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Inappropriate topic for polite company
Well, seeing as it's impolite to discuss politics or religion, and I'm not religious, I'll pick the former.
There's just one question I have for anyone to answer: What are the fundamental differences between the Republicans and the Democrats?
I don't mean the difference between a liberal or a conservative, I mean the fundamental ideological and practical actions of the two major Parties.
Can I answer like an ignorant jerk? One is ever so slightly worse than the other.
But they both suck.
Oh yes, both do suck highly. But they are essentially operating off the same philosophy: collectivism. One just screws one part of the populace a little harder than the other.
I'll answer with a joke:
A Democrat points out that life is unfair, and a Republican makes sure it stays that way.
Who says life has to be fair? Where is that written?
Obviously life doesn't *have* to be fair...but some might argue that a government that claims to represent all citizens of a country equally should strive to *make* it fair.
Yes, but how do you "make" it fair? What exactly do you find "unfair"? That some people have more ability and thus are more prosperous?
We are a nation of LAWS, not of MEN. The government exists, not to represent all citizens of a country (i.e. a democracy, which our founding fathers detested and worked very hard to prevent), but to insure that justice is maintained. That's JUSTICE, not FAIRNESS.
Life is not fair. Never has been, never will be. A government trying to "make" it fair can only end in one thing: totalitarianism and slavery.
OK, I'm fully ready to admit to being both idealistic and fallible. However, I happen to believe that all justice, and only justice, is and must be fair. Totalitarianism and slavery are inherently unjust and unfair. However, governments that institute them in the name of higher ideals are not wrong in believing that they should be upholding values, but in believing that all means are justified in achieving that end, and often in their conception of what those values are. Furthermore, in a government like ours, where all citizens have the right to choose their leaders, those leaders should do their best to represent all those citizens, whether you call the system a democracy or not. I realize you can't please all the people all the time, etc., etc., but I'm not talking about pleasing them, I'm just talking about ensuring their basic rights and freedoms, because I believe that is justice.
Also, I'd like to point out that I did not say I found anything unfair. It may be true that I do, but that's irrelevant. I was merely responding to your argument that, because life isn't fair, it doesn't need to be and we shouldn't worry about it. Which, as I hope I've made clear, I think is ridiculous.
I'm telling you, you're messing up the story! Now get it right!
Who gets Humperdink??
· 22 years, 5 months ago
...which reminds me of a quote:
"If you're not a liberal when you're 20, you have no heart; if you're not a conservative when you're 40, you have no brain." --attributed (in various forms) to Winston Churchill
"There's just one question I have for anyone to answer: What are the fundamental differences between the Republicans and the Democrats?"
Nothing anymore...
No, that's not fair, some republicans actually speak out against dubya..
(not that I'm bitter or anything ;)
"No, that's not fair, some republicans actually speak out against dubya.. "
And then immediately go vote for all the shiite he wants to do. Well, every Republican in CONgress except for Ron Paul of Texas, but he doesn't count cuz he's not really a Republican.
well yeah, but it's not like the democrats are voting against him either.
I really think one of the smaller parties (at least one) should be trying to fill the gap here. Whatever happens, I think there is going to be a big realignment of where each party stands pretty soon, and it might result in something else becoming the major second party. (hopeful as I may be, I don't expect a three or more party system).
I wouldn't expect it, either. The government has developed into a two-party system and has been that way for so long, with the two parties so entrenched into their positions, that it will be virtually impossible to get them out. While their fundamental philosophies may theoretically change, I don't think the Republicans or the Democrats will be leaving anytime soon, and it's virtually impossible for a third party to take a major hold.
-- Pauley
The main issue is that the majority of the population, and, unfortunately, the portion that votes, to a large extent.... vote based on party, and not on candidate.
They just walk in... check off the republican (or democrat) and walk out.
Watch the current court challenge to the FEC by the Libertarian Party and others. http://www.realcampaignreform.com I believe. If the FEC gets over turned by the courts, the door will be WIDE open for third parties to gain some ground.
· 22 years, 5 months ago
work it baby.
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