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Poll: How old are you?

Under 14 0 (0%)
15-18 4 (5%)
19-25 34 (42%)
26-30 24 (30%)
31-35 8 (10%)
36-45 7 (9%)
46-55 2 (2%)
Over 55 1 (1%)
Other :D 1 (1%)
   Discussion: How old are you?
Andrea Krause · 22 years ago
Sorry about this poll. I know it's not really discussion-worthy. I just like demographic polls. :)
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years ago
And yes, I also know I messed up so that if you are 14 you don't fit and will have to pick other. :)
Talcott Back · 22 years ago
hehe, that sounds like a pretty good metaphor for being 14 to me ;)

Andrea Krause Back · 22 years ago
Good point...I hadn't considered that. :)
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
For I am 1000 years old. :)
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
this is just to say that andrea's new icon is far too cute. :)
and i'm 24 but i look 12 and act 6. i wasn't sure which one to pick.
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years ago

take chronology...if we went into apparent and mental age this entire thing would skew. :)
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
if we went into apparent and mental age this entire thing would skew

Do I sense a follow-up poll?
iPauley Back · 22 years ago
From Chris Rock's "No Sex in the Champagne Room" --

"If a girl says she's 20, and acts 16, she's 12.

"If a girl says she's 26, and acts 26... she's damn near 40."

Sorry, it was kinda appropriate. Maybe. :-P

-- Pauley
no one Back · 22 years ago
I had the misfortune of working with a colleague when he was about 26, looked 34 and acted like a very stunted and disturbed 12 year old.

To simplify the age issue, lets look at it from the biological perspective. Given the traditional division of "young," "middle aged" and "old," we just divide the average (western) life expectancy for men (about 75) and women (about 85) by three. Almost all of you are young. So, enjoy.

Coincidentally I exclaimed to Julie a few days before this poll popped up that my ambition was to: LIVE FOREVER, OR DIE IN THE ATTEMPT. She drily replied, in the way oracles are double edged: "sounds doable." Thank you, Julie, and you are absolutely right; I'll either live forever, or die.

To complicate the matter, consider some people who died young, e.g. Alexander the Great, Schubert, W. Mozart. They all karked it before their middle 30s. Is it better to have lived and lost than never to have lived at all?

I'm writing this to talk myself into not regarding my age as a tragedy, but my daughter who is older than most of you, is undermining the effort by apparently making me a grandfather in June.
Mamalissa! · 22 years ago
Shouldn't "older than dirt" be an option? How about "invented dirt?"
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
How about older than Pete Best?
Annika Back · 22 years ago
Who's Pete Best?
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
Pete Best was Ringo's predecessor with the Beatles. He appears in pretty much every poll discussion. It's a tribal custom.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
Why were you looking at me when you said that?
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
ShrinkMan Back · 22 years ago
How about "On the downhill side of 'from dust to dust'"?
lawrence · 22 years ago
19-25 for 22 more days... then I get old.
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years ago
hey! 26 is not old!!
lawrence Back · 22 years ago
well, 26 itself isn't old, but "26-30" is. :)
I can see the bunny Back · 22 years ago
Hey! Watch who you're calling old buddy ;-)
Sara Woodward Back · 22 years ago
how sad... :-) I was excited that I didn't have to pick the category that included 30 yet. so, anyone know where the last 8 years went?
Andrea Krause · 22 years ago
Ack...the young'uns are winning! I no longer am in the most common bracket! I'm over the Fruhead hill! *cries*
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
* cries along with Andrea *
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
Yay college-agers!
soul groove feline · 22 years ago
age likes to make things inconvenient for me. Particulairly seeing live music at "age-restricted" venues. feh.
Therefore I chose "other". So I can still live in my own little world in my mind where I can be whatever age I want to be. :)
iPauley Back · 22 years ago
now that is also a cute icon. :) mmmmmmmmmpolarbears.....

-- Pauley
bored, bored, bored.... · 22 years ago
*Hides in the Older than Dirt* corner with Gordon. Hey Gordon, how ya doin'? Remember Earth Shoes? ;-)

(and Andrea's icon *is* adorable!)
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 22 years ago
It would seem I fit in that category too, since I'm in the oldest category that currently has any votes at all.

And whoever said that 26-30 is old (lawrence) can bite my ancient butt! ;)
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 22 years ago
Oops. I'm wrong. I just realized that one level above me has votes. Now I probably have to bite some butts.
Back · 22 years ago
start chewin!
ShrinkMan Back · 22 years ago
er, mine too, but beware, I am in the 'so old he farts dust' category.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
Old is more than 25% older than my current age. So right now old means being over 56. That also means I'll never be old.

I once had a fight with my ex boss. She thought it was ridiculous that I said someone who was 50 was middle aged. I said unless you expect to live well over 100 it's middle aged. She said I'd feel differently when I got there. I said. "I am middle-aged already," I was 42 or so at the time.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
Of course I remember earth shoes, they are that new fad right? Spats are where it's at.
Annika · 22 years ago
I was beginning to feel old.. Until this poll. I didn't think I'd feel old at 21, until that fateful day I saw a friends son walking (an older friend) this kids 15-16, it was rainy and I was nice and stopped to give him a lift home. I was listening to Nirvana's Incesticide, and he says "Who's this?" Which in itself was a huge shock. I told him it was Nirvana, he gave me a funny look and said "I thought you were cooler than that." *long pause* "Annika, no one likes Nirvana anymore." I remember thinking when I was about 12, that I wouldn't be one of 'those' people, that I would always know what was cool, and 'in'. Well I would! except.. umm.. if they'd just learn how to play their instruments and sing.... :-P
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
I felt the same way, thinking I'd ALWAYS have my finger on what's hip. There really is a generation gap with everything. I always find myself saying, "Geez, kids these days." then feeling like an old fart for saying that. I was only in high school 10 years ago.
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
heh... i guess i've been old since the day i was born... i've never been in touch with what "kids these days" like... i'm always either way behind or way ahead.
Rachel Beck Back · 22 years ago
I don't buy much about reincarnation, but it really seems as if some people have old souls. Maybe you have one. (Not me. My roommate my junior year of college decided my soul was permanently eight years old.)
danced with Lazlo Back · 22 years ago
funny thing about that... my mother tells me that when I was a baby in the stroller a very old woman stopped her on the street and looked at me and then said to her "She has a veeery oooooold sooooul."
iPauley Back · 22 years ago
...but Nirvana's trying to claw its way back... um... sorta...

o/` you know you're right.... o/`

So what if it was recorded 10 years ago, or whenever it was. :-P

-- Pauley
Jason Reiser · 22 years ago
... like you couldn't ask me this YESTERDAY so I could have been in that nice healthly looking 26-30 group.

- Jason
Back · 22 years ago
ha ha!
fooled you! old boy!
*runs away*
Rhi: so confused · 22 years ago
Or maybe not quite alone. One other person in my age bracket, how super is that.

I have been eighteen a week, and still have not won the lottery. Clearly being eighteen is not what I thought it would be.
emilie is CRANKY · 22 years ago
i accidentally pressed 14-18, when i'm not. i'm 19 now. oops.

though if anyone asks, i'm 15, okay? 15!! :D
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years ago
For most of the year I was 23, I thought I was 24.

Eventually I decided I'd never be 23. I'd just be 24 for two years.
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
that's funny. ever since i turned 24, i've been convinced that i'm still 23.
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
We know why you want to be 15! =)

You just want to be in the next HP movie. ;D
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
LOL! you people know me too well. it's frightening. :D

and you know *why* i want to be in the next HP movie... ;)
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
Tell us!!!! :D

Jan Klump Back · 22 years ago
As the only person who has signed on in the over 55 bracket, I find it interesting that so much comment has been made on this topic Andrea thought would have no discussion.
Melinda J. Beasi Back · 22 years ago
I was waiting for your vote, mom. :) Glad to see you out there.
sheryls Back · 22 years ago
sean biggerstaff?

anyone notice, his name is Wood in the movie, and Biggerstaff in real life? coincidence? I THINK NOT!

but shit, that kid is old enough for me ;) he's nearly 20....
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
LOL!!! Sheryl! I never thought of that!

He's old enough for me...only a 12 year difference. :D
nitsita Back · 22 years ago
Yes. The boy's destinied to be a p0rn star... and sheryl, leave him for us single folk, please :D
Agent Scully Back · 22 years ago
it's the accent. ::sigh::

*falls over*
nitsita Back · 22 years ago

yeah. but he's cute, too.

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