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Viewing User: Nicholas Andrew

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Basic Information

Nicholas Andrew
Username: Booms
First Visit: Nov 29, 1999
Last Visit: Tue, Dec 13, 2005, 10:08am
About You:Well, my name is Nicholas Balcken and I live in Ohio attending the College of Wooster as a Math major. I've been to three shows and had the best time at all of them. For two shows I dragged a total of 10 of my friends to them, and of course they loved it. Other bands I like are Ween and Me First and the Gimme Gimmes......along with others. I play golf, soccer, tennis, and anyother sport you can think of. My favorite think to do is rollerskate. Oh, and if you can't tell I'm 21...... Check me out at the College of Wooster home page "" and go to the athletics page. Then click on golf, I'm the one on the pamphlet cover. GOOD LUCK!


Mates and me mean poseMe on the college golf pamphletMy house mates and me
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