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Viewing User: Phil Gonzales

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Basic Information

Phil Gonzales
Username: corinnemic
First Visit: Aug 10, 1999
Last Visit: Wed, Jun 9, 2004, 1:55pm
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota
About You:Wow, I was thrust into Fruvous about five years ago by my buddy Dave Broyles who has a way of making you listen to anything he wants you to hear. I gobbled up whatever Fruvous he threw at me! I've only been to a couple of shows b-cuz they never came and played down where I went to school (Santa Fe). However, since livin' in the Cities, I have seen them twice and eagerly anticipate seeing them ON SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FIRST WOO HOO GO MOXY FRUVOUS WOO HOO I LOVE THORNHILL WOOOOOO!

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