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Viewing User: Steve Kratz

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Basic Information

Steve Kratz
Username: Kratzer
First Visit: Aug 11, 1999
Last Visit: Wed, Oct 4, 2000, 6:35pm
Location:Canastota, New York
About You:I was turned on to Fr�vous by Jason Childers. I am a big fan of Moxy and EVERY time they are in the Syracuse area, I'm there somewhere. I was also now known for starting the Drum Circle at Woodstock (i had to miss that Weekend Moxy show) I listen to all music, and I am looking forward to seeing Moxy again soon...maybe in the Landmark Theatre :) Now I can say that I am a DJ at modern rock K-Rock in Syracuse under the handle Brodie and I am on an incessant quest to get the guys on Backstage Live...which is a local, regional, and indie show here on Thursday nights. If you want the boys on the air in Syracuse then let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected]. Hope to hear from everyone soon, and keep the Fr�peace

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