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Viewing User: jocelyn lathers

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Basic Information

jocelyn lathers
Username: jozie
First Visit: Jul 15, 2000
About You:hey all. so i guess this is where i go on about myself. im a music geek, i love any music except for twangy country and most rap. i will be living in plattsburgh t his year which is like an hour from canada so hopefully will be able to catch some fru shows. i studied fine arts for two years and now am indulging myself in the art of english and journalism. i plan on living in nyc and teaching and writing free-lance. so thats the academic side of me. i like to hang out with my friends and tip a few back, watch cheesey b-movies and kevin smith films. my friends and i are always up to doing insane acts of insanity. but hey if you really have all that much interest in what i like to do and what i dont like to do or whatever feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected]. only if you have something interesting to say. i dont want to get e-mails asking my age and if im single or not. so if you are sane and hopefully have a few brain cells intact please, e-mail me! have a nice day eh!

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