· 21 years, 5 months ago
OK, I went out today and booked us some space, y'all. Fiona helped.
Will be held at the Comfort Suites City Centre hotel.
Corner of Dundas and Jarvis streets.
Toronto, Ontario.
February 21, 2004.
In the Mulock room.
On the second floor.
Lodging is currently on reserve in the following formation:
5 rooms available Thursday night
10 rooms available Friday night
10 rooms available Saturday night
5 rooms available Sunday night.
Call 416-362-7700 to book accomodations and identify yourself as a member of the Frucon 7 Group.
Please do not call the 1-800 Comfort Suites number, as they will have no idea what you're talking about.
If anyone is unable to book due to the blocks being full, let me or someone else on the committee know ASAP so we can increase the number of rooms on reserve.
That's about it.
Oh, Josh, the website will be updated as soon as I have graphics ;)
> Oh, Josh, the website will be updated as soon as I have graphics ;)
You guys and your graphics.. ;)
Thanks for the info!
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Hm. I'm in Vancouver that week. Ah well.
You'll be in Vancouver?? Damn, I'll be in Toronto (probably).
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Okay, I'll bite.� Is Frucon just a room-to-room party or can someone drop in to the "public" areas of the hotel and find something going on? Is this for fans only or are any M.F. members actually there? Do tell... Kenn
It's both really - the room-to-room party part happens kind of on Friday and on Sunday. The 'official' con part is saturday late morning/afternoon in the public room listed in Kath's announcement. :)
The con is really just for the fans. As for Fruvous members, they've been involved in the past but less so with the hiatus on. Jian dropped by during Frucon 5 to get his ass kicked in Weakest Link though. *g* Mike Ford may be opening for Eddie From Ohio for the friday night show at Hugh's Room (and Dave is still being worked on...heh).
Hope that's helpful!
· 21 years, 5 months ago
And don't forget the fru-orgy! That was the best part last year! Especially the muppets!
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Speaking of which... well. Just speaking of which. Something needs to be done about that.
Wow. Things certainly seem to have changed. Don't remember that from the last 'con I attended.
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Laurie Addenbrooke and O'Malley started it back in Frucon 2, but of course they excluded SOME people because they thought Jian might object (like he'd care!) ;) Anyway, it is all out in the open now and everyone who was there participated fully. :)
Of course. Now it all makes sense. Then again, I haven't been to Frucon since the Frucon 1.
Something to look forward to, I suppose... though, with my luck, I'll end up being excluded. ;)
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Thanks, yes it is!� I've been catching glimpses of past Frucons, thanks to the many talented photographers ;^) and I'm starting to get a feel for it.�
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Well they are a lot smaller than they used to be. Last year was like thirty-five people, so it was very cozy, but not like FC 2-4 which had hundereds of people and activities and so forth.
· 21 years, 5 months ago
There will probably be more than 35 people this year, but not that much more. All very, very friendly people who are incredibly welcoming to strangers. I seem to spend every single Frucon with a group of people that I barely knew or didn't know before. It's the fun part :D
Question: Do you know if it is possible to get a AAA/CAA Discount for these blocks or does this rate need to booked separately?
· 21 years, 5 months ago
It is going to be one or the other. If you can get a better rate with AAA then go for it. I did that last time.
When does the con end? i have work so i need to know which days to request off.
the con is just that saturday.. but people tend to arrive friday (or sooner) and leave sunday.
· 21 years, 5 months ago
an poop on tot for not going.
believe me... if I could do it , I would be there.
Unless we get a snowstorm again, in which case it will once again be the Frucon that doesn't end...
Ah yes, Frucon Survivor.� Who will win this year's edition?� (Toronto residents excluded)
· 21 years, 5 months ago
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Basically, get there as soon as you can and stay as late as you can. Thursday night Jian does his live >Play taping from the Moevenpick restaurant (doubt I spelled that correctly) :) so a some people will probably go to that. Friday, EFO is playing at Hugh's room. Saturday is the con iteself, and I'm sure we'll do something that evening, be it Tory Cassis, some other music, or just bar hopping or pool, or spin the bottle or whatever. Sunday is usually good for a nice brunch, then a lot of people will have to leave. If you can stay til monday there will be some people finding something to do Sunday afternoon and evening.
Is anyone coming up for con on the Thursday night? Dave is still doing his entertaining during tapings of the Royal Canadian Air Farce at that point and we could book tickets. If we mention the Fruvous convention, they'll put it up on the monitors and mention it during the taping. Could be fun. :)
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Air Farce and >play... could be a really fun night. I'm afraid of packing in too many activities and never having time to see people though.
*gasp* would the two not conflict?? *faints*
· 21 years, 5 months ago
*snicker* Not at all. The late taping for Air Farce starts at 9pm, and when Leanne and I went in October it was over just after 10pm. Considering the CBC building is right next door to where >Play is taped, there's no problem getting to the Movenpick on time ;)
· 21 years, 5 months ago
You mean... You mean... Dave and Jian are within a block of each other every thursday night! Ah the potential synergy that is being lost!!!!!
(This is despite the fact that they only live a block or two apart)
They live in the same area for now anyway. ;)
Hmm. Actually I plan to fly in to Toronto on Thursday noon-ish. Provided that the plane is on time and the Canadian immigration isn't as braindead and paranoid slow as U.S. immigration I'd be available...
We're (me and Erin) are�hoping to get in sometime Thursday.� Depends on time off.� I haven't actually mentioned it my boss yet.� It may turn out that we'll work Thursday and take the Red-Eye - getting into TO at 6:30 in the morning Friday.� Wonder if the hotel will let us check in that early?� We are also hoping to fly back Monday so that we'll have time to do "Toronto stuff" *g*
Is there still any interest at all in a Supers show on Sat. night? It seems like not. I've been working on arranging it since Halloween and there's been talk about a cd release if no one is interested in seeing them play then I should nip this in the bud now.
I mean, the show isn't a done deal but I'd like to know if I should even bother working on it...
· 21 years, 5 months ago
All things being equal, I'd love to have a Supers show for the con, but there are some drawbacks this year. We already have >Play/RCAF on Thursday and EFO on Friday. With no president's day on Monday, a lot of people have to go home Sunday morning. That means if we are to have any "hang out" time it really has to be Saturday. I always used to hate it when Fruvous would schedule multiple shows during frucon weekend, because it got to be SO hectic. Yet there was never going to be a chance that people would simply all skip one show. With the Supers it would actually be rude to skip the show, so from my perspective, This year, I'd actually like to give it a pass.
That is just MY opinion though.
No, actually it's not just your opinion either...
you used to hate when fruvous would schedule multiple shows during frucon weekend?
Wasn't that, like, the POINT of frucon weekend?
I mean, like, yeah, hanging out with people... but you have every other time other than those couple-hour blocks to do so.... and, you can even do so DURING those blocks.
To me.... like, now.... frff is about hangin with people... but frucon was always about hanging out in toronto during the day... going to shows.... then hitting whatever bars were still open after..... rinse and repeat.
That's kinda why I stopped going to frucon once they stopped doing shows.... not that I don't love ya'll... but... there's a better time to hang with folks, at falcon ridge..... I'd love to still hit frucon if I could afford it... but... if given the choice between the two, I'll pick frff every time, because there we have the sense of gathering around music... which , imo, was the point of frucon.
I have NO idea if this makes sense... as I am still running a very high fever... but... heh... if anyone has any questions about what the hell I'm talking about, please feel free to ask.
· 21 years, 5 months ago
Well, that is another viewpoint, Nate, but I know that I'm not alone in having wanted the lads to limit it to say 2 shows max. Much of the committee actually felt that way for FC3, but you know, it was up to the guys, not us.
weird, man... weird.
that's the first time I've ever heard this opinion.
Like, if we could have talked them into 6 or 7 shows, then I would be there even MORE so.
Same here - as long as some people stay back at the hotel Saturday night, I'm definitely more in the mood for that, than to sit through a loud show.
i'd much rather stay back at the hotel than go see a Supers concert... i'm not all that partial to them, and i'd rather have the extra time to hang out. so... i'm pretty sure i'll be staying back :)
The tribal council could vote you off the island. ;)
hey... i've been the first one voted out of The Weakest Link for 2 years in a row now :)
That must have been round two at FC5 -- I was voted out second in round one two years ago, and I don't think it was right behind you, if I remember right, I think it was someone else... I want to say ^kat^, but I'd prefer if someone else backed up my memory on that.
-- Pauley
I would be interested in seeing the Supers on Saturday night. For me, it's all about music and being around people who enjoy music...but alas, I am just one person (and one that is new to FruCon) and that does not an good audience make. But if it does go on, I'd go.
agreed. I'd be totally up for The Supers Saturday night. *shrug*
I'd totally be up for a Supers show Saturday night (mmmmMaury).� Isn't that what Saturday during the day is for? Hanging out with fellow Fruheads and doing, um, stuff? The orgy is in the evening though, right? Ooh, orgy with Maury.....mmmmmmMauryorgy.....Leanne, don't tell him I said that. heh...
· 21 years, 5 months ago
...I'd definitely go for a double-header on Thursday...Air Farce followed by >play.
For those of us who want to get dinner at Hugh's Room before the EFO show, I have started a "Frucon" group for the show.� When you call up Hugh's Room to order EFO tickets, you can ask to make dinner reservations with the Frucon group.� This group can keep building and building until the night of the show, so it could grow pretty large depending on how many people want to sit at a reserved table.� The person I spoke to at Hugh's Room was very nice and had no problem with this, and he'll be in touch with me to see how the group is coming.
If you don't want to be a part of the Frucon group at the show, you will be seated first come first served at any of the unreserved tables, or you'll sit at the table you've already reserved for yourself.� Or feel free�to call and change your reservation to the Frucon group. This will be the easiest way for us to sit together as a group at the EFO show and have guaranteed tables before everyone else.�� The number to call for dinner reservations is 1-416-531-6604.� I'll see you there!
Awesome John. Thanks for setting this up!
· 21 years, 5 months ago
I just called Hugh's Room to order my ticket, and the woman I talked to said they have no large groups yet, and she hasn't heard anything about a Frucon group.
Wha?!� That doesn't make sense, looks like either the communication of the HUgh's Room staff fell through, or the guy i spoke to was bullshitting me.
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