanglement. Anyone else you wanna invite?

Stacey? Wanna join? ;)
soul groove feline Back · 22 years ago
Yeah, count me in! :-D
dirty life & times Back · 22 years ago
i'm in a heterosexual fruhead relationship plus the father of gella's child!

Andrea Krause · 22 years ago
I picked the 4th option. It isn't entirely accurate but the others didn't work. I wouldn't know my SO without the Fruhead experience. If I didn't know Melinda, if she hadn't moved from NYC to NoHo and married Paul, if she didn't work with MyPaul and introduce us. Ya know? I met him THROUGH a Fruhead so while he's not one, it wouldn't exist without this community.
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
Is this like 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon? :D
sheryls · 22 years ago
..but he does follow me around to fruhead events. i dont know if he'd label himself as a fruhead or not, he likes fruvous, owns a few albums, has been to a few shows (10 i think?) but he's not terribly active in the community (although alot of the community knows him well). you'd have to ask him if he's a fruhead :)
Mamalissa! · 22 years ago
Yesterday's poll: open wound
Today's poll: apply salt

Aye, there's the rub.
goovie is married! · 22 years ago
that i met neal, that we got together, and that i ended up here in chicago.
therefore, it's josh's responsibility to find a job for me here. yeah. :)
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years ago
i'll write a module to find you a job :)
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
is that like a perl script to kick matt's ass?
Annika · 22 years ago
Off topic really quick, does my thumbnail pic look gothy? A friend told me it did. Yick.
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Yeah, I thought it was a goth symbol.
It's not?
Annika Back · 22 years ago
Yay! See I'm not goth!
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Wait... because you have a goth picture as your avatar, that makes you NOT goth?
I'm not following the logic here.
Annika Back · 22 years ago
On mine it's not a goth picture. lol. I'M NOT GOTH!!!
nate... Back · 22 years ago
Well, apparently you are.... since you have a goth symbol as an avatar.
Annika Back · 22 years ago
I'm going to go get all big and buff and come and kick your ass! lol. Nooooooooo Noooooo! Not a goth, not a goth symbol, nothing goth about me! Punk, I was a punk in High School, liberty spikes, body piercing and Dead Kennedy's, Punk punk punk damn it! Day Glo abortions, argh fuck kill. No Goth! Alright I tried the goth bit, just like I tried the country bit and the gangsta bit. I just don't care enough to take the time to look the part. Now... I don't know what I am, tee & jeans. What is that look?
Will work for anime · 22 years ago
Harbourfront '99. Who'd a thunk i would have met the "other" fruhead Richard from England in Toronto? :-) all i gots to say...thank you fruvous!

ps: i still think St. V's day is just scam put of by florists and Hallmark...who ever it was that said everyday should be Valentine's day if you're in a relationship...i agree whole heartedly!!!!!

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