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Post Poster Thread Date
Girl's Baby Names?Laura P.Girl's Baby Names?Jun 6, 2005
LostLaura P.New TVOct 5, 2004
shawaa o abimasuLaura P.How do you prefer to cleanse t...Jul 21, 2004
a coupleLaura P.Unusual NamesJul 4, 2004
HerhighnessLaura P.Unusual NamesJul 4, 2004
whee.Laura P.Unusual NamesJul 4, 2004
whee.Laura P.Unusual NamesJul 4, 2004
Here we go...Laura P.Unusual NamesJul 4, 2004
strategy and that.Laura P.strategy and that.Jun 25, 2004
The Neverending StoryLaura P.Evil Film AdaptationsJun 16, 2004
Two words:Laura P.Evil Film AdaptationsJun 16, 2004
I don't either...Laura P.Do you have a job that involve...Jun 9, 2004
AstronomerLaura P.Unusual NamesJun 3, 2004
As I said in the eggs poll thread...Laura P.Eggs made in bread.Jun 3, 2004
I don't know...Laura P.Do you like your job?Jun 3, 2004
dryLaura P.How do you like yor eggs?Jun 1, 2004
Soft boiled.Laura P.How do you like yor eggs?Jun 1, 2004
Truck costsLaura P.Big MoveMay 28, 2004
Favorably misheard lyricsLaura P.Favorably misheard lyricsMay 26, 2004
yay words!Laura P.Words!!May 26, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
?Laura P.MeridiaMay 26, 2004
tailsLaura P.Heads or Tails?May 25, 2004
Wow..Laura P.Heads or Tails?May 25, 2004
o.OLaura P.Have you ever bought underwear...May 23, 2004
Felix, no, Oscar!Laura P.Felix or OscarMay 20, 2004
Honest to GodLaura P.Whats the lousiest reason you'...May 20, 2004
Danke SchoenLaura P.kareokee?May 17, 2004
A "needs" kitLaura P.Big MoveMay 13, 2004
Ponies, anyone?Laura P.what popples deserve in life!!...May 12, 2004
what popples deserve in life!!!Laura P.what popples deserve in life!!...May 11, 2004
The New Best Thing EverLaura P.The New Best Thing EverMay 10, 2004
Advice on condolencesLaura P.Advice on condolencesApr 29, 2004
be nice to your naughty bitsLaura P.So . . .underwear?Apr 29, 2004
But What if I don't have a DICCKY?Laura P.Best Spam EverApr 28, 2004
immature, but sure felt goodLaura P..oO~Every one of you is fired!...Apr 26, 2004
word to your motherLaura P.50 worst songs?Apr 22, 2004
MineLaura P.What show could you not live w...Apr 4, 2004
AddictionsLaura P.Are you dieting to lose weight...Apr 2, 2004
or...Laura P.Are you dieting to lose weight...Apr 2, 2004
a respectable scoreLaura P.80's Lyrics quizMar 28, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
a respectable scoreLaura P.80's Lyrics quizMar 27, 2004
meLaura P.What's your Hobbit/Elven name?...Mar 26, 2004
Lit Fic ChickLaura P.What is your favorite genre of...Mar 26, 2004
Only a Non-promLaura P.Did you go to prom?Mar 15, 2004
Always a bridesmaidLaura P.Fruvous show grab-bag.Mar 12, 2004
*embarrassed*Laura P.Paint Your Tongue BlackMar 11, 2004
I was just thinking about this todayLaura P.Paint Your Tongue BlackMar 10, 2004
Updates?Laura P.Good News???Mar 6, 2004
AgainLaura P.Another music gameMar 6, 2004
okay, how about...Laura P.Random Drivel about Fruvous Ga...Mar 6, 2004
YOU ARE A MONKEY -->?Laura P.Random Drivel about Fruvous Ga...Mar 5, 2004
Well...Laura P.What sort of toothpaste do you...Feb 24, 2004
Not the 80sLaura P.Bands ReunitedFeb 22, 2004
OtherLaura P.Are you a virgin?Feb 11, 2004
Boys of summer...Laura P.Favorably misheard lyricsFeb 5, 2004
I amuse myselfLaura P.Ingrained responsesJan 29, 2004
Ingrained responsesLaura P.Ingrained responsesJan 29, 2004
Along Those Lines...Laura P.Name my new kitty!Jan 21, 2004
properties of woodLaura P.Mystery object -- what is it?Jan 18, 2004
Me Cheap!Laura P.Calendar funJan 4, 2004
Post Poster Thread Date
Ooooooh!!!!!!Laura P.Random Thoughts IVJan 1, 2004
Simpsonsed-outLaura P.Random Thoughts IVJan 1, 2004
Ew. Mouth Cooties.Laura P.Do you bite other people?Dec 14, 2003
mmmmLaura P.Do you bite other people?Dec 14, 2003
I screwed up!Laura P.Best album of 2003Dec 13, 2003
Simpsonsed-outLaura P.Random Thoughts IVDec 13, 2003
BritneyLaura P.Most depressing song ever?Dec 6, 2003
I can't live without Chocohol!Laura P.What is your history of tobacc...Nov 30, 2003
Best BuyLaura P.Beach MusicNov 25, 2003
Mushy ThingsLaura P.Culinary guilty pleasuresNov 25, 2003
BothLaura P.Excluding sunglasses, I wearNov 25, 2003
Beach MusicLaura P.Beach MusicNov 24, 2003
killing those sweet potatoesLaura P.Culinary guilty pleasuresNov 23, 2003
Part TwoLaura P.Whatcha Readin?Nov 18, 2003
Glad you askedLaura P.Whatcha Readin?Nov 13, 2003
Glad you askedLaura P.Whatcha Readin?Nov 12, 2003
Day 3Laura P.NaNoWriMo 2003Nov 4, 2003
day 2Laura P.NaNoWriMo 2003Nov 3, 2003
gahLaura P.NaNoWriMo 2003Nov 2, 2003
ultimate melodyLaura P.Attack of the earwormsOct 30, 2003
Post Poster Thread Date
More EFOLaura P.EFO albumsOct 30, 2003
EFO albumsLaura P.EFO albumsOct 29, 2003
ProblemLaura P.The new $20 billsOct 29, 2003
Tv Show? Movie? Dream?Laura P.Pop Culture Help ForumOct 22, 2003
Is he prone to sudden death?Laura P.grammar whores unite!Oct 15, 2003
Original & CILaura P.Which Law & Order is best?Oct 14, 2003
same song, different linkLaura P.Most depressing song ever?Oct 11, 2003
interesting linkLaura P.Most depressing song ever?Oct 11, 2003
"Improper" use of "quotat...Laura P.grammar whores unite!Oct 9, 2003
If I had to pick...Laura P.Believers representOct 2, 2003
Me? A Quaker?Laura P.Believers representOct 2, 2003
Pentacostal to C&MALaura P.Believers representOct 1, 2003
cow orker pranks?Laura P.cow orker pranks?Sep 28, 2003
cow orker pranks?Laura P.cow orker pranks?Sep 27, 2003
I like the pink kind!Laura wine? or are you a wanker...Sep 24, 2003
Stuck in the 00's?Laura P.Stuck in the 00's?Sep 22, 2003
The kind that have gone through a food m...Laura P.What's your favorite type of t...Sep 20, 2003
Poutine?Laura P.Who has the best fast food fri...Sep 18, 2003
t-u-r-t-l-e powerLaura P.cartoon crushesSep 17, 2003
dorkyLaura P.Most depressing song ever?Sep 16, 2003

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