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Folkloric Fr�heads

   Discussion: Folkloric Fr�heads
Talcott · 22 years, 2 months ago
So then, I have a favor I�d like to ask of everyone�

For my �Folklore and Folk life� final, I essentially want to describe Fr�heads as a folk group. I think we fit all of the qualifications easily enough (considering that my professor has used Deadheads as an example before), but the paper needs to be based on interviews and research, so I figure I�ll start by asking everyone a few questions.

1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

I�m sure I could ask more, but I think these work to start out with. Feel free to add in other things too.

Thank you for your help everyone. Feel free to Fr�m me if you�d rather do that than post.

goovie is married! Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
a few answers. probably all wrong.

1. swaying during the drinking song, maybe? i dunno. i only heard the drinking song once live.

3. i think enough people use "batnose" that it could count here. ask leah for the full story; it's her word. also "budgiedome."

4. i'd add the wxpn house concert at lori and steve's house. but probably just cos i was there. :P

5. we're all freaks and desperate to belong to something? :)

6. i think the internet expanded the community and maybe strengthened it, because ammf, the irc channel, andespecially fhdc gave fruheads a chance to meet and get to know each other outside of shows. then again, i wasn't around before then, so what do i know?

7. i haven't really seen the change that other people have. then again, i only went to, like 10 fruvous shows and i got into it very late in the game. but at least in my tiny little part of the fruhead world, we've conitnued to talk online and get together in person, traveling to go to shows together or just hang out together. *shrug*
nate... Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
You only heard the drinking song live once?? what, did you only go to one show?
goovie is married! Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
i went to about 8 shows, actually. i saw them close with stuff like gws, alison, and fell in i'm not bitter. :)
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
No it was just that you saw most of those shows with me and told them not to play it so that I wouldn't touch you.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

Falcon Ridge Folk Festival: Hands down the biggest tradition right now. #2: Singalongs & Jam Sessions.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community? Right now it appears to be the novels everyone is writing, but a lot of Fruheads tend to be musicians as well, whether professionally or amateur. Lately, it has been the barbershop boom.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

Certain phrases phase in and out from time to time, usually something from another group like wOOt, Monkey, and many others.

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

Other more well-traveled Fruheads will have to help me with this one.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

The fact that we get together on certain occasions, or just for the hell of it sometimes. There was ShellyCon, and there was also EFO weekend in Boston that brought many people together, never mind FRFF or Frucon. There is also West Coast Frucon. Also meeting up with people at other shows.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?
The internet makes it muche asier for people to stay in touch and not become strangers. As for the community without the internet is something for the older more experienced Fruheads here.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

People are finding other reasons to hang out, like other shows (EFO & TMBG), or just various gatherings. Fruvous has become almost an afterthought and irrelevant for people coming together as Murray Foster once said.
Gordondon son of Ethelred Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
I'd add as a tradition pointing and shouting "Not the Beatles" during Green Eggs and Ham. I remember when hardly anyone did it. Eventually everyone did.
goovie is married! Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
it's not shouting "not the beatles," it's shouting, "hey!" after dave says, "didn't even like the beatles with their long, long hair." how soon they forget. :)
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
Interesting stuff!

1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

This one is hard because it's been so long that everything is fairly ingrained. Plus, we've never been a group with a bunch of secret handshakes and in-jokes (a good thing in my book). I think the grand Fruhead tradition is Frutripping. There is a very strong network of Fruheads across the continent. When Fruvous would play , say in Boston, it was easy to look up friends there and crash there. Fruvous never attracted true deadhead-style groupies that toured around with them for long stretches of time. It was more of a prolonged experience, and is fairly unique in the music world.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

I don't really understand this one.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

Another hard one, because they're all ingrained. There's the concepts of "Stage Murray" and "Stage Dave", as well as "X's People".

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

FruCon 1, for me, is the big one. Certainly nothing against the other ones, but that was the first time that *everyone* got together under one roof. Before that, things were somewhat fragmented. It was the great unifying factor. Another highlight was 3/8/98 Iron Horse show, which a lot of people thought/think has been the best Fruvous show. And the 97 MIT show, also unreal. Beyond that, there are a lot of regional legendary things.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

I truly wish I knew. I think it's just the right people, at the right place, at the right time.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

I think the Internet has played a huge role in the formation of the group. From my perspective, there was a group of fans from 1995 and before calling themselves the "Moxy Morons" who were mostly Toronto-area teenage girls from the B-ville days. Around 1996, a new group was starting to form, loosely based on the newsgroup. The Internet allowed this group to connect across the continent, and from there it ballooned into what it is today. That's just my perspective.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

I think it's forced Fruheads to pick a path and branch off. That's why I put up the current poll. At the same time, the strength of Fruhead-dom is so powerful that the connection still remains, two and a half years into the hiatus. That's amazing to me, and beyond cool.
A.J. Back · 22 years, 1 month ago
6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

I think the Internet has played a huge role in the formation of the group. From my perspective, there was a group of fans from 1995 and before calling themselves the "Moxy Morons" who were mostly Toronto-area teenage girls from the B-ville days. Around 1996, a new group was starting to form, loosely based on the newsgroup. The Internet allowed this group to connect across the continent, and from there it ballooned into what it is today. That's just my perspective.

Your "perspective is basically right, Josh. There really was no "fruhead movement" that didn't involve the internet. The only thing I'd add is that I think the "Moxy Morons" started a bit earlier, and that the Fruhead Community actually started to coelesce in 1995 rather than 1996.
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years, 2 months ago

1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

Well one big tradition is fru-tripping. If it didn't have so much benefit to the community I doubt it would have been so extensive. There's only so much people will travel just for music. The people made a difference. FRFF has become one. All the small ones like the "Hey!" and all the little cue-driven audience participation things (Woo woo! No spouses! Pissed off the video man! The Window-Nintendo gestures, etc, etc, etc.) Specifically to FRFF I consider it a tradition that Lower Camp Fruvous has JillMom and Julius as our "den-parents" and the glue that holds things together down there.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

Lots of hugs...both in person and online. More so than you might see in many other communities. A lot of people aren't as physically demonstrative as Fruheads are by and large. Using lyrics often in conversation. Sharing music a degree this happens everywhere but the level of trust musically around here makes me feel it's more pronounced. In-jokes galore.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

Batnose, as has been mentioned. It's not one I use but I think it's "known" enough. Budgiedome also was mentioned. Frums/frumessages are a biggie (yes they start with fru) but I often find myself referring to being "frumed" to folks who have no clue what that is. "FHDC" or "FDC" or even expressing websites in that may happen lots of other places and I'm just ignorant but here's the only place *I* hear it.

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

Definitely the BJ and Rachel well as the Chia Pets Plus Dave show the next night. Yeah, the house party. Yeah Frucon I. Anytime the Killer Tents made an appearance in song, I'd wager. The show where "Murray's People" and all that came about. (I know I was there but I actually don't remember at this point where...Syracuse or something?) The ThornWood show, probably. I wasn't there but heard a ton about it so I'd think it would be legendary. And I think the 6 Dan Bern/Fruvous New Year's shows at least *deserve* to be legendary because they were unique and amazing. And I met Kat and JillMom there for the first time so that rocks. :)

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

Shared tastes, various degrees of alienation in other parts of life, shared senses of humor, shared experiences in terms of shows, road trip stories, etc. A lot of it I think is due to the online glue we have.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

I think it's had a huge effect. I don't really remember a time before the widespread use...I remember before FHDC existed...I remember a time before *I* got into the internet aspect. I was pretty invisible before I started at least posting on ammf and visiting IRC. But I felt like things didn't *really* click and I felt there was a community for me until FHDC came into being. I truly think it's one of, if not THE, best things to happen to the Fruhead community in terms of keeping us together. I think if it wasn't around the hiatus would have scattered a lot of us to the winds. Small groups and strong friendships would have remained but I think the community would have suffered greatly.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

Other music talked about and listened to...some degree of "drop-off" of some of the community...Though in a way I feel like it's helped us even more establish ourselves as a viable community and not just a group contingent on the presence of The Almight Fru. Ya know? The fact that we still exist and convene without them actively present speaks a lot to the underlying compatibility of the folks around here, rather than just having That One Thing in common.
lawrence Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

I'm not sure this is unique to fruheads anymore, but it's definitely only in the past few years that I've noticed it - people waiting for 4 or more hours before concerts. in 1996, when I went to TMBG shows, I could get a spot near the front just showing up a half hour ahead of time. that's no longer the case with any of the bands I like, but I first noticed it with Fruvous.

I think we may have a tendency to get more attached to inside jokes than others, although other communities/groups I've been involved with have all had their own inside joke culture. I think Fruheads have taken it to the next level, though, where it's not the inside joke itself that's funny anymore, but the fact that it's an inside joke that's funny. kind of a meta-inside joke.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

online diaries and lately, novels. the community is very good at exposing its members to lots of different things, and while it often looks like people are following for the sake of following, I think that's rarely the case. especially among fruheads, who are, more than in the regular population, non-conformists. but a lot of the ideas that we get exposed to we might otherwise not have seen had it not been for other fruheads. I can probably name at least 10 bands I'd not currently listen to otherwise - and believe me, I sure wouldn't listen to music if I didn't like it, just because "everyone else" was.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

batnose seems to be the most common. but the idea of anything with the Fru prefix is also an interesting one - I doubt that deadheads prefix other words with "dead," for example. and TMBG fans usually hate it when you say "They Might Be...." and add something other than "Giants."

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

I think Falcon Ridge 2002 might fall into that category eventually (it's too recent to be "legendary" now) - while there was nothing really any more or less spectacular about it this year than in the past, it was the first year in a while with absolutely NO Fruvous representation, and yet, lots of Fruheads were there, because of all the other great music we've been exposed to by other fruheads or through past FRFFs.

the WXPN house party is definitely in that category. not just because of the show they played, but because they hung out with everyone. they didn't just show up, play, and leave. and I think that says a lot about what kind of band we're talking about here.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

common tastes and interests beyond Fruvous. look at the politics poll. 59% left of center and 14% in the center. very few conservatives. this is just one example of how we aren't a representative subset of the general population. I think if Fruvous were the only thing we had in common, it would be no more a community than an office or a school is as a whole - communities might develop within it, but if it's otherwise divided in the same ways as non-Fruheads, there would be nothing to make it "more special."

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

it allowed the community to exist, I think. has kept a lot of people in touch with each other who might otherwise have not talked to each other outside the context of shows.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

I think the bonds within the community have become closer. the people who stuck around are the people who really felt that sense of community beyond just liking the same band. I think a time came, even while Fruvous were still touring, when the friendships that formed became more meaningful than just "Oh, they're people I see at concerts." and that allowed the community to grow stronger after they stopped touring.
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
In addition to everything above (in the hope of avoiding redundancy. Or repitition.)

1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

Bringing shaker eggs to concerts.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

Interpretive dance. Sarcasm.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

Anyone ever hear the word "earworm" used anywhere else? I certainly associate it with FHDC.

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

Post hiatus get-togethers, like Shellycon.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

I think we're all really intelligent and creative. Not all in the same way. And we love to share what we know, and learn from others.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

I think there used to be a section on FDC where some people posted profiles, and that morphed into FHDC. I remember when FHDC first opened up shop - although I was nervous about registering right away. It took some time to get over the whole "but I don't know any of these people" feelings.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

Love of Fruvous is more nostalgia than anticipation.
Mamalissa! Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
addendum to #6-

There's another Fruvous site I used to spend a great deal of time at

Moxy Fruvous Playground

It's run by Michele Determan, and is really different from any other site I've seen, Fruvous of otherwise. I'd recommend checking out the Fruvous chain stories.
bored, bored, bored.... Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
but nobody ever *continues* those stories!! *wah*
Josh Woodward Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
> Bringing shaker eggs to concerts.

This one is fine and good and all, but there should be a special inner circle of Hell dedicated to those who play their egg shakers during the concert.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
Shaker Eggs also are HELL on recordings!
nate... Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
I TOTALLY agree.....

Kinda like people who sing at the top of their lungs at concerts.
nate... Back · 22 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, and, even if you don't tape, it makes for a fucking hellish concert experience.

How do we get this inner circle of hell created? And, can we send those people there early?
Mike Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
I'm only going to throw a couple of ideas in here:

4 - lengendary event - Kumbaya Festival 1995, Air Farce Xmas special (can't remember the year), first CFNY appearance
A.J. Back · 22 years, 1 month ago
Ok, I know Talcott's paper is done, but I don't wanna stop this thread, so here are my 2 cents:

1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

As everyone has said, Frutripping, cons, FRFF. I think we also have a tradition of healthy debate, and a fairly welcoming tradition as well. Also let's not forget the tradition of hanging around after the show to talk to the band.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

Not much to add to what has already been said.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

Words and expressions: "oh dear," "way to go ____," "fruhead" (of course), "jian scent" all the song acronyms like "MBLABOA."

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

That first Iron Horse show (in '95 was it?) that the tape tree was done from. The Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse show in Oberlin, OH. That show in Arkansas where they got booed for GMIA. The first Ark show.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

Many shared interestes and an uncanny ability to click with one another.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

The internet is the medium that made the fruhead community possible. Without the internet it would never have happened.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

Well I think the community has lost a lot of members since the hiatus. Many people have gone and gotten lives. I also think that the hiatus caused the death of both the newsgroup and the IRC channel (s). The hiatus has definitely taken the focus off the band in a way no other event could have. So now instead of being about some things besides MF, the fruhead community is now about itself and not MF at all.
nate... Back · 22 years, 1 month ago
Also let's not forget the tradition of hanging around after the show to talk to the band.

Well, I'd hardly consider that a fruhead tradition.... most bands and singers I see have a lot of folks who hang around after the show to talk to them.

...all the song acronyms like "MBLABOA."

Likewise with this.... it's really not so much a fruhead thing as an online tape trading/show reviewing thing..... I first started seeing that with Phish back in the day.... FEFY, SOAM, etc.

That first Iron Horse show (in '95 was it?) that the tape tree was done from.

I totally agree. That was a defining moment to be sure.

So now instead of being about some things besides MF, the fruhead community is now about itself and not MF at all.

Again, I totally agree..... this whole community has VERY little to do with fruvous anymore..... and, on a personal level, I hardly ever listen to them these days. It was always more about the live shows for me, I guess. Even when I *do* listen, it's to discs of shows.
Shelly · 22 years, 2 months ago
ok...time, as always, for me to add my $0.02

1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

i would think that the cons and DEFinitely our annual pilgrimage to FRFF would be tradition. i know at this year's FRFF when mikey{clem of efo}and i were talking about camps and i mentioned that i was in camp fr�vous he commented that we had great representation considering that the band hadn't played there for 2 years{not including 'zjust jian'} and he wondered if -they- would be as well-represented after they're gone{meaning not playing the festival any more *disclaimer* this does not mean that a} efo is -not- planning on or saying this will happen soon or b} either mike OR i were saying that fr�vous is finished/not coming back, etc...don't want a lynch mob after either of us *g*}

would you say the being hyper-anal about arriving online for shows to get the best seats/places part of the tradition or is this just a quirk? i think it's fr�-tradition.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

diaries..yeah... back in the day, the newsgroup i'd say was a great form of expression. and IRC{do people still -talk- there?? we were wondering this the other week} i'd also hafta say the fr�-wall. i mean, i wouldn't know{in person OR online} a lot of the community had it not been for the wall. so yay josh for building the wall. :)

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

i agree about batnose, frums/fruming. i think basically our 'in code' talking for stuff like that like 'the wall' and such, 'i was on the wall talking to their when lisa frumed me...'

also the whole abbreviating thing.....FHDC.....FDC....EFO....DVN...TMBG....L &'s good that everyone understands these things even if we -didn't- come up with them. also with that, i think the fact that we code/name large gatherings our own way and make them 'Con's and such even if they -don't- have an official convention Fr�West, RobbieCon{the clem bake} I & II, ShellyCon..etc etc

and, of COURSE the 'stage dave/murray'. only -here- would people understand the driving directions ' you go dave, then IMMEDIATELY murray!' *g*

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

of course, the bj and rachael and chia pets shows{which i didn't attend} also though i never attended one, i know that NY eve fr�-shows were usually legendary{though i -did- make one of the NY day shows at the bottom line}. the show that birthed 'way to go murray'{again...wasn't there}.....

though in the BAD legendary show category, i can't let the evilTroc� show go unmentioned. bastards.

the WXPN house party/fru-b-que i'd agree is definitely in that category coz as was said before, it wasn't just the show but the whole -experience-.

i think that FRFF 2000 was another one coz of the 'shout-out' that 'the denizens of camp fruvous' during the mainstage and the whole 'swarming the nields' stuff{which i -was a part of.. yay us!!!! heh}

i dunno about ShellyCon being classed here{not just because i am modest about the whole thing being named after me}, but some fr�heads would probably grouse about it being considered a legendary event since though it was mainly attended by fr�heads, it -was- an efo-vent{as my friend susan would say}. so yeah. don't wanna piss anyone off further. but it STILL kicked ass and i'd -definitely- call it legendary in the efo world. along with the 'weekend on new england'.

it's all about glow rings and foam mountains, people ;).

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

good damned question. ;P

i guess i'd hafta agree with the common bonds and similar musical tastes for one. same thing goes, i think for the TV thing; buffy, angel, the simpsons, south park, python, red dwarf, etc seem to be prevalent faves among the community.

oh..and the fact that we all actually, like, -read-. we're always exchanging books and reading lists. yay knowledge.

also the fact that we understand about the travelling to far away-o distances to see shows...even the same weekend and groups repeatedly. though i know that this exists not only here but in the edhead, nields nook, dvnt, phishheads and tmbg fans{ i have NO idea what y'all call yourselves..}, but in the real world, few people understand either of these concepts. like the crashing with people that you don't know THAT well; real world people don't exactly grasp that.

or the folk fest camping thing. few people understand that as well.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

well, i am bad coz i had gone to a few shows before i had a computer/was online, so though i knew that fr�heads existed{though i did not know their official name or that they had an NG or anything}, i sure as hell didn't know how to find them except at shows. and even then, i didn't really strike up a conversation with them coz i didn't know any of them. well, except i -did- approach trace at spring gulch folk fest coz i remembered standing outside with her after the evilTroc show, but that had only been my 2nd show....and at spring gulch of course, i met lori who asked me if i ever posted to the then MONTHS later when i actually -got- a computer, i triend to ck out this NG thing via FDC.

then i saw the link to FHDC and the rest, as we say is history.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

i pretty much agree with what lawrence said. i think that we all became better friends after the hiatus coz it all became about MORE than 'i know her from shows'; we actually got to KNOW each other as people.

which could be a good thing OR a bad thing , depending. :)
hkath · 22 years, 2 months ago
1: What are some traditions that have developed amongst the Fr�head community? How did they start, and have they changed over the years?

I have to say the same as everyone. Frucons and FRFF have become long-standing traditions. The fact that we call this a "pilgrimage" is very significant. Most of us seem to find some sort of spiritual benefit from being with other Fruheads.

2: What are some signature forms of expression amongst the community?

Well, online diaries, frumessages, the wall... IRC (which could be resurrected so easily! come on!) and AMMF (ditto). A lot of people write, a lot of people express themselves with music and a lot of people express themselves with food. Mmmm... food.

3: What are some words that have been created by/for Fr�heads? Are there any that don�t involve a �Fr�� prefix?

To the ones mentioned above I will add the dark intonations of "fishgirl" and "twinkie". Also, the way we use the word "venue" consistently confounds me. Why not bar or theatre? "Merch" is another example. Most people call it product.

4: Which events could be considered �legendary�? These could be either concerts (the B.J. and Rachael show), or things like Fr�con I, or anything else.

Definitely Frucon 1. Maybe all the Frucons, since they were all different. The Noho 2-night Halloween '98 extravaganza. I think I'd like to add the Frumiles bonus weekend because I think it helped to strengthen the idea of fruheads as a community after Con 1.

5: What is it that make Fr�heads feel like a community?

We have common interests other than Fruvous, and I think a genuine feeling of duty to the Fruhead community. Also, the ability to be separated for long amounts of time and be able to pick up right where we left off, which is almost a characteristic of family.

6: What effect has the internet had? Does anyone remember the community before the widespread use of the internet?

The community before the internet wasn't really defined as a community. I think they were just people who kept running into each other. The internet, I think by blending our everyday lives with our Fruvous lives, helped us to really feel like a part of the group.

7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

Personally, I've kept in close touch with the people I knew well, but haven't met anyone new (wait! except John Ryan - but does that count as a hiatus event? That was Frucon! I'm talking about mostly online). The hiatus if anything has closed off the community from new members, both because we're communicating in smaller groups and not as a whole (I saw this when I tried to call a general assembly-type meeting a while ago and everyone kept responding with "I'm free at such and such a time") and because new people aren't discovering the band anymore.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
7: Besides the obvious, how have things changed since the hiatus?

Personally, I've kept in close touch with the people I knew well, but haven't met anyone new (wait! except John Ryan - but does that count as a hiatus event? That was Frucon! I'm talking about mostly online).

The reason being was that I joined the Fruvous community a bit late, and I regret that. I ahd a chance to find out about Fruvous months before and didn't take the opportunity. Oh well, we all have regrets.

because new people aren't discovering the band anymore.

I think people are still discovering Fruvous, but right now it's only on the music level. I know of friends I've introduced to Fruvous and they love it already. They just can't go to a show yet. Also, I recall some new people from NJ who want to go to Frucon this winter, so people are still discovering the band, it's just very hard right now to do other than what we fans do. The day Fruvous starts playing shows again, the ball is going to get rolling immediately. Wow I can't wait for that day, the Fruvous community will be HOPPING.
nate... Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
The day Fruvous starts playing shows again, the ball is going to get rolling immediately.

Heh... riiiiiiight.....
Talcott · 22 years, 2 months ago
Thank you everyone for helping me with this. I think I�m going to gear the paper towards some combination of how the community uses the internet, and the way things have changed (or haven�t changed) since the hiatus. I figure those two are both closely related, and show some of the community�s distinctiveness.

And now, I have another favor I�d like to ask of you fine Fr�heads�

I need to have some actual sources, aside from my own questions and interviews. Does anyone know off hand of any good articles about Fr�heads? I�m going through the archives on FDC, but if anyone can point me directly, it would be much appreciated.
I also know that there was a news piece filmed during Fr�con I, and I seem to remember someone interviewing a lot of us during IV. Are either of those bits archived online, or would anyone happen to have copies of them?

Thanks again folks.

Mamalissa! Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
Rachel Barecca taped at Frucon IV for her radio documentary on Fruheads. It was broadcast on the CBC's "Definitely Not the Opera."

renita Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
I have a copy of that if you'd like it--frum me your address and I'llmake a copy and send it off.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
Don't forget about the segment on CBS This Morning.
John J. Ryan Back · 22 years ago
The bad side of Fruheads? Please explain.....
Annika Back · 22 years ago
OOH! Those fruhead's, haven't you heard? They go out and poke old women in the eyes, and steal candy from babies. Bad group, don't want to go running around with them.
nate... · 22 years, 2 months ago
Well, last night I created a new verb!

I was having a discussion on aim with Becca... and got off on a completely unrelated tangent... and the following statement resulted:

[21:18] Andreas8088: right... but that led into a related point... because I jianed off to it.


To Jian : To stray from your original point onto a completely different one that is only vaguely related.
Andrea Krause Back · 22 years, 2 months ago
Or: The story of Andrea's life, conversation-wise. :)
Talcott · 22 years, 1 month ago
I just wanted to thank everyone once again for their help on this. The paper wound up being pretty good (well, at least my teacher thought so), and most of the ideas I used came from this forum.

Thanks guys!
Annika · 22 years ago
This is the most interesting thing I've read on here. I'm even thinking of printing it up with my over-priced black ink!!

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