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Da Vinci's Notebook

   Discussion: Da Vinci's Notebook
Gordondon son of Ethelred · 22 years ago
My friend brought a Fruhead to see Da Vinci's Notebook the other day and the Fruhead she brought said that DVN was nothing like Fruvous. I think she couldn't get over the fact that they don't have instruments on most songs.

This struck me as a bit odd. I think of DVN as taking Fruvous' ecological niche. The Folk Festivals, venues, and my friends seem to agree. How do you feel about it?
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
well, i'm one of your friends in agreement, but you know that. from the first time i saw dvn, 3 1/2 years ago, they've reminded me of fruvous. and it seemed a natural progression to me that when fruvous stopped touring, dvn would be my "replacement band." in some ways i like them even better than fruvous; when i lived on the east coast, they were accessible enough that i could see them pretty much any time i wanted to, they don't have an intimidating fanbase (or, at least if they do, i'm a part of it), and, well, i'm partial to any band where the members actually know me -- even if it means they'll never call on me or anyone with me at request-o-rama again. :)
Talcott Back · 22 years ago
they don't have an intimidating fanbase (or, at least if they do, i'm a part of it)

I dunno. I do agree about them fitting the fr�-niche for the most part, but the fan base is the one thing that threw me off.
When I saw them out here, I felt really out of place not being a bob and tom fan. I think that in other places where they have more of a history, it isn't like that though...

Although, the more I've thought about that, the more I think I'd have a similar feeling if I went back in time to a barginville-era fr�vous show.

Which makes me wonder if DVN is going to do a Wood-ish album some day...

goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
i think the bob and tom fanbase is more common in the midwest. in any case, their fanbase isn't cliquey yet, which is the main thing that intimidated me when i started going to frushows.
erica is so cold Back · 22 years ago
yeah i listened to Bob and Tom before they were BOB AND TOM...and i didn't find out until a year or so after i heard DVN and bob and tom had a connection. and of course it just made me love my fellow Hoosiers more
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
I've never seen DVN outside the East Coast, so I wouldn't know what they are like in other places where their popularity came from Bob and Tom, and not from just constant touring.
betsy =) Back · 22 years ago
Bob and Tom are jackasses even if they are tight with DVN. The woman who co-owned my dad's business was married to a guy who owns like a hundred thousand record stores here in Indianapolis. Anyway, either Bob or Tom (I dont remember which) would call their house all the time and ask to speak to her husband. Of course, the dude works on the radio so everyone knows his voice, even over a telephone. But just to be bratty she would always ask him who he was. "Bob, who?" ((Or Tom as the case may be...)) Anyway, that's about all I have to say about that. I'm going to go be snarky someplace else.
emilie is CRANKY Back · 22 years ago
dvn would be my "replacement band."

you took the words right outta my mouth, yo. :D
*joolee* Back · 22 years ago
speaking of...if anyone is going to the concert this saturday (the 4th), I'll be in row J...come say hi to me...or something. :D

And I feel like they might be picking up some sad fruheads that got left behind with the hiatus. They aren't fruvous, but they have great live shows, they have infectuous personalities, and they make their listeners happy. Maybe fruheads just have some splendid tastes in performers. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
I'll be there too. I don't know where I'm sitting, my friend got the tix. I'll say hi.
goovie is married! Back · 22 years ago
*sniffle* i don't get to see them again til may, and that's only if neal and i decide to cough up major amounts of money. stupid midwest.
betsy =) Back · 22 years ago
and they'll be in indy, or pretty close in june, i think. you both, of course, could come down and crash with me and we could go see them. *nods*
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
You could visit me next time they play here!
Drea Back · 22 years ago
At least you have the opportunity to see them.. *grumblegrumble whenaretheygoingtocrosstheborder grumblegrumble* FRFF was the first time I'd ever seen them live, though I heard Bendy's Law back in 98 - pity the poor deprived Canucks!
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years ago
they told me they are going to try and play Toronto. If know anyone at a venue put in a good word for them.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
I'll be at show, buying tix at the door, so who knows where I'll be. I'll be sure to say hi! It's a long drive, but I'm also seeing a friend of mine perform at a nearby place after the show.

This will be the second DVN show in a row where DVN became the appetizer for a later show. :)

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