Yup. I've done it. I've stopped lying to myself. I have finally admitted it.
So...I've got a ride.
Now, I gotta stay somewhere.
Any other procrastinators out there want to book a room with me? Or, is there a room that like a 3rd or 4th? Tanya can attest to my roommate-a-bility! Other references available on request.
I can also attest to the "roommate-ability" of Melissa (yay, ShellyCon). I wish I were able to go to FruCon this year, but alas, 'tis not to be.
Well, I already promiced DVN to be there Merch Maven that weekend, so I will be seeing "I Can't Believe They're Not Fr�vous" insted of Fr�con. I think It's a wining situation to be in! However send my love to Toronto!
· 22 years, 3 months ago
I thought you already had a room with John and Gella?
I've got a Ticket To Ride with them. And I *do* care.
John - what's the going point value for Dr. Seuss AND The Beatles?
Beatles is only 100 points, more possibilities for references and theirs are more well known.
Anyone want to put up with Sara and I for Saturday night? Preferably not a party room, since we'll be operating on almost zero sleep :)
Umm. Yes. Sure.
I'm not 100% sure I'll be going though... still looking for cheapish alternative.. do you need an absolute answer?
And can I crash with anyone else for Friday night?
Or anyone driving through Quebec City / Montreal / Ottawa?
Frum me? or something?
Never mind.. I'm not gonna be able to make it... Thanks anyway!
1000 points for the Dr. Seuss reference.
I made it a proper noun, and therefore can spell it any darn way I Pleeeze.
wish I was going sweetie!! Miss you and MAD about missing an Andy Stochansky show... going through Toronto withdrawal big time... will have to take a trip up when it gets warm...
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