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Viewing User: Dan Dixon

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Basic Information

Dan Dixon
Username: Valjean98
First Visit: May 31, 2000
Location:Canandaigua, New York
About You:Hi my name is Dan. I'm not a student in college who had once heard Fruvous and was instantly hooked. There is something about Canadian Music that to me American lacks. Perhaps it is the ability to laugh at it's self? I enjoy most types of Muisc. I enjoy musicals and soundtracks in that I am a Theatre Major and quite the Music buff I have probably over 300 cds easily..big storage issue lol.. but I am also a Civil War Reenactor with the US Signal Corps, we once marched to battle singing King of Spain. And I think my crowning acheivement was when we were we marched out to the Drinking Song. Ergo a bit "farbie" (far from beign authentic) but it sure was fun.

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