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Viewing User: Christina Stoner

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Basic Information

Christina Stoner
Username: Christina
First Visit: Mar 7, 2000
Last Visit: Sun, Dec 31, 2000, 1:28pm
Location:Cleveland, Ohio
About You:I first got into Fruvous in September '99 when I caught a show in Bowling Green,OH, and I have been a devout fan ever since. So far I have been to 8 shows, and I'm looking forward to going to many, many more! I recently graduated from Bowling Green State University with a degree in Dietetics, and I now live in Cleveland,OH. My musical interests are far too numerous to list here, but a few of my favorites, besides Fruvous ,are R.E.M, Paul Simon, Dave Matthews band, and the Beatles. I'm also really into the local music scene-Third Wish is my favorite Cleveland-area band. Some of my interests besides music include: reading (Jack Kerouac is a favorite), going to movies, and taking road trips with friends.

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